Got my LNL AP running smooth again!

I would imagine its the same as some of the things I have purchased from RCBS lately. The issues are not design issue they are manufacturing defects.
I have a RCBS powder check die that did not have the center hole drilled out completely. I called RCBS and they said send it back they will replace it no cost.
Ok thats fine but why did I get it uncompleted?? I just drilled it out my self.
Same with a shell plate that was so burred up that I had to resort to a old case and grinding compound to finish the manufacturing for them.
Of course they would have replaced it had I sent it in. But I needed loaded rounds that next day. Not a week latter.

So Hornady is not alone on the shotty workmanship.
I have resorted to buying good used when I can. At least I know its already fixed.

Every one says buy American, But they need to get their heads out of their butts.