Glock prices

Amin Parker

New member
Hi all.

I was posting on another thread that the prices of handguns in my neck of the woods are completely crazy. A quality hi cap 9mm, Glock, Cz etc will set you back around US$1700 and a small pistol like the Ruger lcp 380 being $700.

Well, yesterday i got an email from my local shop that he can get me a brand new 19 for just under $1000. I called a my shooting buddy who is also my teammate and Glocker to inform him, he tells me that he just bought a brand new 34 for $1100. That is a massive difference!!!

Meanwhile i called the distributors of other brands and was told that no discounts are available.

Glocks sell very well here so a discount is unheard of. Are Glock prices coming down in the US as well? Could there be surplus stock that has not sold due to reduced demand?


New member
No offence. But what country do you live in?....So I know never make plans to reside there.

WOW!! those prices are high.....Your being taken advantage-of.

Curious - What is the cost of a loaf of bread?


New member
That is extremely expensive:eek: The guns you list must bear an extreme tax! Here these weapons sell 550-600. You certainly make me appreciate my local gun store!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Some prices have come down from the Obama peak, some didn't really go up.

Glocks run roughly $475-$650 depending on model/options and have been more or less in that area for awhile.

The LCP is down some. They were running in the upper $300, lower $400 range for awhile. About $290 now.


New member
Glock prices are not down here in the US. They have remained pretty constant. They are about $425 is you join the GSSF and retail right around $500 depending on sight configuration.

chris in va

New member
Price reductions...maybe a little. There was an 'Obama Scare' back in 2008 that sent everything skyrocketing and some FFL's have been reluctant to give up on the artificial price increase. Generally speaking though a standard Glock runs about $500 at most stores in my area.

Hey Amin, any way you can put your location in the signature line so people aren't all shocked by the laws and prices there?:)


New member
Sorry to hear that my friend. I would hate paying $1,700 for a glock.

Saw a G19 in my local gunshop for $549.00 which about the same as it was a year ago.

I can get a high quality 1911 for $1,700 here.

I wonder what a Wilson Combat would run in your country :confused:


New member
Lowest prices I am seeing Glocks are $506 with out tax, and LEO discount $450

The 10mm and 45 acp/gap tends to go for $530~$550


New member
Reading what it costs in South Africa for certain guns, it makes me appreciate even more our U.S. capitalist structure of business that allows for open competition and somewhat keeps prices reasonable. The less competition, the higher prices go. I would imagine in South Africa (and I have no idea, i'm just speculating) that they don't have the same type of capitalist, open competition business structure that we are fortunate to have.


New member
i just bought a used glock 22 in 40s&w in ex condition(a police trade in) for 275.00 out the door. it must have belonged to a desk jockey as it is in truly like new condition. eastbank.

Amin Parker

New member

We have the same open capitalist market every democracy enjoys. The problem is not the country, its laws or economic structure.

The problem is that if i was a dealer and contacted Glock, i would be told to deal with the company they currently contracted to distribute their products in the region. They would also tell me that they are not awarding any new distribution agreements.

This is true of all firearms manufacturers. We have never had more than one distributor for a particular brand.