Goerge, Why didnt you tell me?

Eric Larsen

New member
JUST KIDDING! I happened on a gun store in Orem UT...V Wag's and was playing with Norms goodies again :eek: and looked down in a cabinet....CZ PCR, Clean and marked 279.00$ :eek: :eek: :D
Its mine....has seen a couple of miles but is in good shape still.
I laid it away for a week and will let you all know of its .....well,
everything :D
Just kidding Goerge Hill....I know you live down there..thought Id have a little gun fun!
I guess all of the CZ100 thread was for not.....I still think its a fine gun also....Shoot well


New member

What they didn't try to sell you a glock???:D Over the years I have bought several guns from Norm. Their prices are tough to beat, even on new stuff. The guys behind the counter are friendly. And Norm him self is funny to listen to. Every time I am in there though I hear a customer say let me see that sig, smith, colt, etc. And the Counter guy will say, "you know you really should get a glock". Makes me smile. All in all there a bunch of good guys.


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I've handled that very PCR.
If I stand on my roof, I could throw a Nerf and hit Van Wags. :D
I'm not in there every often... once in awhile I will stop in and see what they have going.

He they ever have an opening, I would love to work there.

Eric Larsen

New member
I dont know if Id throw anything at a gun store..they may shoot back :D
Norm is great and sells enough guns...he really doesnt have time for window shopping, wanna talk, seems to know it all guys who never actually buy a gun from him like me......er, never mind. I remember when he was just off of center street in Provo.
Provo is the PARTY CAPITAL of UT for people not familiar with the area......:D Kidding.
The PCR is a good solid deal...not of the century or anything Kinda strange there sometimes...I already laid it away...VISA reciept in hand and I ask the guy behind the counter "can I field strip it...I want to check it out?"
He looks at me like Ive got bullets stashed under my skin somehow and Im gonna kill all of the people in the store :eek:
"NO! But Ill do it for you" ........o......k? I check it out and all is well. I ask him in a kinda sarcastic ....ok, very sarcastic tone..."Can I put it back togethor or do you have to?"
And for the coupe de gras (utah french)....they didnt want to sell me a Glock!

Shoot well

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Van Wags, to be honest can REALLY get on my nerves. You can't dry fire anything. Can't pull the slide off a used gun... Your really taking a chance there. You could have a broken firing pin or something and never know ti until it's too late. That's why I don't go in there very much.
But that is just me.
Gunnies, a little further north on State is better... Better selection with out "The Dank". Too bad the cat running the show at the gun counter is a creep. I avoid Gunnies for that reason alone.

Best place?

Rangemasters. It's all the way south into Springville, but the trip is worth it. They got the FFL back and are ready to do business. Give them an order and they'll get it in as quick as possible for you... give you a call when it gets in. And all around will treat you right.

However, for FFL specific services, I'll be heading North. PVT PYLE is the man. If you want to buy a gun, find it and let him know... He'll take care of you.

Eric Larsen

New member
Goerge....wow. They let me dry fire it...ALOT! Hows that for strange. Ive heard of Gunnies and will check it out. Range Masters is just a hop, skip and a jump away....LOL. Ill have to check it out. In fact how would you and the other YOOTONS like to get togethor and shoot alittle? Just say when...Ill be there!

By the way....the old man is in PG. He'll set you up the same way any other killer dealer will = Dealer cost, reciept verifiable and 15$ for paperwork.....very very reasonable and fair. Plus he puts up with me....LOL. Cant lose IMO. If your interested PM me or whatever and Ill fill you in.

My favorite stores in UT are Kents in Ogden, Arms+ in Ogden, Gallensons in SLC, ProArms in Mudville :D and the place right next door to it...lady runs it, all based on KILLER service. I ran into a place in St Goerge last week..great place but lost the card and cant remember the name.
My least favorite are Impact Arms, DOUGS, Totally Unawesome, and alot of others....but they seem to have the most guns..sucks.

I wish there was actually a way to make a living being a gun dealer...I would love it. But its a harsh reality...too competitive.
I know Im the gun dealers worst nightmare....I shop alot.

Shoot well


New member
I've bought a couple pistols from VanWags and depending on whos is there watching, they sometimes get paranoid when you dry fire it, all the way to one guy (forgot his name though) who let me field strip an old 1911 I was curious about. If anyone give me dry firing grief, I won't buy it and have told people that. Half the reason to go into a brick and mortar is to see if it feels good in your hand and to see if the trigger is buggered up.

I don't know which guy is creeping you out at Gunnies, George, but my wife usually buys pistols from there, when I'm not around. They used to have a couple series I Kimbers left a couple weeks back...



New member
Van Wags

Do any of you guys remember when they were on Center st. ? Not on 5th west, but right on center. Norms dad ran the place. I remeber as a kid peeking in to see the rows and rows of AR-15s hanging from the rafters. The whole store was maybe 10ft wide.


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
They were there when I was going to college. I remember very clearly a STEYR AUG that was hanging from the rafters with a price tag of only 1,200.
Shoulda pick it up instead of that Thunderbird Supercoupe.

Live and Learn

ProArms? They closed shop 2 or 3 years ago didn't they? Did they reopen someplace else?
That was the best shop... I picked up all my police gear there..


New member
My favorites are Tight Group on Redwood in West Jordan. And the FARM (police supply and great deals on trade ins) off 5300 south in Murray.

Lots of new Utahns here I haven't met yet. Maybe it is time for another shoot?


New member
Other than being a clean shop and clean range, I didn't like Pro-Arms much at all.

Snooty "cops-only" attitude.

What's wrong with Totally awesome? Haven't been there because they still have yet to install a normal paper range.

By the by, maybe all these UT shoppers can help me. What are Chrome slide P32's going for in town?

Eric Larsen

New member
Tight group is nest to ProArms....shes wonderful. My dad into'd me to her at a gun show a while back.
ProArms reopened on south redwood. The old shop was nice but your right.....snooty.
Custom/totally unawesome is a decent shop but unless you live for tactical/urban sniping...they kinda act like they are higher and mightier than god himself. There is only a couple of guys like that but they make up for the good guys in a bad way.
P32 at Dougies place is in the mid 200$'s with the shiny top part.
Shoot well....
I think well have to get togethor and shoot also...anytime.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
As a Moderator I should edit that above post to remove refrence to DOUG's.

Instead I'll use this as a chance to advice Utah members to AVOID DOUG's SHOOTING SPORTS. That dank little hovel of a gunshop represents every single complaint about gun shops possible, plus some new ones.

This is a note to "Doug's":
You should do one of two things.
1. Change the entire staff and change locations and start over again. If your willing to do that - I'd be willing to help you.
2. Just get out of the business all together. As it is right now, your a blight.


New member
I dunno, Dougs had a nice used Stainless Delta Elite a bout 6 months back if I recall. :p

The comment about the Stery Aug in the rafters sure brought back old memories. I should have bought it but I was completely broke and my car needed a new clutch...

Eric Larsen

New member
You know what Goerge..your right, in all fairness to Dougs Ill just list my personal experience with them....let everyone else make up their own minds.....
If you call they dont answer the phone ...it just rings.
Thats if its not busy.
If they do answer the phone...standard answer to any question is "come in and look". "What are your range fees? "Come in and look"! Whats your address? "Come in and look"!
When you show up...you cant park!
If you are lucky (GOOD GOOD Karma) enough to find parking, you are guaranteed to be seen "directly" and completely ignored by all staff members...except the new kid who hasnt been trained properly in ignoring people yet.
When someone actually sees you and responds to you...he says "whos next?" The guy that just came in steps in and gets help.
When its your turn...if youve been patient/stupid enough to wait that long. If the guy doesnt know about it...it doesnt exist or is just plain wrong. "Do you carry Kahr guns?" No...if we dont have it or havent heard of it...it must be junk!"
Gun prices are actually sometimes reasonable...sometimes! "Is that Jennings 22 actually 200$?" "Do you have any room to bargain in there?" "NO! Thats the price" OK.....hmmmmm
Go in and ask about the range..."Can I shoot in your range?"
" Sure...but theres a 4 days wait...wanna put your name on the list?" Will you call me when its open and my turn? "Come in and look"!
Ok...youve waited 4 days for the range...now its your turn. You go down stairs and there is a "UT Militia" meeting going on in the staging area....or students/instructors talking about "Ive had 23 lessons now...why cant I hit the target yet?" You sneak past them and discover.....4 of the 6 lanes are broken, better than last time when it was 5 of the 6! You wait patiently for the 2 working lanes to clear out...which they never do and you finally go to a broken lane. It works but the target hangers are gone! Expecting this to happen again, you wisely bring bandaids to tape your targets to the hanger....GOOD ON YOU!
You shoot crappy all night until you finally blow out the black on your last target....GOOD ON YOU! The target falls to the floor 1/2 way up the lane on its way back to you...bandaid adhesive failure.

All information conveyed is rumored and alleged, and my opinion!
Ill probably be blackballed from the store after this post....wheres my fake glasses/nose/moustache thingy anyway?
Shoot well
Last edited:

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Being Blackballed from Doug's isn't a bad thing. It's like being graduated out of a REHAB CENTER.
I found your description to be spot on.


New member
Do you mean "Patriot Arms" is next to Tight Group?

I don't think I really have a "favorite" local store. I like Tight Group because they usually have Hirt .308. I try to throw Patriot a bone now and then cause he seems like a regular Joe trying to make it work-could be a little more friendly though. He isn't mean or anything, just doesn't jump out at you with his warmth.

Doug's-nothing to say that hasn't already been said.

Van Wags-stop in once in a while to see if there is something I can't live without-usually there isn't.

I really liked Elite Arms before they were shut down. They carried the types of guns I like, and while the prices were not great, they weren't bad-It was nice that they had a BUNCH of SARs in stock when I bought my 1 and 2. I was able to pick through the crap and get a couple with straight sights/gasblocks.

I live in the "hood" by "The shop formerly known as Custom Arms". Very cool in the beginning, I often hung out and chatted with Russ and Dave over a cup of coffee on Saturday mornings. Unfortunately business is business, and things are now owned by "Super Dell".

I think I'll just contact Pyle in the future.....