Great Police Response Video

Pond said:
It seems the Cal law states that an open carried weapon must be unloaded. As far as I know a concealed weapon can be loaded.

If that is the case, then open carrying means everyone can see you have a firearm, and any of them in the know will be aware it should be unloaded, and so be aware of your threat status to them (ie pretty low).

If people do choose to carry a gun outside in the street, I assume it is simply for protection against the unlikely event of an attack. The open carry seems to negate almost all the protection a weapon should afford you, other than the visual impact of seeing you with a gun.

So what is the point of open carry in this instance?
Am I missing something as I don't get it
What you're overlooking is that this took place in California. Although California state law makes provision for concealed carry permits, they are "may issue" rather than "shall issue" and are dispensed at the whim of the county sheriff. In most counties in California that means there are effectively NO permits issued, except to drinking buddies and campaign contributors of the sheriff.

So I guess the thinking is that an empty gun on the belt (with a magazine nearby) is better than a loaded gun at home in the nightstand.
Tom Servo said:
Methinks that by walking down the highway, videotaping himself, and not carrying ID, the guy carrying was looking for a confrontation. The officer was smart enough not to take the bait.
He probably was.

But he wasn't breaking any laws. Any cop who "took the bait" as you put it should be remanded for remedial training in civil rights.

Pond James Pond

New member
Aguila Blanca said:
What you're overlooking is that this took place in California. Although California state law makes provision for concealed carry permits, they are "may issue" rather than "shall issue" and are dispensed at the whim of the county sheriff. In most counties in California that means there are effectively NO permits issued, except to drinking buddies and campaign contributors of the sheriff.

Well, I knew it was in California: I just could be bothered to type it all... and just stuck to Cal.

So they will allow you to open carry, but then heavily control CC?! Seems a bit topsy turvy to me...
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Pond James Pond

New member
booker_t said:
It takes approx 2 seconds to draw, insert the magazine, rack a round.

I would imagine that is probably under ideal conditions. That's not going to be an average figure for average gun owners, is it? Not when you've got the clammy hands of an adrenaline dump!

I accept that open carry is better than nothing if you wish to carry, but I was drawing a direct comparison with CC. Aguila Blanca has since shed light on the realitities of CC permits, though.


New member
Pond, I stand by my number. Perhaps your concept of "average gun owner" is different to what is out there in the California open carry population.


New member
Even though the cop knew he was being filmed , he didnt strike me as going out of his way to say the right things. I think this is just how he conducts police business. He has it right if so. It isnt a cops right or job description to be rude or unprofessional regardless of the circumstances. The officer in the video above probably handles an arrest the same even if he is involved in a foot chase. Our nation needs a few more like him. Especially in our metropolitian areas.

Sigasaurus Rex

New member
I think this video probably represents the majority of police officers. The two times I have had contacts with law enforcement while carrying went with no problems. It seems that in some of these Youtube videos folks are attempting to bait the cops into unprofessional conduct. Case in point the videos by Leonard Embody AKA the Radnor Lake Rambo. Most emergency responders will show the utmost professionalism when you give them the chance.

Father Time

New member
I also got the impression that the guy filming was trying to get a negative response from the police officer.

Officer: Whats your name?

Guy: Lets say its Jeremy.

Officer: Do you have ID?

Guy: No

(Later in the conversation)

Officer: Whats your last name?

Guy: I'm not going to tell you.

I'm sorry but that is BS.
The Officer ask if why he is recording him the guy responds "its for my protection". As in I expect you to slip up somehow when dealing with me and I want to record it so I can plaster it all over youtube to make cops look bad.

(Something else the guy said also struck me as strange. That was also the first time I have ever heard a Marine refer to himself as a "former Marine")
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I also got the impression that the guy filming was trying to get a negative response from the police officer.
Yep. Then he could post it on YouTube and be the envy of all his Freeper friends for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, he and his friends doing this are wasting the time and resources of law enforcement, and by extension, the tax dollars of the citizens of California.


New member
The Officer ask if why he is recording him the guy responds "its for my protection". As in I expect you to slip up somehow when dealing with me and I want to record it so I can plaster it all over youtube to make cops look bad.

What other way is there for checks and balances? I bet this Canton cop everyone is shaming changes his ways and probably his employment. I am glad there are activists out there wanting to expose bad cops. I am glad there are people out there exposing crooked car dealers and appliance repairmen or how about the nannies that beat your infant when you are at work? I also think it is wrong for states or cities to punish people for recording these bad cops. Just b/c someone has a badge and a gun doesnt it doesnt give them the right to be abusive with my mom , wife or children.


New member
If people do their jobs correctly and professionally, it shouldn't matter who is watching.

My experiences with LEOs have generally been favorable. Still, I see no good reason why anybody should be prohibited from recording interactions with ANY public official, to include LEOs.

As others have noted, it is one way to protect against potential abuses.

Wonder how much more efficient the DMV might be, for instance, if some of the slugs in those offices got to see their lackadaisical performance on TV?

(Note: I've encountered many professional, friendly types at the DMV, too.... my point is simply that many public officials act as if they have no responsibility to the public, and that recording them might actually be one way to fix that.)

Father Time

New member
Just b/c someone has a badge and a gun doesnt it doesnt give them the right to be abusive with my mom , wife or children.

Of course I agree with you but, based on the responses in the video that the guy gave to the cop. It looked like he was trying to provoke a negative responce from the officer.

I'm a firefighter and I have deal with a lot of the same **** that police do. But people automaticaly trust us and not the cops. Simply put we get the benefit of the doubt and they do not.

Many people (not all) have pre-determined views about police/fire/ems before they ever meet them. Why is that? Its because when police officers do their job by writing tickets and arresting people they are viewed as "jerks" or "abusing their power". Want to see people abusing their power? Go to a forign country and watch how their police treat their citizens.

The sad part is that 99.99% Of police officers are good people and have to put up with a lot of dumb **** at their job. And most of the people that are act like this desirve nothing more than a good beating and a night in jail (ever get spit on by a needle sharing junkie?). But this is the USA and that would go against the values that this country was founded on.

Sorry about the rant but thats is just my persional observations.

1776 Patriat

New member
Quote: "The sad part is that 99.99% Of police officers are good people and have to put up with a lot of dumb **** at their job. And most of the people that are act like this desirve nothing more than a good beating and a night in jail (ever get spit on by a needle sharing junkie?). But this is the USA and that would go against the values that this country was founded on".

Really?? So there's only .01% bad cops out there? Your serious? And I LOVE your next sentence of "most of the people that act like this desirve nothing more than a good beating and a night in jail (ever get spit on by a needle sharing junkie?)". The guys PROTECTING himself from overzelious police encounters that happen EVERYDAY in America by taping them. The police tape us, right?? I have absolutely NOTHING against LAW ABIDING police, but police are trained to detain and question you. Just the act of carrying a firearm is NOT RAS to stop and detain you! How many videos have YOU seen where there's 5 units responding to a MWAG call thats called in by Joe public because THEY don't believe in the 2nd amendment, and so they call 911 to get that person harrased?? Meanwhile, there's people getting robbed, raped, you name it 3 miles away while backup X5 spends a hour detaining a LAW ABIDING CCW holder? :confused:


New member
The sad part is that....

No, the sad part is that with all the negative threads going on all over the internet sites pertaining to the abusive cop in Canton, here's a thread thats supposed to be giving credit to a real cop and is getting very sidetracked.

How bout we spend our time talking about how well this professional LEO did his job instead of turning this thread ugly and argueing over whether cops should be giving 'Jo Blow' a beating or not. :mad:

Father Time

New member
Really?? So there's only .01% bad cops out there? Your serious? And I LOVE your next sentence of "most of the people that act like this desirve nothing more than a good beating and a night in jail (ever get spit on by a needle sharing junkie?)". The guys PROTECTING himself from overzelious police encounters that happen EVERYDAY in America by taping them.

I was posting from my own personal experience. I work alongside cops at my job. And I see what they have to put up with.

You have a different opinion. Thats fine. But don't fault me for haveing mine. You can find youtube video's of cops miss-treating people or miss-handleing situations. But with very few exceptions (like this one) no one is posting police doing things right. I'm glad to see a cop portrayed in a positive light for once.

And yes, only .01% of cops are bad. The only reason it seems like more is because everytime a bad cop is found it is plastered all over the internet and it becomes the story of the week. Meanwile there are literaly Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of police officers that do a good job everyday.

How bout we spend our time talking about how well this professional LEO did his job instead of turning this thread ugly

I agree, I'm just angry that this guy was clearly trying to trap or trick the officer into doing something wrong. His behavior and flat out refusial to ID himself shows his true intentions.
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New member
I agree, I'm just angry that this guy was clearly trying to trap or trick the officer into doing something wrong.

Perhaps he was just seeing if this was the type of cop that would do something like that. I have never been trapped or tricked into speeding or having a puff of weed. I broke the law on my own free will knowing good and well what the consequences were.


New member
I agree with Father Time as to the way the guy answered the questions.

The guy was just dealing with a seasoned LEO that didn't fall for the trivial BS. The whole filming probably didn't go the way the photgrapher expected. Smart on the LEO's part.

Ya know there's a flip side to that coin also. If that same LEO ever gets that guy on some possible charges, he may just write him for everything he possibly can instead of cutting him a break... Of course with the same courtesy and smile on his face.;)


New member
Of course with the same courtesy and smile on his face.

Well , the cop struck me as doing his job like a pro regardless of what was going on. If he ever does write him for everything he can I am sure he will handle the situation just like he does in the video. What the cop was saying sounded well practiced. I dont think most people could just walk up to a scene , see that they are being filmed and just impromptu those lines w/o studdering. He sounded to me like he had spoken to people like that for a while and was in good practice.