Glockourettes Syndrome

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Not sensitive, but this is an obvious character attack on certain members. And you wonder why the vehemently defend themselves around here?


Hey Glock lovers guess what they suck!!!!!!!!!!! It not me it was the 19 I HAD. Same time I went back to my PT92 and guess what right back on target. The grip is not for me. Any pistol I cannot feel comfortable I do recommend to others to try it, great pistols. I picked up a xd guess what hit the target first time, same with 1911, 686, sp101, gp100 and berretta 92/96.
You laid a Daveydoo with this post. I can't believe what you typed without pics for proof. I am not convinced Glocks fail. There's a group of trolls going from forum to forum spreading falsehoods. Are you in that group?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
You created a thread to start a fight. That's obvious. For what? Does your e-penis get larger with each war of words you have on the internet?

Besides we all know arguing on the internet is like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

I don't see why you need a thread such as this if it is not to just start a fight.

I see no one fighting but you. I started this thread with ONE thing in mind: HUMOR. If you, or others, can't see that, I'm sorry. That attitude is,in fact, the reality behind the humor and detracts markedly from the laughs the rest of us were getting.

I may have mentioned this once, no... wait twice now... my first handgun is almost certain to be a GLOCK, please.... lets have a sense of humor.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
You laid a Daveydoo with this post. I can't believe what you typed without pics for proof. I am not convinced Glocks fail. There's a group of trolls going from forum to forum spreading falsehoods. Are you in that group?

Glockeroo! Your here! Yep, I didn't like that post much myself. Wasn't (as I said) the intent of the thread.

Welcome Dark Lord.:D


New member
OP: "My glock shoots right (or left or low or high). BTW, I'm a national competition champion shooter."

Glockourettes Sufferers Response: "IT'S YOU!!! YOU! NOT THE GUN... YOU! AHHH!"

You know that looks awfully familiar. Except the competition shooter part :D Almost all the big name brands have their devoted followers. IMO Glock just has the most outspoken and most unapologetic ones :p I own a lot of brands including a Glock and will never hesitate to point out the good or bad with any of them. Within my personal experience of course.

I think the funniest examples, at least with Glock guys, is when someone says they don't like the grip angle/way it feels in their hand and they get told it must be because of the grip they use. Or to change the grip they may have been shooting other guns just fine with for 20+ years. :D


Glockeroo must be in prison or unconscious. I can't believe he hasn't chimed in yet.
I'm here. I was just bailed out this morning. What no Glock hater wants to admit is the Glock is the second best happening to the gun world after the 1911, and it is holding its own against the 1911. Anyone that says Glocks are crap is crazy. Glock isn't going anywhere. There's only been a few tweaks to the Glock since its inception, and it still kicks tail when it comes to sales. "Glocks have an awkward grip angle, they are too blocky, i don't like the trigger pull." These are all complaints that Glock owners have no gripe with. To me, the gun couldn't have been designed better.

I guess I have the syndrome, and for me it's only the beginning. I think when I get the G30SF, I'll become a real seasoned Glock sicko! :D

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So you take pride in making fun of people? I bet you were the kid who got beat up in school and now have to take it out on the rest of the population over the internet.

My point is, nobody did anything to you and you're here causing trouble.

FWIW: I own ONE single Glock and I do not plan to own any others. I'm just simply noticing a trend. It used to be Glock owners going to every thread and starting new threads talking about how Glock is the best and how everyone should just buy a Glock etc. Now how did you like it? You didn't right? So now you're stooping to that level and creating a thread in order to stir up trouble and an argument. I see threads popping up with Glock bashing and character defamation all over the place now.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I'm here. I was just bailed out this morning. What no Glock hater wants to admit is the Glock is the second best happening to the gun world after the 1911, and it is holding its own against the 1911. Anyone that says Glocks are crap is crazy. Glock isn't going anywhere. There's only been a few tweaks to the Glock since its inception, and it still kicks tail when it comes to sales. "Glocks have an awkward grip angle, they are too blocky, i don't like the trigger pull." These are all complaints that Glock owners have no grip with. To me, the gun couldn't have been designed better.

I can't say I disagree with that assessment. I'm glad you see the humor in this thread also. :D;)

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
So you take pride in making fun of people? I bet you were the kid who got beat up in school and now have to take it out on the rest of the population over the internet.

My point is, nobody did anything to you and you're here causing trouble.

1: Of whom, specifically, have I made fun?

2: I am not causing trouble. Seems to me... let me review the posts.... yep, there was no trouble until YOU started this line of postings. Even Glockeroo, who is the only person mentioned by name in the thread, seems to think its funny.

Seriously, I am (we are) trying to be funny. Try it some time, it's...well, fun.


New member
So you take pride in making fun of people? I bet you were the kid who got beat up in school and now have to take it out on the rest of the population over the internet.

My point is, nobody did anything to you and you're here causing trouble.

FWIW: I own ONE single Glock and I do not plan to own any others. I'm just simply noticing a trend. It used to be Glock owners going to every thread and starting new threads talking about how Glock is the best and how everyone should just buy a Glock etc. Now how did you like it? You didn't right? So now you're stooping to that level and creating a thread in order to stir up trouble and an argument. I see threads popping up with Glock bashing and character defamation all over the place now.

Bro I honestly don't see anyone else in this thread taking this as Glock bashing let alone obvious character attacks of certain members. If that were the case he'd have named them. It's just humor. Good stuff IMO. The OP has been calm with you and in that time you've mentioned "e-penis" and how he was as a child, comparing him to some bully prey. That's a lot closer to personal character attacks then anything else in this thread. Everyone around here knows Glockeroo and his devotion to father Gaston. If he honestly felt like he was being personally attacked don't you think he'd say that instead of playing along in the fun? If the thread gets you this upset maybe you should take a break from posting in it and cool down a bit.

I see threads popping up with Glock bashing and character defamation all over the place now.

What message board are you reading?

vox rationis

New member
HK123 point well taken, we should perhaps be more sensitive and serious in this matter.


My Children..

This is Gaston Glock, erm, I mean GOD..

Look into my eyes..

You will drinketh the Glock-Aid, and liketh it,

And then you will go forth and defend my Divine Creation..

And cut down the HEATHENS that Deny my Perfection,

And Re-educate the unwashed that make fun of my Divine Perfection Upgrades.

Glockeroo, please take Buiscuit Killa or whatever his name is to the corner and deliver onto him 36 Perfection Spanks as he was fidgeting during my Perfection pep talk..



Glockeroo and ElectricHellFire I apologize that I had to dredge this tired shtick out from that old thread of ours, but I couldn't help it :D:eek:


New member
"Besides, we all know that arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded"

Okay, HK123, if we all admit that YOU WIN, does that mean (according to you) that you are. . .Hmmm....

This was Friendly 'till you chimed in. I would have said this purely in jest, but anyone who speaks ill of mentally impaired folks deserves all he gets.

I'm buyin' me a Glock, but I ain't no Glockophile. I need a tool for a task. A crude looking tool is okay, if it works reliably. The Glock fits this description nicely. Mine will be a .45 longslide, and will get a stiffer recoil spring to shoot .45 Super. It'll be my backpacking gun. Think of it as a Taurus Tracker, but with lots of ammo in it!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Glockeroo, please take Buiscuit Killa or whatever his name is to the corner and deliver onto him 36 Perfection Spanks as he was fidgeting during my Perfection pep talk..

LOL, oh man that made me me spit my Mountain Dew. Warn me before do that !

I mean... Please, Sir Gaton, prepare me for your utterance so that I may first be made whole.

It's PIZZA my man, pizza. Biscuits.... anyone can kill a biscuit.:D


New member
I knew an old timer that claimed he could "...blow the bakin' powder out of a Biscuit, without touchin' a grain of flour".

A mighty good shot was he.

He never has tried a Glock. In his day beat cops wore 6'' guns, while cops in squad cars got the handier 5'' guns. When I brought home a 4'' K-.38 from work, he marveled at why I was carrying a snubbie! Times Change!


New member
This was Friendly 'till you chimed in. I would have said this purely in jest, but anyone who speaks ill of mentally impaired folks deserves all he gets.

I think HK123 should have his imperfect buttocks spanked 123 times for being a killjoy :rolleyes:

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Alrighty now... lets get back to bashing Glocks and, more specifically, Glockeroo, er.... The Dark Lord.

Darth Glockius?
I'll bet he's got a glock that's two in one.... each time you fire it's comes out the opposite end!:D



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I cant even tell who is fighting who in here anymore.... Kinda like a barroom brawl.

Hey Glockeroo's here! I told you not to doubt his innate powers within the Glock-Force.

Hi Glockeroo! :)
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