Glock or XD (Not trying to start a war)

Garand Guy

New member
I was considering a used Glock in .40cal. The guy behind the counter showed me one and mentioned that "Glocks are great, but I like my XD better". I held and field stripped both. I like the feel of the XD better and it cost less than the Glock. The new XD was about $100 cheaper than the used Glock.

Here's the question: What are your pros & cons about both / either?

(I don't want to hear anything about 1911, JMB, CZ, Kimber, etc. The question is simple. K.I.S.S.)


New member
Matter of Preference

My experience is limited with both. I did rent them both together at the same range trip and I liked the feel and the grip angle of the XD better. The Glock is proven, but the XD seems like a great gun. The reviews seem to be looking good for the XDs as well. The new grip "divider" thingys for fingers on the newer glocks pinched my fingers in the wrong place. Sausage fingers I guess. The Glock just didn't fit my hand at all. That is the only reason I will eventually get an XD over the Glock. (This is entirely subjective mind you, both are great working, reliable guns). If I could find an older Glock without the fingered grip I would probably fall in love with that as well. Whatever fits, suits your needs, and makes you happy (having an extra $100 would make me even happier) is what you should go with. I plan on getting an XD9 soon.


New member
If you want a grip safety...get the XD...if not...get the Glock

Other than price...that is really the only advantage to the XD

And only if you see it as an advantage

XD Niner

New member
I love my XD-9. Don't get me wrong, Glock makes great pistols too, I just didn't like the ergonomics after renting several. My XD is as accurate as my 1911 and I routinely use it for USPSA production. I now have 8800 trouble free rounds through my XD and that makes me a happy camper!:)


Try to shoot both.

I've heard good things about the XD, and a recent magazine ran a 20,000 round torture test on an XD with excellent results.

However, I have heard some relatively lukewarm reports from personal friends about XD accuracy, and therefore was quite disappointed to note that the 20K round test included ZERO accuracy testing results. Besides being a disappointment, it was somewhat surprising as accuracy changes are a useful way to measure wear progress through a high round-count test.

If you shoot the XD well and it provides you with satisfactory accuracy then I don't think you'll go wrong with one.


New member
I like the finger grooves on my G 26, they seem to be a sore spot for most. But then again I have a sub compact and the grooves make it easier to hold.


New member
Like everyone said already, which one fits YOU best?

Glocks are fine weapons, but they don't point naturally for me. (Probably would with some practice.)
I picked the XD-9 simply because of price, and I needed a gun and didn't have time for a lot of research. I couldn't be happier with it. I've had no problems at all. That's not the way I go about a usual firearm purchase, but it worked out well.

When I qualified at work (police dept) I had previously only fired about 25-30 rounds through my XD and I scored 84%. The very next round I shot 92%. With a little practice I expect to be shooting high 90's (like usual) by the next time we qualify.

I would reccommend either gun. The Glock by reputation, and the XD from personal experience.


THe only con to the Xd is lower mag capacity. But even that has its advantages, i.e. a grip designed for something other than Gastons polymer android bodyguards. The black finish is also somewhat of a problem, but the stainless looks better anyway.


New member
I know a lot of people who love their Glock's. While they are most certainly NOT the 'Perfection' they have the arrogance to claim, they are firearms of exceptional reliability, proven accuracy, and outstanding quality. That being said...

I can't stand the buggers.

I can handle the lack of a manual safety (which the XD takes care of by adding the grip safety). I can deal with the, in my own opinion, substandard aesthetics. I can cope with the unsupported chamber. But I just can't handle that grip angle.

Personally, I prefer the XD. The grip angle is the same as your average 1911, the most common grip angle in the world. I like having an additional safety beyond the trigger. I like the all metal magazines for the XD, and the fact that the magazine release is truly ambidextrous.

Try them both. If you feel more comfortable with the Glock, go for it. It's a quality weapon. But if the grip is too extreme, check out the XD, you won't be sorry.
Sure, the finish isn't as tough as that of the Glock or USP, but it isn't as bad as folks who don't know anything about it make it out to be.

As many have already said, it comes down to the one that fits YOU better. Most people aren't comfortable on both, but find that one of them fits nicely. The XD wins for me & I'm more than happy with it and I'm fine with the idea of refinishing the slide if/when I ever need to.


New member
I'm new to handguns so had this same decision point. Went to the range and shot a bunch of different .40s that they had, and would advise you do the same and get the one you are comfortable with.

I did a lot of research here and other forums, GlockTalk and HS2000/XDTalk about pros/cons on each, but nothing substituted for shooting them both to determine which one I felt better about.

For me, I ended up with the XD40. I've "modified it" (haha) slightly since purchase with decal grips + the Pachmayer slip-on grip wrap w/finger ridges so it feels even better than the stock gun (my hands get sweaty while shooting, regardless of the gun, and these items help the grip for me, YMMV). I've also just installed a new guide rod/spring recommended on the XD forum, off to the range today to test how that affects the shooting.

As for accuracy (also a haha since I'm new), in the range tests I did, I was equally "bad" with both the Glock and XD, but the XD felt better in my hand. Since purchasing the XD a few weeks ago, my accuracy has improved, and the gun is VERY easy to shoot and shoot decent groups, even for a beginner.

FWIW, I took my wife shooting for the first time and she liked the Glock feel better than my XD, it fit her hands a lot better. So, go try it. IMO you can't go wrong with either gun, they are both great.

As others have pointed out, the XD has the finish issues that the Glock doesn't, and I haven't had mine long enough to see any problems, but that is an issue you should be aware of / take into consideration.


New member
If this is a purely duty tool, then it's all about which fits you best. If there is a collection aspect to your purchase, the Glock is a modern classic with a pedigree... that's only a factor if simply want to own a Glock to know that you do (a perfectly legitimate desire, though its importance varies from person to person). I wouldn't necessarily put too much emphasis on the cost difference since that's arguably made up by the larger availability of Glock accessories and aftermarket parts. With either gun, however, you can be confident about your choice.

Eric Larsen

New member
As far as accuracy goes.......Both guns are well within the "very accurate" range. My buddies XD 9 that I shoot more than any other XD, is one of the most accurate guns Ive ever shot. Like hitting Golf Balls are over 20 yds offhand....and I AM NOT a great shot.

Rent them both and see what flavor you like........Shoot well.


New member
I would like to own an XD myself. Seems like a good gun to get to know. I do own two Glocks (17 and 35).

I do think the finish thing is important. It isn't so much that "the finish on the XD is crap" as it is "the Glock Tennifer coating is tops in the industry." I've got a first generation G17 and it has never been babied. I've accidentally "scratched it up" on various things over the many years. (Bought it new in 89.) But the scratches have always buffed right out. The material had left traces _of itself_ on the gun but not actually touched the tennifer. That is one tough finish.

The other thing I don't really like about the XD is more of a personal thing. I don't like a lot of a semi auto to "stick up" over the back of my hand. I want it low and what is there I want to be very simple and not distracting. I fired a buddy's service 229 and that was my biggest grip about it. I prefer the look of the Glock to the XD when it is actually in the firing position.

The good news is that either one is a fine choice. You can't really pick wrong.



New member
I recently went through the same decision process you're going through. I grew up around guns but due to college and all, hadn't been to the range in a few years. Recently got married and decided it's time to get back into it, so off I went searching for my first 9mm. I chose the XD over the Glock because I knew I'd be carrying and I liked having the external grip safety. Once you're ready to fire, it isn't a hindrance at all, but when I go to reholster I move my thumb to the back of the slide which engages the grip safety. It's in this way that I know there's no chance of a shirtail or anything causing an ND. A lot of people carry Glocks, so most people aren't as paranoid as I am, but personally I like that added safety feature.

Greg Bell

New member
Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this. Get the Glock. Very few guns are as well-proven as Gaston's little world-beaters. I prefer H&Ks and SIGs, but it is hard to fault the Glock.
