Glock 26 Chokes for Brother in law at range


New member
I own the G23 & 27. Never had a problem.

If I were you or your friend, I would purchase a new one. Not the ranges beat up ole abused one...

Someone said "it looked new". Well, you clean it up and rub some oil onto enaything black and it looks new. Open it up next time, take a white cleaning cloth or patch and run it through the inside. let's see just how clean that puppy is.

Less parts, less problems...nuff said.

Nice thing about the compact glocks...they also hold the hi cap mags of thier big full size frame brothers...

Take it from those Feds in Miami years ago...don't get into a shootout with a revolver...the bad guys won't wait for ya to reload.


good luck with whatever your decision is.



While I feel that no words that I could dream up would be as therapeutic in this situation as a week or two of Paxil, I forgot to suggest that a drop of oil on each slide rail might have been the cure for the jamming. Either that or the recalled recoil assembly.

Dave AA

New member
Bad springs or mag.
Rental guns are not the way to judge a weapons reliability. Before writing the G26 off, try another one.
My G23 is closing in on 15,000 rounds (that's right) without ONE malfunction. Ever. I've shot every type of ammo imaginable through it including reloads. I've shot it dirty, clean, dry, over-oiled, and it's been shot by probably 10 people, including women. Hasn't failed ever. Only gun I've ever owned that reliable.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Range rentals around here can be dingy...I have rented a S&W617 which had numerous failures to load. extract and fire because of the residue! That Glock could have been improperly maintained as well. I know I don't trust any gun I have not fired/cleaned within the last 3-4 months and seeing what the rentals look like convinced me to continue that way.


New member
I own and carry a G26(My Springfield is having some custom work done)I've put at least 1000.00 rounds through it without one malfunction, and I bought the gun used. The experience you are describing is an exception and not the rule with Glocks in general and the 26 in particular. I feel safe in suggesting that if you had your heart set on the 26 to go ahead and buy one. I predict that you will have an entirely different experience than what you have had up to now. You may want to try renting another 26 at a different range if you want to put your mind at ease before buying one
Good Shooting!

"A rigid investment in flexability is but another closed system of thinking"

El Rojo

New member
I love my Glock 27. Very few times have I had any sort of malfunctions. I can only think of two in about 750 rounds. A great CCW gun. I just slip it in my waistband of the ole Gap Blue Jeans and off I go. Draw, shoot two in the ten ring, no more than 2.25 seconds. Not bad from the waist band. Buy a Glock, you won't regret it.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Master Blaster:
Funny I never had a problem with any UMC ammo until I shot the Glock 26.
It must be great with aggressive hollowpoints
I realy like the gun but I hear too many excuses made here for it.

"It could be dirty",

Wow I thought you could throw them in the mud and run over them with a tank and they would feed and fire any ammo, I had the gun appart and it was not that dirty.

"Must be the ammo UMC is no good",

Horse Crap I say.

"maybe its the mag or the springs,"

The gun looked new and I know target master replaces these guns and sells them as salesmans samples or Armorer's extras after about 2500 rounds because they told me so.

I will recommend a revolver to my Brother in law He like my 686+ best of all.

Does target master have a tracking system in place to keep track of each time the gun is rented? How would they know if you were to use your own ammo as well as the UMC range ammo? "Because they told you so?!" You won't accept that a fatigued recoil spring could be the reason for the problems you encountered because some guy behind a counter gave you an implausible story (like this guy couldn't lie to you because he works there) you choose to believe, but the suggested reasons for the failure you choose not to belive because...?

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.

Master Blaster

New member
The guy behind the counter wanted to sell two G26 that night one to me and one to my brother in law.

Since Target master is a large dealer of Glocks they try to put the best examples in the case for rental because thay are Salesmans Samples in the truest sense as well as rental guns.

I bought a 686+ for $299 from them it was a salesman's sample I checked the serial number with S&W and it was mfg in sept 1999
I bought it in february 2000. Except for a few small scratches it appears new, and it has an excellent trigger and incredible accuracy.

Target master also has an ultrasonic cleaner and they clean their samples / rental guns in it.

I liked the Glock 26 it fit my hand well and was very accurate, but ther jamming suprised me. A couple months ago I shot 40 rounds through a G27 that belonged to a fellow range patron (he wanted to shoot my old Ruger Mk II ).
It did not misfeed and shot to point of aim.

I like the Glock and Peer pressure at the range and this board make me want one.

I think the elves had a bad day when they made the one I shot.

Master Blaster

[This message has been edited by Master Blaster (edited March 31, 2000).]

Will Beararms

New member
Tell your brother-in-law to get the Glock and buy a Taurus 85 to carry until he learns the finer points of Handgunomics. Or better still let him borrow a Snubby to get used to.

I advise all to learn with a revolver and then move to the semi-auto. It worked for me.

As for the nice Jewish Boy routine, two Uncles, whose nice Jewish ancestors were persecuted in Europe in the 30's are responsible for the handgun-loving monster that I have become. My mom hs two sisters who married Jewish Men and I am thankful they imprted to me at an early age the value of the RKBA. Ask the survivors of the war in Yuoslavia and I will bet you both sides believe in the Seond Amendment as well.

FWIW, I would try Oshman's and tell them you have a better deal elsewhere if their price is too high. Oshman's will barter if you do it discetely and I love suppoting a chin that is not PC. Try B&S Guns or Bachman as well. Target Master hs been known to be way steep on the prices of shootin' irons. I recall seeing the 26 for something in the range of $439.00-$489.00 recently. Hey it's not business but I hate to see money left on the provebial table.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."


I have a G26 that I've put over 1k through. Nary a problem.

Well, actually, only problem is that I am so used to my G19(about 8K through it) that I usually carry it instead.

Your sample size is = 1. Any machine or human on any given day can have problems. Glocks are not the be all end all- but they are rarely accused of being a jammomatic.




New member
Gee, I just got a NIB G26 for my birthday. Yes, you heard it right, Mr. Cough-Choke Glock now owns one!!!!!!! I hope that I did not make the wrong choice. The choice was between the G30,G17, G19, and the G26. I chose the 26 because it fit both my pocket, and my hand. If these things are unreliable, I'm going to be VERY P.O.'d .

The only justice for a traitor is at the end of a rope!!!!
Off my meds (quit smoking), armed to the teeth, and loose on an unsuspecting society!!!


New member
"I like the Glock and Peer pressure at the range and this board make me want one."

With all due respect, I can think of no worse reason to buy something, whether it's a car of a self defense tool.

So many pistols, so little money.