Glock or XD (Not trying to start a war)


And it's not really an easier process to field strip an XD than the Glock, but the slide release is a lever that turns 90º instead of having to pull down those tiny tabs on both sides of the slide simultaneously (I know, it's not THAT hard, but it IS easier to turn the tab.) I don't really have any problem with either gun.



Thank you for your response. I liked the article, and read it with great interest.

As for the accuracy testing, from what I recall of other tests, it's common to see a gradual improvement in accuracy as parts mate and the gun "breaks-in". That may take up to 2-3 thousand rounds. The accuracy then remains at a sort of plateau for several thousand rounds and then there is a gradual drop-off as wear begins to become significant and the gun starts to loosen a bit.

The accuracy changes usually aren't huge, but they provide an interesting gauge of the wear progression. Furthermore, it's important to realize that the fact that the accuracy is falling off and the gun is loosening up isn't any evidence that the service life has been reached. In fact, the gun is probably at its most reliable at this point, and the accuracy loss is usually not to the level that it will affect most shooters.

BTW, I think that high-round count tests are going to become more and more rare as very high-round count service lives become common in quality handguns. I recall seeing 5K round counts done years ago and being impressed. These days, it's almost expected that a gun will go 5K rounds without feeding issues, parts breakage or significant wear. The cost and time required to wear out modern examples of quality handguns is prohibitive...




1. Which 1 feels better
2. What type of "action" do you prefer?

Exactly. KISS. That's why I favor GLOCKs.

They make a specific point of employing fewer parts than just about any comparable gun.

I like that kind of minimalist design philosophy. It jibes with mine.

I see extra features on a gun, and I think, "Extra parts..." :rolleyes: More things to break or wear.

I don't fully trust that grip safety, either. Not saying I know of anything wrong with it, it's just ... yet another complex mechanical thingie that CAN fail. If it's not there, it can't fail on you. And I don't carry my GLOCK and think, "Oh, gee, I'm worried because it doesn't have a grip safety." Since I don't miss it, I don't want it.



New member
blackmind said:
I don't fully trust that grip safety, either. Not saying I know of anything wrong with it, it's just ... yet another complex mechanical thingie that CAN fail. If it's not there, it can't fail on you. And I don't carry my GLOCK and think, "Oh, gee, I'm worried because it doesn't have a grip safety." Since I don't miss it, I don't want it.

On the other hand, grip safeties are a tried and true technology stemming back to the 1911, plus this grip saftey is from a proven 1911 manufacturer...

All that could, of course, mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the XD... but then again...


New member

Y'all have better glasses than I do. I had seen the "crest" on the top of the slide but never saw "Croatia" on there until I looked for it.

Point conceded. But Glocks are Austrian. At least Springfield is an American company. (Do they have their 1911's made there too?????? Sheesh!!!!)

Springmom, who is going to make that overdue appointment with the eye doctor TODAY :eek:


New member
It's just a matter of taste, and I know I'm not being very helpful, but for me, neither.

Edit - Okay, I suck. If I HAD to choose... XD. It's somewhat reminiscient of a USP which I own.


New member
not sure what the OP's timeframe is on a purchase, but Smith & Wesson is supposed to be coming out with a new polymer gun called the M&P real soon now. Early reviews are very positive and if I read it right, they have pretty large capacity mags (like 15+1 rds of .40S&W, my XD is only 12+1).

Here is an article on it I read recently:

And here is the info from S&G themselves


New member
Which ever one you shoot the best!

I currently have a Glock 23 (.40S&W), and my mom just bought an XD9 subcompact (go mom !:D). We went to the range last week, so it was a good opportunity to compare the two back-to-back. I think everyone else has pretty much pointed out the primary differences between the two. However, the deciding factors should be:
1) which one feels better, and shoots more accurately in your hand, and
2) which one you feel more comfortable trusting your life to if the SHTF.

If you can shoot your weapon accurately, and you feel confident carrying it and using it if/when necessary, nothing else really matters. Just get a frame size and caliber that fits your needs. Personally, the XD grip just feels too small for my hands--I have relatively large hands and long fingers--so for me the Glock was the logical choice. I shoot both weapons about equally as well (or bad, depending on how you look at it :)), and I don't particularly care one way or the other about grip safeties, loaded-chamber indicators, etc. or the lack thereof.

One think I will say is that I detest the stock sights on the Glock. I would either replace them immediately or go the "cheap" route like I did--black out the bottom portion of the rear "U" sight to make your own 3-dot sight.:cool: Although, the dot on the front Glock sight is a little bigger than the one on the XD, which for me makes it easier/faster to acquire my sight picture. Also, the trigger pull on the XD feels mushy to me compared to the Glock, and the trigger reset is at least twice as long. But I like the feel of the trigger itself better on the XD since it seems wider and more comfortable on my finger.

Bottom line: rent (or borrow) both, fondle and shoot them as much as you can, and then make your decision. The price difference is relatively small, and for the money both are excellent handguns.



At least Springfield is an American company. (Do they have their 1911's made there too?????? Sheesh!!!!)
Springfield does very limited (if any) manufacturing. I believe Ruger casts the receivers for their M1A rifles, at least some of their 1911 pistols are made by Imbel of Brazil, and the Springfield XD is a rebadged HS2000 made in Croatia.


New member
XD! It's a personal preference I know. The reasons have all been previously stated. Two years of service and I see no unusual wear or rust with the normal cleaning I do with all my guns, when I shoot them. I like carrying with one in the pipe. I like the extra confidence I have, that an accidental discharge is better prevented with the grip safety. I know, neither pistol will fire if the trigger is not pulled, but you know, **** happens.:cool:


New member
I was all set to buy a Glock G19 9mm because I heard Glocks were so reliable but after reading about many failure to feed problems in the glocktalk forums, especially hollow points engaging the feed ramp in new models, I am having second thoughts. It also seems that some can have eject or feed problems by shooting limp wristed.

Does the XD-9mm also have FTF problems like the newer Glocks apparently have? Is is less prone to fail shooting limp wristed than a G19?



New member
Skylark, there aren't as many FTF as you think. Given the sheer number of Glocks (and other weapons), it's acutually a very small percentage. The same with the 'KB' issue, it's not alot of guns, and usually limited to improperly loaded reloads.......

Pretty much any gun can give you problems if you are limp wristing, that's not a 'Glock only' problem. Limp wristing is a No-No for any shooter! :)

Personally, I've only gone through 1 magazine of hollow points through my wife's G19 and my G23 (I put new carry ammo in each of our guns every year), and I didn't have any problems. I haven't had any FTF or FTE problems, and we go through a few hundred rounds a month each.

I agree with what several other people have said though, go with what feels best for you! Hit the local range and try them both out (and for you Skylark, try out every gun you are interested in!) I personally didn't like the feel of the XD, but every person is different! Good luck!


New member
Funny thought...

Years back when the "evil" Glock first came out...I looked at it and bought a 1911 .45. I don't regret that decision but time has proven the Glock to be an amazing pistol. Hell I don't think you can break one. I feared they would somehow disolve..all that plastic:D ...Now this XD...time will tell here too but if it is as stout as a does feel alot better in the hand..I bet you can't go wrong either way. Good luck and enjoy:)


New member
To me they look like the same gun. Minus the grip safety, can ne1 tell me what some other significant differences are.

I am sorry my gf wants to play with smilies :eek: :eek: :D :p ;) :rolleyes:


New member
>> Skylark, there aren't as many FTF as you think. Given the sheer number of Glocks (and other weapons), it's acutually a very small percentage. <<

From posts I've read I'm inclined to believe that it is the supported barrel that is causing the feed ramp FTFs. Some posts recommend buying a 2nd gen G19 instead of a 3rd gen to get the unsupported barrel.

My problem with that is I want to buy a new gun so I know that everything in it is prime and not ready for replacement due to excessive rounds fired. I believe that all new 3rd gen G19's come with the supported barrel.

If anyone has both type of 9mm barrels, I would greatly appreciate it if they could let me know if the angle of the feed ramp on the supported barrel is steeper than on the unsupported barrel.



New member
I personally do not like the long trigger reset on the XD. The Glock has a better trigger and a better finish. Besides that, it's really apples and oranges. It depends on what feels best to you.


New member
Skylark, I'm pretty sure the Glocks still have unsupported barrels. My wife carries a G19 (I carry my G23), and other than the barrel size (they're both Gen 3), they look the same, and my barrel is unsupported......


New member
Can someone tell me about the special that springfield has going on with the 3 hi-cap mags and the paddle holster? When its going on till? This could be the little push I need.

Also, whats the real difference in the ported model of the XD?


New member
>> Skylark, I'm pretty sure the Glocks still have unsupported barrels. My wife carries a G19 (I carry my G23), and other than the barrel size (they're both Gen 3), they look the same, and my barrel is unsupported...... <<

I'll check with local gun shops if it's possible to order a new G19 with unsupported barrel when I try to buy one in December. My guess is probably not but will be worth a try.
