Glock prices


New member
I could have purchased my G23 4th gen for $398.20 but I had Trijicon night sights added, bringing it to $477.40. Also, that's with 3 mags included. I still think that's a good price. Feel sorry for y'all way down under.


New member
Reading what it costs in South Africa for certain guns, it makes me appreciate even more our U.S. capitalist structure of business that allows for open competition and somewhat keeps prices reasonable. The less competition, the higher prices go. I would imagine in South Africa (and I have no idea, i'm just speculating) that they don't have the same type of capitalist, open competition business structure that we are fortunate to have.

Capitalism won't help him here. If he's going to buy legally, he's stuck with whatever distributor Glock has chosen for his country. While there may be competition between retailers, their prices will all be high, reflecting the high prices of the distributor.

The most "capitalist" thing to do in this situation would be not to purchase a Glock. Enough people refuse to buy Glocks at inflated prices, Glock has to revamp their sales model to lower the prices. That's the theory, anyway. :rolleyes:


New member
Reading what it costs in South Africa for certain guns, it makes me appreciate even more our U.S. capitalist structure of business that allows for open competition and somewhat keeps prices reasonable. The less competition, the higher prices go. I would imagine in South Africa (and I have no idea, i'm just speculating) that they don't have the same type of capitalist, open competition business structure that we are fortunate to have.

Yep, very fortunate. Can you say 2008 crash, double dip recession, 15-20% unemployment, through in some derivatives and commodity speculation (sometimes called legalized gambling), but what the hey!

Our pesky socialistic neighbors to the North kept most of that out and are doing ok. Hmmm


New member
Seems as though Glock would/should step in and have a talk with their distributor. Unless of course, Glock is reaping a big portion of these incredible profits from the distributor they've chosen.

One way for sure to bring those prices down Amin, start a campaign to boycott buying Glocks in South Africa. Unfortunately, sounds as though the reason you guys are paying that insane price is because to many are willing to.