Got a rifle confiscated tonight...


New member
Unless the original owner's insurance has already paid off on it, he or she would usually have first claim to any recovered stolen firearm

Wrong. Under the Law, the buyer would be considered an "innocent third party" since he bought the rifle in good faith from a merchant who regularly engages in the sale of goods. Therefore he cannot be caused to suffer a loss. The original owner would have claim against the thief for the value of the rifle, but the third party buyer would retain title. This is actually covered by contract law, not criminal law.


Member Emeritus
Not where I live & used to work in uniform.
Merchandise found to be stolen resulted in no property ownership by the innocent subsequent buyer.


New member
Hope you get your rifle back.

But damn one of the best reasons to read this forum is to get to read wildalaskas crazy posts. That post made my day.

"What right do they have to take your gun? JBTs!!!...and you let them? You are lucky they haven't put ya in a camp! Molon Labe! From my cold dead fingers! You are nothing but a sheeple! If they would have come to my place I would have never even opened the door, unless they can show a warrant from all the people of the county they have no authority over you. They violated the 4th amendment. Id rather be judged by 12 then carried by sex. Hang the traitors! Lets vote from the rooftops! lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*fat bellied old guy in Hello Kitty Midriff t-shirt cut just above navel (which is used to store a spare chilled Bud), camo marble bag thong bathing suit, flip flops and Swiis alpenflage camo helmet charges out door with Filipino AR-15 style 22 rifle to the hysterical laughter of SWAT team who are too busy pissing themselves with glee to even consider arresting the poor schnook*

Huh....o sorry was daydreaming a bit, hope you get your rifle back

WildprimingtimeAlaska TM"


New member
Again? This thread definitely has quite a lot of it. But an Anshutz- I wouldn't have passed up shooting it. I suppose that he will indeed appreciate the work.