Going to buy a 1911

No offense, but most of your choices made me cringe a lil'bit. The RIA would probably be the best of the bunch you mentioned. I would not buy a Taurus 1911 or a Norinco.

Just how much are you looking to spend? What features are necessary? Since this is a "just because" gun, you might consider waiting until you can spend just a tiny bit more and really expand your options.


New member
Really look at the fit and finish of a Dan Wesson. There are alot of good pictures on TFL of the CBOB showing the fit and finish of this gun. Very impressive. Just remember, you get what you pay for. If you pay a little more now, You will be more satisfied later on.
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New member
I have a RIA GI and a SA GI and love both. They are no frills but I like that. Either way, both have been flawless for me after 1000 rounds each.

For they money, they are great guns.


New member
I have bought seven Kimbers so far, and the most expensive was $800. The cheapest was $575. I am looking at #8 ($649 Compact Carry) currently.

There is no need to buy a new "cheap" 1911. I have also owned a $350 Charles Daly and a $400 Colt that gave me no end of trouble.


New member
What are you guys seeing Taurus PT1911s sell for these days that is no longer cheap? Around here blued models are $500-550, and I just bought a stainless one for $619 - throw in the $75 rebate and it's not a bad deal if you ask me.
The OP is looking to buy a $380 RIA and does not want to spend the money on a SA ($500 for a entry level gun). So, a $500 Taurus (they sell for $600 around here now days but you can find them online cheaper) is probably not something he's looking at purchasing. While you may not think $150 is a lot of money, to someone on a budget a 30% increase in cost is substantial.

So, of the choices of 1911's in that price range (RIA, Charles Daley, Norinco and in some cases Auto Ordnance) I would go with the RIA personally.


New member
Really look at the fit and finish of a Dan Wesson. There are alot of good pictures on TFL of the CBOB showing the fit and finish of this gun. Very impressive. Just remember, you get what you pay for. If you pay a little more now, You will be more satisfied later on.
A CBOB is "a little more"? I don't know about you, but 200% is just a little more than "a little more" in my book. Well heck, if were going to tell the guy looking for a $380 1911 to buy a $900 1911... why stop there?

I say check out Ed Brown or Wilson Combat. For a little more they are better fit and finished than the CBOB and look super snazzy. Heck, you might check out a full custom too, for $3,000 you can get a nice pistol from any one of the top custom builders.


New member
To those of you that read my opening post and commented on point, thanks!

FWIW, I am most likely going to get the RIA. This 1911 is going to fill a void in my hand gun collection. It is most likely destined to be a safe queen.

For those of you that are curious as to why I am buying a low budget gun, it is not that I do not have a high degree of appreciation for high end guns. It is more a case of the intended purpose of the gun and economics at the time. I am currently struggling (as many of us are) from having what was a six figure salary cut by nearly 30%. Despite the current economic crisis, I refuse to have my hobby and collection suffer. I would rather fill that empty spot in my gun safe with a RIA than leave it empty. This way I can consider my self fortunate enough to be employed and be able to afford the RIA. Who knows, when things get better and the economy recovers, I may start a thread on "rounding off my custom 1911 collection, need advice".

Thanks again.


New member
This 1911 is going to fill a void in my hand gun collection. It is most likely destined to be a safe queen.


I'd say you found the perfect gun for the job.

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New member
If all your going to do with it is what you said....and it sounds like you might have to sell it down the road...you should buy something that will hold it's value and at least go up a little....and that would be a COLT.........