GLOCKS and more Glocks


New member
This is to put the final say on the debate about Glocks being "PERFECTION". :rolleyes:

Right now as you read this on 12.28.08, Bud's Gun shop has REFURBISHED Glock 36's for sale with LIMITED factory warranty.

Nuff said, buy what you want and DON'T drink the RED KOOL-AID!

Have a happy new year! :D :D


New member
The purpose of this thread is????


or perhaps



New member
Glocks would be perfect if.......

How about:

Glocks would be perfect if.......

*If they had a grip safety and a manual safety like a classic American 1911
*If they didn't go BOOM when you put them back in your holster
*If they were made in the USA


Glock haters are unique. They stop at nothing. These types of threads only flatter the magnificent Glock design. Keep 'em coming. :D
like our crappy cars

and safety's are for people who can't be safe.

LOL!! +1 What IS the point indeed? If it was a slap at Glock then I think you might have failed horribly.

If the warranty sticks in your craw then don't buy one. I mean I just bought a Dyson vac with a 2 year warranty. Can you believe the audacity of Dyson to only provide a 2 year warranty on their product????

Mabey Blagojevich was drinking a little of that Kool Aid up there in good old Illinois eh JAYBIRD? :)


New member
thread hi-jack... sort of

...our dear governor is getting EXACTLY what he deserves and then some. Residing right in the center of Illinois, it's still too close to Rod.

Has anybody seen the Senate chair on Ebay yet?!!!

...back to the thread, I'm not sure of the point either, but I do own a G22 for whatever that's worth.


New member
The OP is obviously stirring the pot, but this post is just annoying....

How about:

Glocks would be perfect if.......

*If they had a grip safety and a manual safety like a classic American 1911
*If they didn't go BOOM when you put them back in your holster
*If they were made in the USA

*So having an uneccessary extra safety that just adds another part that could fail at some point... makes a gun perfect? Hardly.

*No Glock has ever gone BOOM when reholstered. EVER. Now morons who have their finger in the trigger guard most certainly have made their guns go BOOM when reholstering. This is hardly limited to Glocks, because stupidity is stupidity.

*The highest quality of guns... and well everything, generally comes from outside of the USA. It's sad, but true.
Oh and jaybird... the verbiage was actually "Limited LIFETIME warranty"

Reading comprehension > You

Indeed you are correct Bandit. It appears that the OP was a little eager in his anti-Glock zealous frenzy to mention that part. Nice. :barf:


New member
Love to stir the pot :D :D :D

It's just too much fun to **** off Glock owners. :p

There are only a few days left for 2008, can't wait until 2009 to start it all over again.

Oh yeah.......Colts are the best guns ever!


New member
It's just too much fun.

People are too high strung these days.

P.S. Still wondering why we can't hang Blago for treason. :confused:

Everybody shoot safe......take a deep breath and RELAX!


New member
so far the glock is the closest thing to perfect FOR ME. I have a 1911 also and they don't squabble at all, unlike their owners.

How about:

Glocks would be perfect if.......

*If they had a grip safety and a manual safety like a classic American 1911
*If they didn't go BOOM when you put them back in your holster
*If they were made in the USA

how about 1911's would be perfect if:
-they didn't pinch my hand when I shot it
-they didn't cost 3 times as much for a gun that is as reliable or if anything less reliable than a glock
-they had a striker-fired trigger mech like a glock
-didn't NEED any external safeties for carry

as I said, I also have a 1911. but it's pretty much a range toy. I'm a fan of them, they feel great in my hand, shoot great, and look DAMN cool but for a carry gun I'll take my glock

I'm going to agree with the OP
buy what you want

if you don't like glocks don't buy one, if you want something else buy that.


I don't hate Glocks I just like Springfield XD's, they are a better gun. I haven't heard of any XD going KaBooom or a inadvertently being fired when dropped.
I haven't heard of any XD going KaBooom or a inadvertently being fired when dropped.

Please Google "Springfield XD Kaboom".

The finish on Glocks are much more durable than the XD. Ive seen more than one XD rust like a mother. Ive also seen several XDs malfunction at the range. Seems to be a growing trend....

Okay Im not very good at this "pot stirring thing". Someone else give'er a try. :D