Glock 26 Chokes for Brother in law at range

Master Blaster

New member
Tonight I took my brother in law shooting he is considering a gun purchase and since I am the gun nut in the family (nice jewish boys dont own guns let alone love to shoot) I took him to the local target master.

Bob's dad has had a carry permit for the family business for many decades and totes a S&W j frame. Bob has shot many times in the past with me his father and other friends, but has not felt compelled to get a ccdw (nor have I). Bob also owns no guns ( time to buy now) So I advised him that the state of the art was a Glock 26 in 9mm easy to control accurate ( I wanted one bad ). I did not recommend my Sigma .40V . So at Target Master we rented the Glock 26 for $10 and I brought 5 other guns of my own 686+, Sigma .40V, Ruger MKII, S&W 910. We bought 2 boxes of UMC 9mm per range requirements, only use their ammo, and off we went I was excited to put a box of ammo through the 26.

I shoot 10 rounds and they all hit 3.5 inch bull at 10 yards, 3 in the 9 10 rings.

UH OHHHHH Problem 1 after much instruction to Bob to watch your thumb on the slide (dont knock a hunk of meat off, this has happened to my wife, and a friend I took shooting so its my second warning)

Reload and Bob fires ten, round number 2, the slide knocks a chunk off Bob's support left hand thumb.

Then the gun jams on the next round, cartridge half way wedged in the chamber??? slide stuck and the magazine spring seemed to be making the jamb unmovable.
So I dropped the mag and the round chambered IT was stuck on the magazine.

This happened each full magazine thereafter for 8 reloads. The gun would cahmber and fire after you dropped the mag and the fired round would fall out the magazine well.

Well I blamed it on limp wristing and then it happened to me also 3 times.

We then proceded to fire the 910 100 rounds, and the Sigma .40V 100 rounds. Bob had no problem with either gun, So I know it was not limp wristing.

What was the problem with the Glock???? The range master said he thoughit might be dirty, but before I shot it I showed Bob how easy it was to disassemble And it appeared quite clean.

I really wanted one of these in 9mm I was convinced that it was the ultimate modern handgun. It shot accurately but it was NOT reliable.

My Sigma .40v has been 100% reliable for 2300 rounds too bad its made by S&W.

[This message has been edited by Master Blaster (edited March 30, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Master Blaster (edited March 30, 2000).]


New member
I own a G26 and It sounds like the recoil spring needs to be changed, the slide is slightly out of time due to the worn spring IMHO! I'm also not a big fan of UMC ammo.

Snail Male

New member
I had exactly the same type of jam you describe (4 times) in my Glock 19C with--you guessed it--Remington UMC ammo. In addition to causing jams, the UMC ammo I shot seemed weakly inconsistent, and inaccurate. My Glock has never jammed with any other brand of ammo, and I blame the UMC crap for causing my only jams with this pistol. UMC ammo sucks, I'm never going to buy it again.

Master Blaster

New member
The range where we shot TargetMaster is a glockaholic kind of place, In their showroom cases thay have at least 100 Glocks at any given time. They have Glock armorers on site.

They only sell UMC as target ammo.

I have put thousands of rounds of UMC downrange in may different guns over the years, Its what most sporting goods and gun shops in our area push.

I have NEVER found it to be weak or unreliable ammo, in fact UMC is hotter than Winchester white box and federal in comparable loadings (fmj target). just shoot some and you will feel the difference especially in .357.

Funny my 910 has had no problem with umc or even federal 147 SXT, which would have certainly choked the Glock we rented last night.

There was nothing visible wrong with the magazine in fact it appeared to be almost new as did the gun.

I really wanted one of these but I would be hard pressed to justify paying $539.00 for an unreliable gun.


I just bought a G26 for my daughter. I've fired 200 rounds or so through it, without a glich. I've used both Win. white box and UMC, both with totally dependable results. There's a recall on the recall assemblies on some G26's. You might have been using one with a bad recoil spring assembly. (I called Glock and confirmed that my daughter's is o.k.)

I also shoot a G21 and a G30. Have shot tens of thousands of rounds through the G21, several thousand rounds through G30, with no problems. I do use the Wolff steel guide rod/spring sets. Will probably get a Wolff set for daughter's G26.

The G26 has the same design as the rest of the Glocks. Rental guns are notorious for malfunctions due to lack of maintenance, but I'd bet you got a G26 with either bad mags springs or bad recoil springs.

There is no situation where a weak side thumb should be anywhere near the rear of the slide. If you tell somebody not to put their thumb there and they continue to do so, then maybe a thumb-pinching is what it takes to get through to them.

Master Blaster

New member
The thumb problem has never happened to me, but it seems to happen with the SIGMA .40v to everyone else who shoots it for the 1st time who is not a regular gun person.

I warn people on the SIGMA and I therefor warned Bob about the glock the first shot the thumb was out of the way. the second small hunk off the top of the first joint, just like with my wife and Dave the first time they shot it.

The accuracy was great and the trigger pull is better than the Sigma I own.
It may be because the chamber was full of crud you could not see on precursory inspection.

I keep the guns I own spotless. The range requires UMC bought from them ONLY for their rental guns.

I also buy winchester white box and Sellier and Belloit as on sale.

S&B and UMC are Hotter than winchester and shoot to the same lower point of aim thn winchester.


New member
Get the G26 without any worries. Between mine and my brother's, we have several thousand rounds downrange with no problems. It's probably the best 9mm around (or, at least, the best that I can afford NIB without a personal loan).


New member
I also have a Glock 26. I have had it for about 3 years, and have put several thousand rounds through it. I do not recall it ever having jammed with any factory ammo, including UMC.
However, I did get the exact same jam you describe using my own light loads (115gr FMJ over 4.2gr HP-38). Maybe targetmasters is selling you reloads. Check the head stamps and see if they all match exactly, and look for marks left be a breech face. In the past, I have had ranges swear the ammo was new when it had clearly been reloaded.


Paul A

New member
Heard these problems before. UMC is often the culprit. Dirty gun and Bad mags too. (Own a 19, 27, 33)

We all know that as dependable as glocks are, you HAVE to follow the rules with them (limp wrist, clean and dry inside, proper ammo, mag maintenance, finger off trigger)

My only caution is that if he is a new gun owner as you say. Glocks may not be for him for personal carry right now. With the trigger system and no external safety, they can be a real handful for a newbie.

Drill him long and hard on yours first, or get him into something more forgiving.

Just my opinion.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Master Blaster:
I really wanted one of these but I would be hard pressed to justify paying $539.00 for an unreliable gun.[/quote]

You're comparing a well-used gun that probably doesn't get cleaned very regularly with a NIB model?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
UMC 9mm is likely the culrpit. In a Beretta 92 it wasn't hot enough to lock the slide back occasionally. In a PPKs, .32 UMC ball would jam or fail to go into battery regularly. I am unimpressed by UMC autoloader ammo, though their .357 seem fine.

Master Blaster

New member
Funny I never had a problem with any UMC ammo until I shot the Glock 26.
It must be great with aggressive hollowpoints
I realy like the gun but I hear too many excuses made here for it.

"It could be dirty",

Wow I thought you could throw them in the mud and run over them with a tank and they would feed and fire any ammo, I had the gun appart and it was not that dirty.

"Must be the ammo UMC is no good",

Horse Crap I say.

"maybe its the mag or the springs,"

The gun looked new and I know target master replaces these guns and sells them as salesmans samples or Armorer's extras after about 2500 rounds because they told me so.

I will recommend a revolver to my Brother in law He like my 686+ best of all.


New member
Contrary to popular belief lemons can get by Glock QC like any other companies. Maybe the elves were hungover the day the Glock 26 you fired was made. Glocks, like anything made by humans, can have problems.

You're right to recommend something that you consider more reliable.

So many pistols, so little money.

Master Blaster

New member
G26 = deffective spring failure to feed fmj jammmomatic for only $539 be a member of the club.

[This message has been edited by Master Blaster (edited March 30, 2000).]

Master Blaster

New member
Sorry Im just mad and disgusted because I really wanted one but NO other gun I own has ever puked the way the G26 did. They all shoot UMC ammo fine.


New member
I tend to disagree with most when they say it is the ammo, limpwristing etc... I own four Glocks and have shot all brands of ammo and consistently try to limp wrist my glocks to make them malfunction. Never happens... I would gamble to say that, like rental cars, they are used and abused and not maintained like they should be. The mag and recoil springs are probably in need of replacement. Or it could be built up crud. Most anti-glockers will feel the need to say it is the gun, when it just needs some TLC. Those who always bash Glocks just feel threatened. I mean, when a new kid comes on the block who has a nicer car, prettier girlfriend, makes more money, has a nicer house,(you get the idea) the old "new kid on the block" doesnt like him...


New member
Buy the 26 without fear!!

I was not a big fan of Glock's, but I did buy a Glock 26 as a backup/Off-duty weapon. I loved the size and handling of the gun. I then shot the weapon in IDPA three times. The third time I won the State Championship in SSP. Shortly thereafter a Burglar broke into my home and stole all 14 of my guns. The only one he kept for himself was the Glock 26. (he had good taste I guess).

I never had a malfunction with this weapon and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a 9mm handgun.