Getting my first AR--16 inch or 20 inch?


New member
Well, No your really not past the point of dimenishing returnds past 20" unless you are doing building searches with it...for small varmets at 200 yards they are quite popular and availible.(it just caters to a different crowd than you or me for that matter as I have an M4 with an EOtech)

some examples of the types of AR rigs that use such a barrel(22",24",26").


New member
I have a 14.5" (w/ a perm flash hider), a 16", and a 20"...

Guess which ones gets the most varmints?

Hint: It's not the 16" or the 20"
Just out of curiosity (yea...In know), why does the 14.5" get more action for you. Is it just personal preference, comfort, ease of portability...?
I would say all of the above... Not to mention that I just don't get much more effectiveness out of a longer barrel. The shorter barrels kill varmints just as dead as the longer ones.

Things that matter much more than barrel length are bullet selection and shooter accuracy. That applies to everything in the AR, hunting, personal defense, target shooting, etc...


New member
I have both and think the 20" is the right thing to get first. As others have said, it's quieter, and the sight radius makes it much easier to aim using iron sights (which is half the fun of these rifles).

Don't get the HBAR though, it is awfully heavy. Unless you are using it for target from the bench exclusively.