GLOCKS and more Glocks


New member
Glocks can blow up, and if you pull the trigger of one while holstering it it shoots, AMAZING. Moral of the story (or video) don't have your finger on the trigger when holstering the weapon. Personally I think it was irresponsible for that cop to of pulled his duty weapon out infront of children regardless of the make of it.


New member
That guy probably never shot a gun with no safety. This is why you want to carry a gun with a safety, accident does happen.


New member
QUOTE: "That guy probably never shot a gun with no safety. This is why you want to carry a gun with a safety, accident does happen."

Keep your damn finger off of the trigger until you are ready to fire the weapon! That is taught from day 1 ;) I can't stand people that think there has to be a manual safety on a gun so that it doesn't "accidentally" go off. :barf: There is a built in safety in the very trigger of that "Glock 40" that he "accidentally" fired. Again KEEP YOUR DAMN FINGER OFF OF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO FIRE YOUR WEAPON!!! If you use this method, I promise your gun will not go boom. (Even if you aren't smart enough to ensure that your weapon is cleared like the morron in the video)


New member
Tell military the same thing, probably the army will take your advice and pick those perfect Glocks next time. ;) Still do not see vast spread use of weapons without a functional safety. Myself practice gun safety rule all the time. However, gun handling is serious business, double security never hurt.

This thread is just becoming hilarious. Here comes the inevitable kaboom syndrome again

I always love how people drag out the same arguments. Not knowing that the same tired old kaboom stories have been rehashed about a million times here by others before they joined TFL.

Glock manual = no reloads and no lead bullets. If you shoot either of these, then you do so at your own peril.

I'm afraid this one is gonna end up in the bottomless Glock thread cemetery very soon.

I just cant believe we have made it this far without the Charlton Heston Moses Glock commandments or the Nuclear blast Glock kaboom yet. You guys are getting slow. :)
ElectricHellfire said:
Please see the last sentence of my post..... I was just trying my hand at "stirring the pot". I have no problems with XDs. I own 2 presently and have no problems with them. Sorry you had to write all that for nothing.

PM inbound...:)

Keep your damn finger off of the trigger until you are ready to fire the weapon!

I agree with this statement as much as the late Col. Cooper himself. But, I can't help but wonder: How many NDs would have happened if Glocks had and extra "safety"? Humans are humans. That's a cold, hard fact. You can have a rule of absolute, but humans will NEVER abide absolutely. Just sayin....

Glock_fan said:
I've never seen a marketing slogan irritate people so much, it's not even a phrase it's one word and it bothers people so much. No gun is the best they all malfunction, break, or whatever. Sig's slogan is "To hell and back reliability" or something to that order, and people don't freak out about that, and guess what: Sigs break down too! Like it was said before if you don't like them, don't buy them and shut your mouth we don't need to hear your negative comments, and we don't care. It's ridiculus how much we need to defend our personal choices for what we spend our hard earned money on. Lets grow up everybody, and act like we are old enough to own these guns.

First of all, welcome to TFL, Kurt.

Second, I don't necessarily speak for everybody. But, in my observation it isn't the slogan. It's the type of crowd that's shoving the "perfection" message down peoples' throats with your least favorite flavor of Kool-Aid. It isn't every Glock owner. It isn't the gun. Heck, it isn't the slogan, either...

Let's put it this way. I own a '95 Civic EX 2dr Cpe 5spd. It's arguably THE MOST sought after car for a gen 'y' kid that wants to "pimp out". Reasons? It's cheap to buy, very easy to get aftermarket parts, can make it pretty fast, maintenance is very low, it's just about the most reliable car ever made, and there's plenty of them. Sound familiar in the gun world?

Now, since I own one if these, I'm already branded by LE just because I own one of these. I haven't done a dang thing to it except lower it an inch and tint the windows. It still even has the original wheel covers on them. But, since the gen 'y' crowd has used these to street-race, etc., the stereotype has been branded on males that own a Civic. Just check the insurance rates on them. I pay almost twice as much owning it than my '00 Tahoe.

You see, the problem isn't the Civic and Honda's reputation for being a reliable, simple car. It's a small, yet very unique attention getting crowd of individuals that rotted the barrel.

So, my advice, if you choose to accept it, is to redirect your statement to where the source of the problem is.
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I think a lot of people may have the idea that, by my statements, that I am at times a kool aid drinker. Maybe I come across that way sometimes because I like to cheer for the underdog, which in many cases, seems to be Glock here on TFL. That's probably a fault of my own. But I try to be objective whenever possible.

I am not, however, a kool aid drinker and I enjoy shooting all my handguns including XDs. While I love and carry my Glocks with total trust, I also have carried other handguns as well including 1911s and others.

I will concede certain points that Glocks don't have a fully supported chamber, Glocks have a different grip angle, they don't have steel sights and they have no manual safety. Nonetheless, I think they are fine weapons and I am still confident when carrying one and I think they are fine as is.

So there, now I've had my Kum Ba Yah moment. Goodnight and carry on. :D


New member
I shoot two classes in the IDPA, one with my Glock the other with my S&W 1911 but I carry my 1911 because its a safer gun for CC.

Glocks will always have the attraction some are looking for and they sell sights for those guys too.

LOL :p


New member
This is too funny.

I am SO going to post another "ANTI-GLOCK" thread on the 1st of Jan. '09.

Lets all get the new year going. :D:D:D

WHY SO SERIOUS?..........“Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order and everything becomes chaos.” :cool:


New member
I didn't drink the kool aid but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express once. I do own one Glock among the many 1911s and revolvers. At the range I'm all about the 1911s but when I carry I choose the Glock.
*Larger capacity.(cause 7 shots is just gay)

*Lighter weight. (1911s pull my pants down)

*Less moving parts to fail.

*Can be cleaned in the dish washer.(don't tell the wife)

*No manual safety to remember when being fired upon and peeing my pants.

*Field stripping is so easy a caveman could do it, blindfolded.

*2 Glocks for the price of one 1911

*Gaston is a way cooler name than John.

*My Glock has been so reliable that if I ran out of ammo I honostly believe I could stuff dog poo in the chamber and end a threat:rolleyes:

*And the best reason to carry a Glock is because Jaybird78 hates it so much!:p


New member
Second, I don't necessarily speak for everybody. But, in my observation it isn't the slogan. It's the type of crowd that's shoving the "perfection" message down peoples' throats with your least favorite flavor of Kool-Aid. It isn't every Glock owner. It isn't the gun. Heck, it isn't the slogan, either...

Let's put it this way. I own a '95 Civic EX 2dr Cpe 5spd. It's arguably THE MOST sought after car for a gen 'y' kid that wants to "pimp out". Reasons? It's cheap to buy, very easy to get aftermarket parts, can make it pretty fast, maintenance is very low, it's just about the most reliable car ever made, and there's plenty of them. Sound familiar in the gun world?

Now, since I own one if these, I'm already branded by LE just because I own one of these. I haven't done a dang thing to it except lower it an inch and tint the windows. It still even has the original wheel covers on them. But, since the gen 'y' crowd has used these to street-race, etc., the stereotype has been branded on males that own a Civic. Just check the insurance rates on them. I pay almost twice as much owning it than my '00 Tahoe.

You see, the problem isn't the Civic and Honda's reputation for being a reliable, simple car. It's a small, yet very unique attention getting crowd of individuals that rotted the barrel.

So, my advice, if you choose to accept it, is to redirect your statement to where the source of the problem is.

So long story short: its not the slogan that bothers people so much, as its others who shove the slogan down their throats. Point taken. However you must admit that there is a strong bias and willingness to quickly condem, and knock Glocks, some warrented, and some un-warrented.
However you must admit that there is a strong bias and willingness to quickly condem, and knock Glocks, some warrented, and some un-warrented.

I would say back in the '80's this would ring VERY true. IMO, back then Glocks were an abomination in my neck of the woods. It was so bad that the steel-frame snobs thought it was desegregation all over again. As time went on, Glocks proved themselves to be a VERY reliable gun and garnered respect.

But then the tide started to shift. Some Glock proponents demanded reparations and what I see now is what I explained.

Now, you have bad blood on both sides of the fence and the continued shallow-minded propaganda just won't stop.

For the record, I happen to respect the Glock design. I think they're a very well made, reliable gun. But, FOR ME, I can't stand shooting them. They don't work for me. But, if you research my posts, I do NOT bash the brand.

As a matter of fact, if someone is trying to choose between the XD or Glock I do the best I can to deliver objective viewpoints and let the person form his own opinion. And this just doesn't happen very often when the subject matter of Glocks come up here. You could start up a thread of Marlin 1894 vs. Winchester 94 and more than likely you'll see informative, mature discussions take place.

Fire up a Glock vs. XD thread (for the 5,000,000,000,000th time) and the juvenile delinquents come out of the woodwork in record fashion. To be honest, I'm sick and tired of the antics. The boards here shouldn't have to be tainted with this garbage. How do fellow members here actually further themselves in responsible gunownership when you have this crap posted all the time?

I know what some do and that's ignore it. But you have these newer members here mostly lurking and sometimes get into these discussions to find honest answers. Problem is, they don't get them very often. They get propaganda. That's a cancer that's hard to control and IMHO it reflects poorly on the boards here.

That's where I stand. So, enough of my rant. Carry on, Jaybird. The floor is yours...