Good Ideas For Homemade Targets, Tell Us Some Of Your Favorites And Ideas


New member
I thought this would be something interesting to start, looking for different ideas for homemade targets and general things to use, spinner targets, spring loaded bounce back targets, target holders anything fun to make an outing enjoyable, I have used different things from tin cans, apples, oranges, lemmons cause there easy to see but only good for one good shot, i think my favorite to see how good ya are are to place popsicle sticks in the ground in various ranges, lined up, staggard, even old shotgun shell casings, shooting them and watch them fly for no telling how far, am gonna make me a pvc rack to put misc, round disc of different sizes on made of metal and hung up by wire so i can watch them swing as i bounce the lead off of them, i like to shoot 22's a lot and always looking for different things to do, what is some of your favorite homemade targets. nothing is to dumb because its all for fun:D


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Take a dozen or so 16 or 20 oz. Diet Pepsi bottles (yes the brand matters) and glue or screw lids to a 2x4. If you use screws use some rubber washers. Fill the bottles with water and screw them onto the mounted caps and then invert. Aim for the little round part of the logo. It's impressive when you hit them with .30-06 ballistic tips at 200 yds......lotsa water flying.

You can use 2 liter bottles if you like too.
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chris in va

New member
Bowling pins. Alleys give them away free usually. Drill a hole in the top, swing them from a tree limb.


1# propane tanks.

Old scuba tanks (empty).


Golf balls. Hit them dead center, they fly like Tiger hit them.


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I really enjoy filling water/milk jugs, pepsi cans, etc with water and freeze them. Not hard to do in winter here, but even if you have a freezer with a little room you can do it. The jugs dont empty quite as quick with .22's. Shotguns also make nice patterns. High power rifles kind of destroy them quickly though. I blew a 2L Pepsi bottle with a ghetto muzzle loader which was REALLY fun. Random sheet metal is kind of cool too. ust make sure your load will go through them.


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"Old scuba tanks (empty)."

I've always wanted to get an old tank that fails hydro, bribe someone to fill it one last time, and take it out to the desert...



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I've used all of those "AOL" CDs that just seem to show up in my mailbox. I'm very careful to pick up the remnants.

Another good target is Necco wafers candy. A little on the small side, but at least biodegradable.


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My daughter and I have an annual "Easter Egg Shoot" to get rid of all the rest of the dyed eastereggs....after we've had our fill of egg salad samdwiches :D


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along the same line as the vanilla waffers, I use saltine crackers...hang them from fishng line and hit them as they move in the wind, or just rip a groove in a board and stand them up. they break nicely to show hits, and there is no cleanup afterwards!


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We get horse food (oats and molasses) in 50 lb. bags. The picture of the horse on the bag is perfect for 10-25 yd. handgun or any range scoped rifle. It has a somewhat cathartic appeal, given my wifes propensity.


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For close up old brass works nice, farther out shotgun shells, olives, old pumpkins, random chunks of metal, and my personal favorite old cars.


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Big plastic Santa's, reindeer's and snowmen. Usually a couple bucks after christmas, and fun to shoot at. Always get a few wierd looks at the range, but after the first few rounds to Rudolfhs nose, the looks turn to envy:D
Alot of looks that say "why didnt i think of that". Obviously not a great idea if there are little ones around:eek:


charcoal briquettes has already been mentioned.
anything filled with water.
old potatoes.
spraypaint cans.
bottles filled with baking soda and vinegar.
balloons filled with liquids/powders.
shotgun shells.
old propane tanks(with a little propane left)
shook up sodas.
old lightbulbs.
beer bottles.
old toys.
golfballs(they fly far if you hit them right)
cigar tubes.


New member
Squash, Zucchini, Pupmkins

Actually pretty much anything from the garden

Pop cans filled with water, old cans of stuff (propane wd-40 whatnot)

Old CDs, old cars

When i bring out the 597 remington at 25 yards i have to shoot hairs off of mosquitoes cuz thats the only thing small enough.:cool:


New member
When I went shooting with one of my friends, we used old shotgun shell that we threw into his pond. They float by themselves until you hit them directly, and because they sink, there's no cleanup.

Oh, and shooting an intact PC monitor with my Lee Enfield and having the entire screen turn to dust sized particles AND having the monitor do a backwards roll because of the impact has got to be my favorite plinking moment.

Also, with rifles chambered in 7.62x39 on up, bricks are fun. .303 will turn them to dust inside of a hundred yards (probably even farther).