GLOCK "Safe Action pistols" God I Love You Tube


New member
haha i love how his cockyness was what got him shot.
what i dont understand was if he was to be talking about drugs and not to do them, why does he randomly switch to talking and showing guns? >_>


New member
Yeah...that's been around a while. Gotta love how well he retains his composure, even after shooting himself, LOL! Aside from the limp, you wouldn't even really know that he just shot himself. You have to admit he handles pain pretty well. ;)

You know he'll NEVER live that down!


New member
He blew his cover as a DEA undercover agent. Then turned around and sued the US Government for allowing the film to be shown. Where is this guy now?


New member
Did he really sue the government for the video getting out?


He should have been kicked out of the DEA for that little stunt (firing a weapon in a classroom).


New member
I've learned to be careful about talking about other peoples mistakes. Once I flew a plane without fuel, almost didn't make it back to the runway. I've had at least two accidental discharges in 45 years, once after making too much about another guys unsafe gun handling. I've read about retired airline pilots who ran out of fuel, with over 30,000 hours flying time. My point; If I consider myself to be above making a mistake, any stupid mistake, the odds are good I may get humbled some day. If it's just a slip of the tongue and I just look silly that's no biggy, but man, can you imagine waking up every day after shooting someone by accident? Safe gun handling, idiotproof my practices so that when the idiot in me comes out no one gets hurt, because it will only be something that makes me look silly. And hey, I am a bit silly at times. That video makes me shudder, and it should.


New member
For the poor folks on dialup?

As some of us are in the unfortunate position of only having dialup as out internet connection, viewing a video on youtube is out of the question
(unless you want to tie up your phone line for 8 hours!:D)

So could someone briefly describe the scene?


New member
And there is that other basic gun safety rule:
Alway treat the gun as if it is loaded, even when you think it is not.

and this one:
Alway keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
(including not at your foot or hand)

AD can happen to any one at any time. The safety rules are good rules. Let's all keep encouraging each other to practice them. A video like this is a rather vivid reminder of why.


New member
good point hall

And thats why my S&W carry has A 10# trigger {5946 NO safty ect. ect.} But damn she's A smooth pull!:D I Love her-:cool:

+1 on "the badass factor though!



New member
For the poor folks on dialup?
As some of us are in the unfortunate position of only having dialup as out internet connection, viewing a video on youtube is out of the question
(unless you want to tie up your phone line for 8 hours!)

So could someone briefly describe the scene?
Pretty is not what my glock looks like, but what I end up with on the target!

Some of these links have the written account:


New member
If that dumbass was going to be talking to students in a class room he should have cleared the weapon before entering the room or before the kids entered the room, its his fault and they should have never aloud him to handle a gun ever again after that stunt


New member
He did have the weapon cleared when he went into the room. The mistake was after he showed the cleared weapon. He apparently had a magazine inserted then he racked another round into the chamber. Watch closely and you will see it.

I take this as a learning experience. I don't want to make the same mistake, it's an eye opener. I feel bad for the guy, he was only doing his job.

HisSoilder is right in his point. The guy made a mistake, but I'm not going to lower myself to name calling and slamming the guy for it. I've got better things to do. Shows the maturity level of some on this board. Even still, I hope something like this never happens to anyone out here.

Oh, one point I forgot. One thing I have noticed as I get older is that stuff really does come back to bite people. I've seen it over and over. One incident comes to mind. A person was laughing at an old guy saying he'd lose his teeth from age. A few years later the person doing the slamming got gum disease at a young age and ended up losing all their teeth. The old guy still has his.....


New member
I read that the DEA agent had a great undecover record and a great officer. He was most likely doing just as each one of us has done at one time or another, embellishing or being a bit arrogant or cocky. He's an african american speaking to what appears to be a predominently african american classroom most likely in an african american community. He was trying to do something very positive, let's not forget that. He was speaking of rappers ( 50 cent, 2 short ) and how they were glorifying the .40 caliber Glock. Are you with me, so far, he's doing a great deed. He speaks of the 16 year old teen who was killed just that week while playing with a gun. To bring the point home, as kids often relate to, listen and retain more with visual images, the DEA agent shows them the gun to drive home the seriousness of playing with guns. Still with me? At 15 secs, he moves right and off camera as he states, "this is an unloaded gun" . He shows them what he just spoke of "this is a Glock 40", I assume he meant a .40 cal Glock. He draws the weapon as he moves to his right and inserts a mag. Enlarge the screen with the button to the lower right of the window, note at 28 seconds to 32 seconds where 4 of his fingers are. Note the trigger finger is in a safe position and not on the trigger. The mistake he made was bringing a live round into the classroom. I truly believe he was on duty, stopped by to do the demonstration, took out his magizine, which had live rounds, and completely forgot they gun was live when he reinserted the mag. As a professional, he would have never released the slide, engaging a live round into the chamber if he honestly knew he had them in the mag. He made a big mistake, yes, but each an everyone of you/us has made a boneheaded mistake. And the first thing we said to ourseleves was, "that was so stupid or dumb of me". This guy just got caught up in what he was doing and simply had a very serious laspe in judgement. Yes, it was a very very big mistake. I just hope each of us can begin to imagine how he is feeling, his family, friends, his church, his dept etc.

This kind of embarrasment can lead one to commit suicide. Does anyone feel that would be funny at all?

Bottom line, he was wrong, he made a msitake, and I hope each of us can learn from it.



New member

Thanks PackingA40 for the additional information.

One other thing to remember is this little thing called "shock." He wasn't expecting that discharge to happen, then he tried to recover the best he could, even asking if everyone was ok. I give the guy credit. I know what it's like to be shot. It sucks!


New member
It just boggles my mind that no one checked the weapon before it was brought out. I don't know why there would be a need to have live rounds anywhere near the gun for this presentation, much less IN the magazine. Someone should have checked that gun & mag to be absolutely sure there were no bullets in it, before and after it was brought into the classroom.

edit: Looks like PackingA40 already touched on this...if your theory about him stopping by while on duty is correct, it could shed a little more insight on the situation. Still a mistake, but perhaps one more easily made.


New member
PackingA40, if your post was 100% devils-advocate sarcasm, then I'm with you. Otherwise...

This kind of embarrasment can lead one to commit suicide. Does anyone feel that would be funny at all?

If this guy shot his head off while shooting his arrogant ignorant mouth off, and I get to see it on youtube, then yes, I assure you I would laugh.


New member
i_beat_it_in said:
And thats why my S&W carry has A 10# trigger {5946 NO safty ect. ect.} But damn she's A smooth pull! I Love her

Why? Because you cannot follow basic gun safety and keep your finger off the trigger? Maybe you should rethink the whole gun thing and get yourself a stick.

Oh, and nice misleading thread title. If you honestly believe that the problems was the Glock, maybe you should rethink the stick thing as well. :D