GOT MARRIED THIS WEEKEND!!! In case anybody is wondering if she is pro gun....


New member

I wish I would have thought of that on my wedding day. (had other stuff on my mind I guess) ;)


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Goes way beyond Mondo Cool! ! ! ! !

Now you know you will always have someone to 'watch your back'

Biggest congratulations and warmest regards to "Mr. & Mrs"


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Mazel Tov.

Glad to hear that they were the photographer's guns and that the ones you planned to use were temporarily unavailable. My first thought was "couldn't you have used something nicer than a Ruger or Kel Tec for your wedding pictures? Maybe a SIG 239 and a classic revolver." Seriously, congratulations and that was a really good idea. I'll have to remember that (assuming I marry a gun person).

Will Batayte

New member
Congradulations!!! My girlfriend is pro gun and she will be getting her CCL in a couple of months. I don't think I would marry an anti


New member
Thanks So Much For The Warm Wishes...

Just got back from a spectacular honeymoon. We had a cabin in the Smokie Mountains. Awesome doesn't begin to describe it, attached please find a picture of the view from our hot tub.

We even got a chance to do some gun shopping, not buying but shopping. Found a Kimber CDP 5 inch for $820 bucks, really kicking myself for not picking that up. They had three new in box.

Once again thanks for all the warm wishes and happy thoughts.

Good luck to Duck and Shin.

I am however going through shooting withdrawal, this wedding stuff and other real life stuff really gets in the way of my perfectly well rounded fantasy world.



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New member
Of Course I did get to check out some guns.......

How about 8 .50 calibers for starters. We went to a little air museum just outside of Gatlinburg this morning and they were re-positioning the aircraft and we were the only people there.

I was able to get some great pictures and talk to a few pretty cool people.

Enjoy the pic.



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