Good Ideas For Homemade Targets, Tell Us Some Of Your Favorites And Ideas


New member

you need to get out of California or you'll never make it to adult, at least out on the street and not behind bars. :)


New member
A friend of mine used to live near an old unused railroad trestle bridge. There were some steel posts that had once had cable strung through them where the cable holes were the exact size of a 12 ga shotgun shell. We would take birdshot shells and stick them through the rail and back off about 40 yds with a scoped air rifle. We would bet on who could ignite the primer first. Usually within 2 or 3 shots it would go boom.


Maybe this has been posted and I'm wasting my time, but here is a link to a ton of targets you can print off. I pick which ones I like then go to Office Max and print off 100 or so at $.07 a piece.

This may be too dangerous and might upset a moderator or something but they can take it off I guess if they feel that way, but when I was younger a friend and I would fill a soup can halfway with gasoline and make a small trail and light it. It wouldn't explode or anything, it would just sit there and burn like a large candle, then we'd get out a .22 and shoot it and it would cause all of the gas to vaporize very fast and of course it would erupt into a large ball of fire. It's a good show. Make sure you do it in an open field not near anything that will cause a forest fire or something. Use some common sense. I doubt I'd even be brave enough to attempt doing it again.


New member
I thought about the manaquins, but wasnt sure were to get them cheap.

I have seen them in dumpsters behind department stores, but always worried that someone would think I was some sort of a perv if I took them. I'll stick biodegradable stuff, thanks.


New member
i get 4 x 8 sheets of cardboard from work,cut them on a tablesaw into 2 x 2 squares and make 1" squares on them with a giant size marker.I never have to buy targets ever !


Hunting practice

Lots different kinds of shooting, but the three main types I would say are off a bench shooting paper, plinking, and hunting practice. For big game hunting practice I kinda like milk jugs of water. If you can raise your hunting rifle and blast that jug at 100 then 150 then 200 yards off hand in just a few seconds your chance of getting that deer when you don't have but a few seconds have gone up considerably.
Minute of deer kinda. I know a milk jug is pretty big but at 200 yards it isn't so big and if you can hit that jug your in the kill zone of a deer. I used to do this mostly from a standing position. Pretend your walking along hunting, then just try to raise and shoot in say 5 seconds. don't take time to really think about the shot once you start just get those crosshairs on that jug and blow it up.
If its to hard to hit standing try sitting down fast using your knees as a rest and then shooting. I have killed more than one deer like that
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(,22s & BB guns)~A rag slathered with sticky sweet stuff (honey is good) and hang up all spread out. Shoot the flys off of it. Pictures of politicians. Burned up car hulks. Dollar store screwdriver handles, driver ends stuck in/on posts/stumps. Old bricks/blocks. Old wooden slats set sideways. Tin (not aluminum) cans still work good.