Guess who finally wound up in jail?


New member
The people that gravitate towards reality TV seem off to me

If you are in the gun business you ought to be talking to your customers and spending time working on the product.
The few shows I saw were more about the big personalities of the stars.


New member
Anyone forget the section on tax evasion? The couple were making millions and reporting income in the tens of thousands.
One of my teachers was approached by a reality show to appear in an episode. He was a custom gun maker and a member of the American Custom Gun Makers' Guild. Everything on the rifle he built was perfect but the script writers wanted drama and suggested there be some mistakes. He flat out refused as it would have made him look incompetent as a gunsmith.

I'd rather have a Larry Potterfield or AGI gunsmith type full length how-to show than one of those reality shows. I don't care if it's boring for the public. If I watch something, I want to learn and I don't need drama. There's enough drama in real life.


New member
If some of those mistakes on those shows were for real, there's no way I'd want them working on anything of mine.
Besides, a realistic reality show can be full of drama that doesn't need to be faked.
In any business, there's plenty of reasons to have sleepless nights without faking anything.
He flat out refused as it would have made him look incompetent as a gunsmith.
There are innumerable ways in which the producers can twist and misinterpret things. This is why many folks in the gun business won't talk to the media at all.

I've spoken to a couple of folks who have been on Cops. They have to endure the presence of the camera crew for days, sometimes weeks. They're not shown doing all the little thankless stuff. The cameras are there to record drama.

It's the same thing with running cameras in a gun shop. The producers don't care that customers are being taught and mentored. That doesn't make good TV. They want that one out-of-context wisecrack that makes everybody look bad.


New member
He always seemed like he had a real nasty streak in him, "Will". You can't hide things like that from the camera, he probably is Bi-Polar, and possibly a Manic depressive, with huge mood swings.
But that goes to show you that their ego's get the best of them to think that they can get away with stealing and rape.
And whoever said Meth, I agree, she definitely has the look of a meth addict, and it's rampant where they live.