Glock recall

Did you send your "E" series Glock in?

  • Yes, because the frame broke

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Yes, because I called they told me it was affected

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Yes, if only because the serial was in the range

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Not yet, I'll have to wait for it to break

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • NO, I'm confident of my Glock!

    Votes: 15 33.3%

  • Total voters


New member

I am posting this poll to determine how many TFLR's had their Glock units returned due to defective frames.

I thought this is a good way to gauge the occurence of recalled units amongst ourselves, and check if the 1:20,000 ratio really is holding as claimed. Since we have 16,500+ members (though not all have Glocks), I suppose one incidence is enough. But that's only playing with the odds...

Only Glock owners need respond. To the others, let's keep the poll as pure and accurate as possible, ok?

I guess it would be better if the mods could merge this with beastman's thread, so that we could better track down and appreciate the extent of this "issue / non-issue".

Thanks. ;)
Beastman's thread


New member
I'm not much of a gambler. I'm sending mine in in about 6 months. I figure it will take that long for Glock to work through this wave of PD guns & civilian guns that they initially receive. THe ladies I spoke with at GLock told me they don't even have all the replacement frames yet, so I'm better hanging on to my gun than them...
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New member
You left out a few:

Yes, because I would rather not have a defective Glock sitting in my safe rotting away. God forbid should my son's, son's , son's son's ,son's ,son decide to shoot it and have it fail on him.

No, because I shoot it every other day and I'll be shooting it till it won't shoot no more.

Ellery Holt

Two of four went back.

I wish I could get warranty service like this from ANY auto manufacturer!


New member

I can't vote (no Glock), but I'd use my vote for you to represent the other Glock you returned, in order to account for the units sent back as accurately as possible. ;)


I have Smith revolvers.
And ten other Glocks.
Not a problem.
G34 will go back when the rush dies off.:D


New member
How about... NO, not effected? :rolleyes:

None of my 7 Glocks were effected.
None of the 6 that I sold earlier this year and last were effected either. ;)

They must have been examples of "Glock Perfection".


New member
I am going to wait until I wear mine out...

I have several thousand flawless rounds thru mine so far, I am going to wait untill I bang it up some more.......when it starts to show considerable wear I am going to send it back for a new frame and a refinish. I am less than concearned about it.


New member
I thought about that.

Although it became apparent that the poll would be accurate as is, without the extraneous info, as we're attempting to measure occurence of failure of "E" series Glocks amongst us.

Besides, should anyone feel the need to vote and have his unit represented in the positive, I suppose option 5 would suffice.

Thanks for the input. ;)


New member
What recall are you talking about????
I have a glock bought it new.
Registered it.
I didn't get a recall notice.
Did you?

Actions speak louder than words.
Glock just told it's customers to get bent!!!

I hope they get sued into the ground for there blatant , disreguard of human life.
The live's of the very customers who made them, who they are!!



First of all, if you had read the information posted on TFL you would know that there isn't a recall. This means that you won't receive a recall notice.

Now, to brass tacks...

Is your Glock broken?


Is your Glock defective?

If the answer is 'yes', then my question is "HOW DO YOU KNOW?"


New member
I know because a leo from a dpepartment with four broken Glocks posted a letter from Glock to that departments armoury. They have known about this problem since May. I found out by accident just like everyone here. Glock has done nothing to inform the public of this serious hazard. They are negligent and show a blatant disregard (if not loathing) for there own customers, and mark my words the finanacial implications for there actions will be huge!!!


I know because a leo from a dpepartment with four broken Glocks posted a letter from Glock to that departments armoury.
Until you contact Glock and give them your serial number you don't know squat.

Your pistol may not even be affected.


thank you for making my point!
My point was that you don't know if your pistol is affected or not.

Therefore your ranting about not being notified makes absolutely no sense whatsoever...

There's a good chance your pistol isn't affected which would mean you've been ranting that Glock hasn't contacted you to tell you that there's nothing wrong with your gun... :rolleyes:


New member
I don't believe that there are only thirty "E" series glock owners here in TFL... :rolleyes:

For those who missed this during it's "first page" run, here is it.


Once more, with feeling ;)

PS: So, we do have three whose Glocks actually.....broke!!!?? :confused:

At 10%, that's HIGH! :eek::eek::eek:

juliet charley

New member
By the same token, I don't think we have 75,000 users either--according to Glock, Inc., that's how many it will take before you see three breakages. :p

If we have three broken Glocks on TFL that is extremely high based on what Glock, Inc. is allegedly saying.