Gun Auction Sites - Your Opinion


New member
My collection of firearms is made up of old hard to find items. I have been working with Gunbroker only and have not had any issues. I think the key as someone has mentioned is in your mind roll up all the costs. Second to that is to ask questions, a bunch, and clear up everything because that will help you find your end of line dollar for the auction.


New member
the "bottom line" is the price of the fire arm. price of gun, shipping, ffl, new grips, case, etc. anything it takes to make it the way you like it is the complete cost.


18 USC 922(e) said:
It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to deliver or cause to be delivered to any common or contract carrier for transportation or shipment in interstate or foreign commerce, to persons other than licensed importers, licensed manufacturers, licensed dealers, or licensed collectors, any package or other container in which there is any firearm or ammunition without written notice to the carrier that such firearm or ammunition is being transported or shipped; except that any passenger who owns or legally possesses a firearm or ammunition being transported aboard any common or contract carrier for movement with the passenger in interstate or foreign commerce may deliver said firearm or ammunition into the custody of the pilot, captain, conductor or operator of such common or contract carrier for the duration of the trip without violating any of the provisions of this chapter. No common or contract carrier shall require or cause any label, tag, or other written notice to be placed on the outside of any package, luggage, or other container that such package, luggage, or other container contains a firearm.

I thought this might help some of y'all re shipping. If you're shipping it to an FFL UPS and FEDEX may have a policy about you having to ship it a certain way or declaring what it is, but contrary to ATF's FAQ there isn't a law against shipping an undeclared gun with a contract carrier.


chack said: persons other than licensed importers, licensed manufacturers, licensed dealers, or licensed collectors,...

If you ship it to an FFL the law doesn't require you to declare it, only that company's policy. I don't understand what the reference to tariffs (an import tax) was all about, but if they lose your package, you get reimbursed for however much you insured it for regardless of what it was. If they can't find it, how can they complain about you not declaring a firearm?

If it's damaged you are out of luck, so just pack it well.
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New member
which is followed by... "or licensed collectors, any package or other container in which there is any firearm or ammunition without written notice to the carrier that such firearm or ammunition is being transported or shipped;" bold added for emphasis, what it says is that its unlawful to ship to a non-FFL and that it has to be declared. The beginning of the sentence still applies to the end of the sentence, "It is unlawful to..."


exactly sigserious. If it is being shipped to an unlicensed person you must declare it. If it is going to a licensed FFL 18 USC 922(e) doesn't apply.

It only applies for shipments to "...other than licensed importers, licensed manufacturers, licensed dealers, or licensed collectors"


New member
my bad, that'll teach me to read legalese before bedtime. although it does leave me with a new question for the law forum.

Frank Ettin

oneounceload said:
tariffs (an import tax)
These tariffs are not import taxes, it is the pricing/operation structure that the carrier has filed to do business
And that is an alternate meaning of "tariff" that applies to common carriers and public utilities.

Legally, the carrier's terms and conditions of carriage are incorporated into the tariff, and that all becomes part of the contract between the shipper and the carrier.

If the shipper violates the terms of that contract, for example by failing to give notice of the package contents if required under the terms of carriage, that contractual violation is a legal basis upon which the carrier can avoid any insurance obligation if the package is lost or damaged.
I consider the total amount the purchase is going to cost me, and I compare it to buying locally and paying state sales tax, plus the cost of gasoline driving around to different shops to find the gun I'm looking for.


New member
Penny Gun Auctions

For anyone that thinks they're going to get a great deal on one of these sites, consider this:

Examples of just what you "get" on some of these "deals"......

Lets say you're bidding on a SOG TF-7 knife at and it's got a reserve of .65c; seems like a darn fair and cheap price...... well, 65 bids to get there, so at the cheapest bids possible ( .68c), that equals $44.20 in bids, plus your bid amount of .65, plus shipping. So you end up right around $50 even if you win it for the lowest amount. Let's say it goes up to $2.25 for the knife, not a bad price to pay at all you think. So long as you've only put in a few bids, that's not bad. But think of what the seller is making on this deal.

2.25 = 225 bids, so a minimum of $153.00 is going into their pockets. Those that lost out on the auction, GET THIS>>>>>, can "not lose their bid fees" by applying them to the retail price and buying the item now........... OOOHHHHHH what a DEAL YOU SAY !!!!! So if I used 40 bids and didn't get the item in auction, I could apply that $27 twoards the retail price and "not lose it", so you end up paying $120+ for the knife in order to not lose your bid$$................ I'm going explain this very simply to anyone that thinks these auctions are worth even putting in one bid on............


So, meanwhile, these auction site are racking in the $$$$ at waaaaay more than retail at who's expense???????????

the dummies that bid on them !
