Gloves recommend when cleaning guns?


New member
I for sure didnt read all posts.

For those that dont like the oily (petroleium distaillate) smell-just switch to Ezzox or Gunzilla-water based-no smell.

I wash hands BEFORE cleaning to get the oil and salt off my hands to help prevent rust. When putting back in the rack all get a wipedown w/ RIG. No fingerprints=no rust (or less for sure).


New member
Hooligan, there's a Bill Mauldin cartoon of a GI in basic, scrubbing his M1 in the sink. The caption reads "You've got the right spirit private, we'll work out the details later" from post #28 above..

I recall a Saturday at summer camp and things were MUDDY. Two guys went into the shower and all the M1s along with them. Then Stack arms outside for hour while we cleaned up and the the rifles were cleaned and oiled.

Showers looked like hexx when rifles were done but rifles were MUCH cleaner. This was Ft Knox red clay that was washed off the M1s.
jimisbell said:
I think everyone is missing the point. I wear gloves when ever I handle guns to keem MY body oils off the gun... not to protect me from the solovents!
I don't think anyone is missing the point. The recommendation to wear gloves is to prevent the chemicals from entering your skin. The fact that gloves also protect the firearms against your bodily products is a secondary benefit.

I started wearing gloves after the VA hospital told me my blood lead level was dangerously high. I had to change a lot of things. I shoot at an indoor range; I cut down on my competitions, I shoot less overall, and I try to be there at times where there aren't as many other shooters. I moved my brass tumbler from the basement to the garage, and I run it outside. I wear gloves when doing anything relating to reloading, and when cleaning a firearm.

Blood lead level seems to have reverted to normal after all the changes.

Don P

New member
Hum, why does "boy in a bubble" come to mind? I think at times we worry way to much about things that will never effect us. Good hygiene should suffice before eating and the such.
Just my opinion here, maybe if we cleaned guns 8-10 hours per day 5-6 days a week we would encounter health related problems from the chemicals used. We probably have a better chance of getting killed in a car crash rather than developing an illness due to the solvents we use on our guns.


New member
I always wear vinyl gloves, solvents eat disposable latex. I use gloves to keep the toxic chemicals off my skin, out of my blood and out of my liver.


New member
No dish soap and water. Use Gunzilla and no gloves needed. No gas mask either. Gunzilla is a water based product=no petroleum distillates=no ventilation and no nagging from anyone.

Dr. Strangelove

New member
Here's a true story guys:

I never worried about gloves, I just cleaned guns willy-nilly and didn't care what I used. Cleaned my hands with gasoline after painting, etc.., all that kind of stuff.

Well, one day I was clearing out a storage unit I had been renting (another story, but don't ever store anything for more than three months unless you have a definite plan). I had stored some spices and such that mice had gotten into, and they had chewed a hole in the side of a green food coloring container that spilled a decent bit on the side of my leg, on the calf.

A day later I was pooping bright green cartoon poops, it scared me to death until I remembered what had happened, the it scared me even more. I don't play with chemicals anymore, I wear the gloves and such because I don't want that stuff in my body. Whatever gets on your skin, gets in your body - remember that.


New member
Gunzilla is all natural but I don't trust natural, poison ivy is natural, all the time we hear of people dying of natural causes. I'll keep my gloves on.