GOT MARRIED THIS WEEKEND!!! In case anybody is wondering if she is pro gun....


New member
Congratulations! You two make a beautiful couple...! :D

Looks like she's shot her P-11 more than you've shot your pistol.

She's probably wondered if YOU were pro gun...! :D


New member

My first wife was anti-gun - and still is. That's why I refer to her as my first wife. - I have more guns now!


New member
A couple that's armed together stays together!

Congratulations to you and your beautiful bride!


New member
Well there is a story behind the guns we are holding.

Neither the Ruger nor the Keltec are ours. We had decided to do some "Bonnie and Clyde" pictures for the wedding as kind of a unique thing for us or a joke. We talked to a photographer and he loved the idea.

Well come the wedding day the wife to be packed up the guns we were going to be using for the photos and off to the church she went. Well after the ceremony she had asked one of the bridesmaids to take the stuff out of our car and take it to the reception site. Not realizing that she might take the big green tackle box too. Well she took the gun box and left us with none for the photo shoot.

So what does my photographer do............smiles and says gotcha covered and whipped out a couple of handguns for us. God bless that man. Only in the south I guess.

Hey feel free to check him out at if you are looking for a wedding photographer. We always talk about boycotting those businesses who are anti gun, so you might as well give some money to those that are pro gun and it don't get more pro gun than that.

All that aside, he was an excellent photographer and works nationwide.

Thanks for all the kind wishes.


SA Scott

New member
Isn't it great? Welcome to one lucky club. My birthday gift last year from my then-fiance was a Rem. 700. We were married this June.

Best wishes,

SA Scott


New member
Nice pics-and congratulations!
I have one of my wife, in her wedding dress, aiming the Winchester 94 that my groomsmen gave "us". Unfortunately, the photo is not digital.


New member
Hay, you HAD BETTER be REAL GOOD to that woman-for SEVERAL reasons! HA.

As somebody said (this is ALMOST a quote)! Don't pi$$ off the WOMAN with the gun!!!!!!

Really, best wishes to you both.


New member
What a great story! Congratulations to the both of you! May you grow old together in peace and love.

- Gabe

Kentucky Rifle

New member

It's a great feeling, isn't it? My bride of 24 years has her "own collection". Get your new wife to register on "The Firing Line", buy her some "Molon Labe" gear from Larry, and set up targets...I mean housekeeping!
Congratulations from Kentucky! You make a fine looking couple!
