Glockourettes Syndrome

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Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I've noticed several sufferers of this formally unknown disease.

Symptoms: Unexplainable defense of the Glock family of handguns, usually without regard for facts of the case, many times including involuntary accusations against those who make statements which can be construed as violating the Glock "say nice things only" rule.


OP: "My glock shoots right (or left or low or high). BTW, I'm a national competition champion shooter."

Glockourettes Sufferers Response: "IT'S YOU!!! YOU! NOT THE GUN... YOU! AHHH!"

This makes me wonder about what I call "The Glockfather Paradox."

If Gaston himself said he fired a brand new Glock, and something was not right, would it be a problem with the Glock or with the Annointed One?


New member
Glock broke new ground, at least in the manufacturing realm, and his fire control system shows imagination both in function and in manufacturing engineering. At a time when most hi-cap nines were double-/single-action, the consistent trigger of the Glock overcame even Cooper's objection to two trigger pulls in one pistol.

It's not a Model of 1911, but it's very competent. Glock "Perfection"? I don't think so, but that doesn't keep me from enjoying three of 'em in company with my 1911s.




New member
Yeah, I see this condition often. I often wish to conduct interventions, but I know that denial is the first response of those with this illness.

I've never gotten the Glock fever, I've never liked the trigger myself, and while I think Glocks are fine pistols, I've never really found anyone who, when exposed to other pistols, without preconceptions, liked Glocks better than anything else.

A friend of mine, converted from gun control advocate to avid shooter :D(He has more guns than me now!:confused:) was able to use my PPK, Colt 1991, HiPower, and another friend's Glock. He now owns a Browning Hi Power in .40as his main shooter and nightstand gun. My mom was exposed to the same firearms, as well as her military experience with the 1911 and Baretta 92. She owns a Walther PP now. Neither one liked the Glock, complaining that it didn't point as well, was too boxy, or other issues.

I just sit back and caress my SigSauer, knowing that I own the finest production firearm made.:p


New member
Hey Glock lovers guess what they suck!!!!!!!!!!! It not me it was the 19 I HAD. Same time I went back to my PT92 and guess what right back on target. The grip is not for me. Any pistol I cannot feel comfortable I do recommend to others to try it, great pistols. I picked up a xd guess what hit the target first time, same with 1911, 686, sp101, gp100 and berretta 92/96. :D

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Glock broke new ground, at least in the manufacturing realm, and his fire control system shows imagination both in function and in manufacturing engineering. At a time when most hi-cap nines were double-/single-action, the consistent trigger of the Glock overcame even Cooper's objection to two trigger pulls in one pistol.

No argument from me.


New member
I too have noticed this , however i just ascribed it as that the Glock is the " Obama of the gun world " . Any criticism no matter how just will either be ignored or swiftly decried as being " prejudicial" and the one doing the criticizing immediately outed as a " hater " . Hmm i wonder if the Good Senator has more of the " gun vote " than i had realized when i think about the tactics shown LOL .


New member
There are Glock kool-aid drinkers and Glock haters. As usual, the truth is somewhere in between. Some people liken Glocks to hand grenades - put the trigger & it explodes. Others think Glocks will withstand a thermonuclear explosion.

The truth is, Glocks are fine pistols, but are, like anything man-made, imperfect. I had a G30 that was very reliable, but the grip just didn't work for me. That doesn't mean I try to dissuade others from buying a Glock. If a Glock works for someone, and proves to be reliable, great. If not, there are plenty of other options.

In fact, you will find kool-aid drinkers & detractors for ANY handgun.
Now you have gone and done it. Have fun being reprogrammed.

"I am afraid I am going to have
to ask you to come with me."


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Now you have gone and done it. Have fun being reprogrammed.
"I am afraid I am going to have
to ask you to come with me."

No offense! Really! My first handgun is probably going to be a Glock!
Seems like people take a while to get used to the Glock trigger. I did. However, learning to shoot it from the reset is easy to learn and practically nullifies any complaints I might have had with it and vastly improved my accuracy with my Glocks.. Perhaps some people just dont have the time or the will to learn a new trigger style? Not sure but blaming the gun is always a fun past-time.


New member
Hey guys ~n~ gals Glocks are fine handguns , just not for me , and some others . Ill say the same thing about my 1911 , my HK P7 , HP , Kahrs , ect ... I have yet to see the pistol that is " best " for everyone . Now if a revolver that is different , all anyone needs is a S&W 3" mod 19/66 Not the 2.xx but the full 3" . If you want bigger than that well then dont slow down at 4" , nor should you have the 6" , rather the 5" ballences best and gives enough sight radious to shoot all the way out to the " rams " .

To re cap ( or is that crap ) a glock is a reliable auto at an affordable price , much like others like the Markov and i recommend such for starting shooters . Get a centerfire pistol that will feed , shoot the heck out of it . some will decide that another pistol is better later , some wont . some in fact will spend thousands on pistols and then find that that entery level pistol is just what they want . Glocks are fine and durable , in fact the only glock i have right now resides in a tractor toolbox as a snake shooter . When i clear sweeps of weeds occasionally a snake is tangled up ( rattle snake here for killing standard ). for my self i carry and kill it with my carry gun , for my wife , daughter , paid hand , ect.. a glock rides in the tool box . Its degreased and dry lubed and it works . If they get close enough ( the wife wont but she can hit it with her ccw ) it kills venomus reptiles .
Hey Glock lovers guess what they suck!!!!!!!!!!! It not me it was the 19 I HAD. Same time I went back to my PT92 and guess what right back on target. The grip is not for me. Any pistol I cannot feel comfortable I do recommend to others to try it, great pistols. I picked up a xd guess what hit the target first time, same with 1911, 686, sp101, gp100 and berretta 92/96.

Let us all take a lesson from this well spoken individual.


New member
Nobody wants to tackle the "Glockfather Paradox"?

If PbP, ElectricHellfire and Glockeroo take a time machine back to the time
when Gaston Glock's grandfather is a pre-pubescent child and try to kill him,
all of their Glocks will jam, because without Gaston Glock, there would not be
Glocks with which the three could kill Gaston Glock.

So, by irrefutable logic I have proved that Glocks are not perfect because
they jam. :cool:



Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
If PbP, ElectricHellfire and Glockeroo take a time machine back to the time
when Gaston Glock's grandfather is a pre-pubescent child and try to kill him,
all of their Glocks will jam, because without Gaston Glock, there would not be
Glocks with which the three could kill Gaston Glock.

So, by irrefutable logic I have proved that Glocks are not perfect because
they jam.

No, no, no.... that's the grandfather paradox.:D See above for the Glockfather paradox.;)
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