GLOCK "Safe Action pistols" God I Love You Tube

Let it Bleed

New member
This is very old news. His name is Lee Paige and his arrogance is the only thing greater than his stupidity. :rolleyes:

While all humans make mistakes, it is incredible that someone who is lecturing about safe firearm handling would choose not to actually demonstrate it. Complacency and routine are often the culprits of "brain cramps," but this was a classroom full of children. While I know I am not infallible, I cannot believe anyone is making excuses for this jackass. :confused:

He even filed his lawsuit pro se. I suppose he's the only one qualified to handle it. At least he can't kill anybody with a document. Although with his finely honed DEA ninja warrior skills, he would probably disagree. :p


New member
Not many people get to have their worst screw up on videotape for everyone to see.

While arrogance and self confidence to the point of stupidity are important, and really almost a requirement, for taking on dangerous undercover assignments, they are not that good a thing when handling firearms.


New member
He's an african american speaking to what appears to be a predominently african american classroom most likely in an african american community. He was trying to do something very positive,

What's with the race card here? Does that mean that if he was doing it at a predominantly white school you wouldn't give him the kudos. Either he was doing a good thing teaching teens, or he wasn't. Let's not bring color into it where it isn't relevant. :confused:


New member
He even went on the Today show to show the video and talk about his lawsuit...

He claims he was an uber undercover officer for the DEA whose identity had to be kept secret so he could do his job...

He also claims he did these classroom demos all the time :rolleyes: Like none of the kids he dealt with could be gang bangers? He also had no problem with the SCHOOL (not the LEOs) taping the demo. So now he is on camera in a room full of inner city kids talking about being a DEA agent while at the same time being a key undercover guy... RIGHT!!!


New member
I feel bad for the guy...I couldn't imagine living with the thought of what could have happened. I bet he's glad it went into his foot and not in some kids forehead....Pretty serious stuff.


New member
oldironman, race card, are you crazy, there's no race card, I'm african american myself and I applaud his attempts to help get through to the children in the class. I was merely painting a picture for all to see of the situation. I don't care who was doing the demonstration, he made a stupid mistake. That said, I applaud his attempts to do right and I also wanted to make everyone think how would they feel if they made the same mistake. I'M NOT DEFENDING HIM OR HIS BONEHEADED MISTAKE. Geeeeeeez
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ESI Agent

New member
It's easy to put others down because we are perfect.Im not perfect but for you out their that are perfect that's fine but for people like me IM going to consider this a training vidio in which I hope this never happans to me. The guy was trying to do the good thing, he made a big mistake but he's lucky that he only shot himself. And yea he really did handle it well.


New member

Dilligaf : First the title misleading:rolleyes: I think Not. there "perfection and safe action pistols" with no safety, ETC., ETC., and A 4.5# trigger is not safe to my preferences.

Second A STICK really now you want to try to bash my opinion? great.- have fun with that. Almost all your post's are about glocks. maybe your partial, fine by me.

Third- if i found a glock for good $.It would be Bought in a minute no doubt. But the very next available min. it would have a new N.Y 1 or 2 -10 -8# trigger A.S.A.P.Again IMHO 4.5 too light [for me].

fourth- do you think think his was more than say 5# . And i say this because to me in the vid. looks to me he pulled said trigger. witch more than 3 times my pull 10.3-5#. i just can see myself doing so with a heavier pull that's all.

so please chime in if you think i' out of line or not

2 days ago my step son broke rule 2.:( he will not see range time any time soon. And he must also recite all on call... then we talk about it.(he's so happy about it.:D:().

blue D. Why close?

And PLEASE NO race card in this thread. it's NOT in the title right dilligf;)
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New member
It looks to me like you have some very flawed logic here.

It sounds like you are blaming the gun for doing what it was designed to do, which is fore when the trigger is pulled. If we use this logic on everything it is the gun's fault for every murder and my pencil's fault when I misspell a word. That sounds like the same logic the anti gun lobby has used forever. It cannot be the shooter's fault it is the gun's.

As for the GLOCK itself it is as safe as any gun out there. While it does not have a manual safety it does have things in place to keep the weapon from firing. A manual safety can allow for a lack of attention and concentration resulting in an AD as quickly as no safety. GLOCKS require proper firearms handling and that you pay attention to what you are doing. They are a combat handgun designed mostly for law enforcement and military applications that are now sold to the public. They are designed for use quickly when you need it with the minimal amount of steps between drawing and firing. PersonallyI prefer the GLOCK for just that reason. If you are a moron when it comes to firearm safety the GLOCK is not for you.

It sounds to me like you do not own a GLOCK so you really only know them from your bias. I would suggest seeing how they actually work and remember that a combat designed handgun will function differently than other handguns. Also remember that a maunal safety does not make the gun safe. Putting ones faith in a lever that can fail instead of prudent and careful gun handling is simply silly. GLOCK guns force you to be safe and think with safety in mind. If you cannot do that and you have to have a switch to keep you safe I question wether or not you sohould even be owning a gun period.

Let it Bleed

New member
Short of actually killing someone, DEA Special Agent Lee Paige ironically demonstrated the real danger of improper firearms handling. I cannot believe anyone is actually defending this guy. While nobody is perfect, I certainly expect negligent behavior to have consequences – including my own.

He also asserts in his complaint that because ". . . of the notoriety arising from the disclosure of the videotape, [he] is no longer permitted or able to give educational motivational speeches and presentations." Again, while recognizing we are all fallible, does anyone think that this person should be allowed to continue giving presentations regardless of whether the tape was made public or not?


New member
Wouldn't showing up in a class full of kids with a DEA shirt blow his cover? Why sue for the video?


New member
Harsh dose of because. We should follow safety rules because.

Too many officials are lacking in gun handling skills. That does not excuse any of us from striving to do better, nor will it relieve us of the consequences if we ourselves initiate carnal activity with the deceased canine.

Got to give it to the guy, if you're gonna be dumb you gotta be tough. It would appear that he passed that test. Doubt that I would have done as well after bagging mine foot.

While there is some entertainment value in watching a cocky young agent judiciously and briskly apply deadly force to his own foot (without even a warning shot!!!, must have been one of those "no knock" warrants), this also reminds me that defecation occurs and never to let me guard down when it comes to safety.

Cameras are everywhere nowadays. But for the Grace of God............

This also reminds me that just because somebody has a badge that doesn't mean they are safe with a weapon. I will try real hard to avoid these folk and try extra hard not to excite them if avoidance fails.

I was also impressed that the kids had the presence of mind to object when some think tank member was about to hand special agent footwear hater another weapon. Maybe our kids aren't dumb, just misguided at times.......
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New member
As for the GLOCK itself it is as safe as any gun out there.

Right up until it is mishandled.

Is that not true with other guns as well?

My point still stands, a manual safety does not prevent you from doing harm to yourself or others that you do not intend to do harm to. In my opinion they make people lazy about firearm safety by providing a false sense of security. And what happens when a gun equipped with a manual safety has an AD? We hear the famous line: "I thought the safety was on!" My GLOCK has 3 safeties: The one between my ears, my trigger finger being off the trigger until I intend to fire it and the safe action system. To me a little thumbswitch is not going to be what I rely on to keep myself and family safe around a gun. Proper handling and extreme caution is. If you cannot function without a manual safety do not buy a GLOCK, if the manual safety is all that is keeping you from destroying yourself or others do not buy a gun!


New member
I love Glocks, but the "Safe Action" is a "lawyer lever" and it has no real world application. It's like putting a brake on a gas pedal. The gun would be better without the dingus lever on the trigger in my view.

Talk about a false sense of security... people run around claiming that dingus is a "safety". Let's see, the safety works if you don't pull the trigger. Ok. Who here can name a gun that does fire if the trigger isn't pulled? :p

It's one of the silliest things ever put on a gun. The only safety it provides is to Glock, so they don't get sued for selling an auto pistol with a 8lbs trigger pull and no manual safety.