"Go" Bag's

While some here have kinda hit upon it, it needs to be stated with authority; your go-bag/bail-kit/whatever is best kept in your vehicle. Think about it; it's about the only thing, no matter where you go, that is within 500 meters of wherever you are. I have a robust kit in my vehicle, as well as standing by in my home. Work, home, leisure, whatever, your vehicle is nearly always there. Best advice I can add to in this discusssion.


New member
your go-bag/bail-kit/whatever is best kept in your vehicle.

Allowing, of course for the following:

1 -- your canteens or water bottles might freeze. Allow for expansion when you fill them, or prepare for a mess.

2 -- the extreme heat/cold cycles will quickly degrade food, medicine, and (I believe) batteries. Remember to cycle regularly. (Actually, I should take my own advice, I got an MRE in my truck that's been there for years. I'm scared to eat it now.. :p )

3 -- Remember the problem of theft. Some places you just don't want to leave several hundred (or more!) dollars worth of gear in the vehicle. Let circumstances dictate here -- seeing as how my "Things get seriously bad" plans include doubling up with friends near Lewiston, I have much more than usual in my truck now.

Finally.. don't let something in the vehicle be so much comfort *everything* stays there. Sometimes you just gotta carpool....
