Glock 19 vs. XD-m 9mm

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Which would you pick and why? Pros and cons. I'm looking for an overall better gun that can do all things well. thanks


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I prefer G19, but both are great. Try to rent both and buy the one you shoot better. Also consider the M&P as a 3rd option.


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I have both and can honestly say, to me, there's not a hair's difference between the two in quality, reliability, etc... Some claim the XD's have better ergonomics and that may be true, but it really comes down to preference.

There also was a time when the XD's were a better deal. I'm not sure if that's still the case, I have not priced them in a while. My XD is one of the first HS-2000 to be imported and i bought it for $200.00 at a show in GA in 1999. Springfield was smart to jump on those babies!!!



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Buy the one with the available parts and the active aftermarket and the long-proven track record.

You know which one that is.

That's not to say the XD isn't also a good pistol, but if you have to choose only one...


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I believe the one that fits best in your hand! Off course the XDm 9mm has one in the pipe and 19 in the mag.....20 rounds without a reload...:)


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I have both the Glock 19 (actually 19c- compensated but I've had 2 previous G19) and just bought the XDm. I also have the M&P9. Out of all three, I like the M&P9 the best but between the glock and XDm, I'll pick the XDm. In fact, I'm selling my Glock now if anyone is interested in a Glock 19c. Sure, the Glock has a better track record, reliability and aftermarket accessories. And that is why it was such a hard decision to make to sell it. But the grip angle is not right for me as the XDm has a more natural point of aim. Those extra rounds also are appealing and it just looks 'cooler' in 2-tone. But it is a bit more expensive than the Glock. Good thing I got the free mag rebate when it was around. :)


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If you are the type to make changes, add or change parts and personalize the pistol, there's a lot more options for the Glock platform.

Glock parts are simple, cheap, and made by a number of different sources. Availability is very good.

If you'd like more "features" as the pistol comes straight from the box, the XD was intended to mimic the Glock but expand on the features. The Glock offers a better loaded chamber indicator (if you like that), an ambi mag release, optional thumb safety, cocking indicator, more slide serrations, etc.

IMO, both are ugly, but the XD takes ugly to a whole new level.

Also IMO, I would rather find a used version of either (both are tough, well-built pistols) and save a little dough than to pay new money for either.


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I think everyone should own a G19 or G17 as a "survival pistol"--for the reasons mentioned. But the XD and M&P are certainly attractive options today.


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As most have noted, they're both solid, select based on how it fits the hand. The clip size argument is irrelevant, the Glock can be loaded with a 17+2 clip or a 33 round clip if you're expecting a much bigger fight. I have the G17 and am a new shooter using it for target and HD. I couldn't be happier and I know it will fire every time.


Why do people keep comparing the XD to the Glock? There is no comparison. XD's are mainly for people who want a polymer pistol but refuse to give in to the excellence of the Glock because they talked down on them for so long. Alas, the XD comes along. Looks like the Glock, functions similar to the Glock, and non-Glockers are buying them. But guess what. What's the first gun they compare it to? The Glock.

Stop this nonsense. Get the Glock 19. Don't short change yourself.33


New member
They are both great guns. I own the Glock 19 and love it but have considered buying the XDm. I just can't justify the extra $200 or more for the XDm two-tone. The track record and availablity of aftermarket parts and accessories for the Glock is also something to consider.

Having said that, rent them both and buy the one that fits you best. They are both going to serve you well.


New member
Glock: double action, good parts availability, wide array of accessories and holsters and pretty decent customer service.

XD: single action, parts not commonly available, slowly growing choice in accessories and holsters, pretty decent customer service.


New member
i'll go with the xdm, i train and shoot a lot of reloaded lead head ammo. glock firearms does not fit the bill. glocks maybe good defensive guns but very expensive to train with.


New member
I'd just go with an XD over a glock any day. But glocks are the ak47 of the handgun world, they all look the same(to me), not fancy, no frills, but they go boom every time you pull the trigger, and never when you dont. I just prefer american made. Glocks have a more proven track record, but I like the look and feel of the XD better


They are both great guns. You should shoot whatever gun you feel most safe, comfortable, and have the most confidence with.


New member
I just prefer american made.

I'm sorry which gun was that? The XD-M is still made in Croatia is it not?

I would take the Glock 19 over the XD-M also the Glock 19 is a smaller pistol a more accurate comparison is the Glock 17 to the XDM - full size to full size.


New member
I had an XD-9. May wife has a G-19. They're both good guns, to my way of thinking there isn't a dimes worth of difference in them.

I traded the XD off for something I wanted more. Nothing at all wrong with the gun. I had other guns that would do the same job.

My wife wouldn't let me trade off her Glock so we've still got that one.

If I wanted another one, I'd just get the one I got the best deal on. I don't own stock in either company.
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