Glocks and 1911s the most popular pistols in America


New member
The Glock and 1911 are the two most popular pistols in competition. They're the most popular selling pistols in America period. Despite the fact people keep saying they're either inferior or outdated. Despite the fact so many people claim there are "better" handgun out there. Maybe all these competition folks are just trying to handicap themselves.:rolleyes: Are they Perfect? No. Are they the best choice for everyone? No. But they seem to work well for a heck of a lot of people.

Glock fans and 1911 fans should be banding together not fighting against each other. Although they are as different as they can be they've both earned their place at the top. Show each other some respect.
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New member

I can't stand "Glocks are for mall-ninjas" threads just as much as I can't stand "The 1911 is an antiquated design and it's dumb" threads...

Get over it people, if only one type/brand/caliber/style/etc handgun were available, what fun would that be???

Glocks work for me, 1911's don't. Just as 1911's work for some and Glocks don't. I'm cool with that.


New member
All Handguns Suck! (someone once said ;) )

From that position we can then discuss them without passion!


I am a glock owner. I known the truth for 7 years. I only own Glocks now.

I don't believe we haven't created a temple where we can worship Gaston on a daily basis.


New member
How many of us acutally own both?
I personally am not a fan of a double/single action trigger.
Dont own any Sigs, Berettas,or HKs, but Glocks and 1911s are plentifull in my safe.


New member
I own both and love both for what each one offers. I do wish Glock would make a 1911 pistol line. I imagine they would rule the handgun world if a Glock 1911 hit the market.

Frank Ettin

I'm a 1911 guy. I have a bunch in a number of sizes -- Government, Commander and Officers. They are all reliable and accurate, and significantly, with my short trigger reach I can still manage them well.

Glocks are good guns too. It's just that their boxy grip doesn't work well with my small hands. I can handle a 17 or 19, but they're pretty much a lost cause for me in larger calibers.

Who knows? Maybe one day I'll pick up a Glock 19 -- even though I need another gun like I need an aneurysm.

Silent Bob

New member
The problem is so many people base much of their own sense of self-esteem on the gun (or caliber) they choose - and feel compelled to hate and bash what they feel is that weapon's closest competitor. Seriously, gunboards are composed of at least 90% of that nonsense. To antis we must look like a bunch of buffoons.


New member

Valid point. I think we should extend the "let us not bash needlessly" concept.

True, I will not own a Glock. True, several Glock owners will not own a 1911.

True, there are snobs of both and haters of both...

Other brands and types get hammered at unwarranted levels as well.

Constructive arguments and logic should prevail.

+1 Silent Bob... I, too, find gun ownership is a very emotional thing. I find it impacts one's self worth, and the perceived worth of others... We must be understanding of this, and make sure it does not overshadow what a good gun forum is for.

Truly, we all need to focus on our rights under the 2nd A, and prevent their infringement.


New member
That mindset is common in our every day lives. I choose a Chevy and a Ford owner laughs at you. I have a modest townhouse and the 3BR homeowner laughs at you. The 4BR homeowner laughs at the 3BR homeowner and so on. We buy what works for us and there is no doubt a friend or neighbor has something bigger, better, faster or more expensive.

Keeping up with the Jones has been the downfall of the American culture. (Buying more than we can afford and use credit to do it). We want what the other guy has but we got what we can afford at the time. In the case where money is not an issue and we chose Gun X over Gun Y, we don't want or need to hear from someone else that we made a bad choice, because.....

We all seem to see our guns like our children. If someone makes fun of our child for having red hair, freckles, over-weight, a distinctive nose, whatever, then we get defensive. If the verbal abuse to the child is bad enough, we get protective. The same with our guns. If it works for me, I don't care if you don't like it. Period. However, as you stated, 90% of the culture feels they have the best choice and the only choice and everything else doesn't measure up. They are also saying their opinion is better than your opinion so they must be smarter. That causes a lot of hurt feelings and resentment. It can lead to lively discussions but it also can lead to angry posters who feel like they were dissed, real or imagined.


New member
I don't believe we haven't created a temple where we can worship Gaston on a daily basis.

I'm with you. I loves me some Glocks :D

I also own 1911's too.

I own and appreciate both. Glocks and 1911's are the only semi-auto's that I'll buy, and carry.

I'm a Glock and 1911 snob!


New member
i own both and many other styles of pistols. I love shooting my 1911 in competition and i think glocks are the best weapon out there for the **** hit the fan situations. Glocks are highly reliable, cheap, and accurate enough and that is what makes them great. They just work.

My 1911 is way more accurate than i am, very well built, but failures will show up way more with it than my glock. It doesnt happen consistently, but enough for me to realize the difference between it and the glock.

People will bash glocks for saying things like: their a box, bad grip angle, and plastic

People bash 1911s for: Cost and saying why spend $1200 on a 1911 when you could spend $500 for a glock and get more reliability. Well every gun no matter what make has the possibility for failures. And someone once told me and i find to be very true is: If you've never had a failure, you arent shooting enough. The correct thing to do is train for a failure so if it happens you will be able to react without thinking. I dont do this training very often but i do do it, i load a mag up and insert snap caps at random and set the gun up for a failure and practice tap and rack.


New member
I'm fine with this as long as when we say "1911s and Glocks are both great" the 1911 is listed first.

Just kidding of course.


New member
gun VS gun

Yeah that really means nothing in the real world. The Camry is the best selling car in America and it is NOT the best car by far. Follow that with Honda Accords, Civic and having worked for Honda I can tell you that no matter how popular they are and how great and reliable people spew off they are....THEY AINT. This goes for pretty much everything. I am not saying they are not good I am saying there are others that are as good, maybe even better in some or all areas. Popularity is not a measure of a things worth. Brand recognition, marketing, product placement (movies,TV etc) availability, etc all make a huge difference often times more then how good the product actually is. One of the biggest reasons why there are so many Glock and 1911 bashers is exactly this sort of post. RSXR22 makes good points about Oh the Glock is plastic and Gee the 1911 is way over priced. Even though both guns work very well each of these arguments can and are reasons some people do not choose one or the other. There are too many different uses for and variations in handguns to try and claim the superiority of these. Funny, I have a Spectre which is a combination of a Glock and a 1911 so theoretically that should be the best handgun ever. The biggest reason I do not own a Glock or a 1911 is exactly the "my gun is the best, anything else is junk and if you don't agree you are a boob" mind set of many of their owners. I actually love the way a Glock shoots I just can't stand some of the stigma that goes with it. Some of the Sig platforms are just as good as the 1911 and offer advantages like higher capacity. I like the FNP platform better then a Glock in almost every way. Are either better or "The best" because of this? NO. I do agree with IanS in that Glock, 1911 or whatever we should stop fighting about which is best or whatever and start respecting each others choice. If we stopped yelling that our gun is the best and you are a dolt for not having what I have others would stop yelling how the first guy is a smug jerk etc etc.

BOB, spot on. Owning a gun, the forum, enjoying the sport whatever should be more about sharing something we enjoy with others that think the same and less about whos got the biggest... barrel :D

Would also like to say being sort of new to handguns (only started shooting on a major basis last year) it is nice to have a fourm with so many learned members with such a wide range or backgrounds and knowledge. The forum has been a huge source of help.


It's been common throughout history for a person to ascribe almost supernatural properties to the weapons he chooses while denigrating the choices of others, particularly the choices of his enemies.

I believe that's a symptom of the desire to avoid having to come to grips with the sobering fact that when the chips are down it most likely won't be the weapon that makes the difference, it will be the person holding and using the weapon that will provide the make or break.

We agonize over caliber, over action type, over brand, over a myriad of aspects of weapon design so that we don't have to dwell on the truth of the matter. The truth is that most of us don't practice enough to do our weapons justice.

When I read about a defender shooting himself in the process of retrieving his firearm or of similar instances it drives home the sad reality that the weak link in the chain isn't usually the weapon.

Frank Ettin

JohnKSa said:
...when the chips are down it most likely won't be the weapon that makes the difference, it will be the person holding and using the weapon...

How true. IMO, we tend to focus too much on the tool. We get in extensive discussions about which gun or which ammunition or which caliber is best. But I've come to believe that any gun of good quality that is reliable and accurate in a meaningful caliber will do IF -- you can manage it, you get good training and practice regularly. Conversely, no type of gun will make up for inadequate training and practice.

I'm a strong believer in good professional training for anyone who is considering owning, and especially carrying, a gun for protection. It's partially a matter of being able to skillfully use it under stress. It's also a matter of understanding one's personal responsibility and the applicable law. Jeff Cooper used to say: "It is long been a principle of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully."

There is something to be said for choosing a popular brand or type of anything, be is a pistol (Glock, SIG, 1911, etc.) car (Camry, Honda Civic, etc.) or pretty much anything else. If something is popular, parts and service will tend to be more readily available. I say this as someone recovering from a 20+ year love affair with Alfa Romeos.


New member
Just because they are the best selling pistols, and the most used in "competition" has totally nothing to do whether or not they are the best for another persons self defense needs.
