GOT A BAND TODAY! How many duck bands do u have??


New member
I got my 3rd banded duck today. Sadly it had parasites in the meat and I had to throw it out, but im stoked about my third band. I get so excited when I get these things. Ive never gotten a money band before, how many bands do you guys have....have you ever gotten a $$ band? Ive been hunting for 4 yrs and I have 3 no $$



New member
.....looks like a lot of the deer meat in Hogdogs' neighborhood. I still can't get over how bad some of those animals were. :barf:


Staff In Memoriam
Lucky for me, I haven't ever gotten meat like that...
As for the band, I have never even seen a band with my own eyes... let alone shot a duck wearing one...
Are banded birds, captive bred and released or banded in the wild to track data? How do you know if it is a money band or not? Who does the various banding?


New member
bands are used to track were ducks move to.

The parasite is called rice breast
Sarcocystis sp. presents no known health hazard to humans. The primary importance to humans of Sarcocystis in waterfowl is the loss of infected birds for food. The unaesthetic appearance of parasitized muscle may prompt hunters to discard the carcass. Many hunters who pluck birds never observe the parasite as cooking generally makes the parasite less noticeable than seen in raw muscle tissue. From Ducks Unlimited website

I would call the band in and trash the meat

That is gross. Severely decreased my desire to hunt waterfowl. I usually get duck at a certain Chinese restaurant...

What about these money bands now?


New member
I have shot a few with bands. Mostly widgeons. Havent really kept track. one time i did call the number in, and a few weeks later, they mailed me the info about the bird. It was really interesting. It gave the place it was tagged and released and showed its flight path each year, and the distance traveled.

B. Lahey

New member
You should report the info on the bands to whoever banded those ducks. Somewhere there is a critter scientist wondering what happened to wormy old 86-16.:)


New member
I've shot a banded drake Mallard, a Canada goose and a Walleye. I didn't track the waterfowl but, the Walleye had been netted and tagged in the Tittabawasse river and ended up 45 miles down stream to the Saginaw Bay.
I guess here in Michigan, I'm not sure if you can receive money for banded game or fish. However, way cool to take a banded duck......even with the parasites. They are pretty gross. I've hunted waterfowl for nearly 25 years and have never seen that.


New member
Lavid2002 -- What is a money band?

If you get a bird with a metal Leg band, neck collar, plastic (coloured) leg bands, wing tags or a radio tag

Information from bands or tags found on upland game birds and/or wild turkeys should be reported:
according to the directions on the band or tag or your local Game & Fish...

Migratory game bird bands should be reported by mail or online to Bird Band, , U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1-800-327-BAND (2263)

Please provide your name, address, date found, location (distance from the nearest town), how obtained (shot bird, found dead) and the bird species. You will receive a certificate detailing the banding information

We have gotten all of the different types or tags and the radio ones were the only ones we had to turn in...We have over 300 tags from ducks and geese turkey and grouse, ptarmigan and Prairie Chicken but there are a lot of us hunting in my family...16, now, in my household alone...

We have also helped on tagging the birds...Contact your local Ducks Unlimited to volunteer or your State Game Dept...


New member
nah its not a money band, A duck with a single silver band is a information duck if you will...scientist track it for studies of migratory patterns etc... A duck with BOTH legs banded (One silver, the other green) Will be a reward duck worth 100 clams. The green band will read reward. I have discarded the meat and I called the band in a few mins after I shot the duck, as with my other 2 bands. Both of the other 2 are from drake mallards. No money yet, but I get so excited for bands I dont even care : ) Just made some duck jerkey tonight actually....not with this duck, with the drake mallard that was banded :p


New member
However, way cool to take a banded duck......even with the parasites. They are pretty gross. I've hunted waterfowl for nearly 25 years and have never seen that.

Yeah this is one of the first for me....the other gross thing I see are little creatures in the fur early season when its still warm out. They look like very very very tiny crawly semi-scorpion shaped parasites that live in the fur. I still eat these ducks, as the meat is still OK .

I will NOT eat rice breast though....grimey...Even though it may not have any ill effects on humans this duck smelled like it has been decomposing only 3 hours after being shot. I almost puked from smelling it. Grimey....


New member
I've taken a hiatus from ducking/goosing for ~5 years, but hunted ducks/geese hard for 15 years prior. That included FL, WA, and OK, and usually had no problem finding my limit. I never, not once, ever got a tag. Wasn't too worried about it. I hunted with guys who looked for them as the ducks would come in gear down, but I just shot whatever legal duck/goose I had in front of me.

I've seen some similar stuff to that rice beast. I passed on it too.

Uncle Buck

New member
My nephew's first goose was a banded bird... How lucky can you get? My brother has over fifty bands from both ducks and geese, that he has shot and a few more that he has bought or acquired from friends and auctions.
I did not know they were collectors items. My brother likens it to my coin collection. He keeps the information about each band on a little recipe card.

I band my homing pigeons so I can tell when they were born and track who is related to whom. I had one set of pigeons I sold three times. I would sell them and they would come back, sell them again and they would come back. If I could remember the buyers name, I would call them and tell them I had their birds, but most of the time they tell me they no longer want it.


New member
I dont go as far as to ook at their feet before I shoot, and i dont think ill every buy a band from another hunter. The joy is in me shooting a rare banded bird. Not in the cheap aluminum or whatever they are made from. Sentimental value. I crimp em around my duck calls as a trophy. The only downside is possibly loosing them because there with me hunting, and also they clink together making stalking semi-difficult if there not tucked inside my jacket.


New member
An interesting, and related, story: I was on my porch one morning enjoying the sunrise. A flock of Canada Geese lifted off from the field next door, flying a bit too low. One was creamed by a minivan who just happened to be on the road that morning. I saw the bird flopping about and took my Ka-Bar over to help end it's suffering. It was a banded goose. I collected the band and called the number. A couple days later I got the history of the bird in the mail from DNR. Pretty neat...