Get the U.S. out of the U.N.


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Geoff Ross

Justin Moore

New member
I find UN conspiracy theories amusing- for this very reason. We run the show

And who exactly is 'we'? The proto socialist Council On Foreign Relations, many of whose members FUNDED the Communist revolutions in the 1st half of this Century, in order to create a loyal opposition, and thus CREATE the need for the UN? Or, are you referring to the Rockfeller/Ford/Carnegie Foundations, who also funded said communists, and who own and control the major news media in the United States, and whose cronies have controlled the State Department in the last 8 presidential regimes?

WE don't control anything. The CFR controls it, regardless of who is in power. THEY control it.

If you think I'm talking out my ass go to and order a used copy of "United Nations: Global Tyranny" by William F. Jasper. It will cost you about 5 bucks for a used copy, and two bucks for the shipping. You can see the documented evidence, in the globalists OWN words. That's the price of a movie ticket, that was probably produced by some foaming at the mouth liberal who doesn't want you to own a gun. And, as an added bonus you won't have to sit thru the 45 second John McCain 'infomercial' about getting rid of the 'gun show loophole', that is funded by Millionaire Gun GRABBER, Andrew McKelvey ( owner),
and former HCI Board Member. American's For Gun SAFETY, my ass


Scott Conklin

New member
Unlikely scenerio of UN troops on our soil? Nothing unlikely about it and that stance is increasingly becoming an obvious head in the sand position.

Friends? The US has almost no "friends" in the international community and of those we do the UN isn't relevant to that friendship.

What WE allow them to do? We don't do a thing within the UN. The idea we run that show is a convenient myth propagated by people with an agenda and misguided, starry eyed fellow travelers. Our contribution to the UN is a cash injection, troops and arms. Our "control" would come in removing those things from the UN.

By being in it we do empower it but we certainly do not control it.


New member
My idea, exactly, is to stop FUNDING this cancer (or is the word chancre?).

Remember, FUNDING is the thing that makes the UN what it is. As somebody said in "The Right Stuff," concerning the Space Program, but in this case muy apropos "No bucks, no Buck Rogers." I think this is an idea whose time has come.

Jamie Young

New member
For cryin out loud:mad: THE UN KICKED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OFF THE HUMAN RIGHTS BOARD A FEW MONTHS AGO:barf: The USA is the only Country in the world that gives a $#@! about Human Rights!


New member
First - US out of the UN - Un out of the US.

Second - Where they gonna get Black Helicoptes if the US leaves the UN?

Third -
The USA is the only Country in the world that gives a $#@! about Human Rights!

I guess that is why the US has a higher per capita incarciration rate than the rest of the world.


New member
Keep in mind that we find over 25% of UN budget. As of now Congress has withheld nearly 1 billion dollars in payments to the UN over the past 2 years. This has put a crunch crisis at the UN.
Without $$$, you can't do much.
If UN and US tentions increase, then more $$$ will be withheld, and may bring UN to its knees.
If Congress will again address the issue (I hope again soon) to oust the UN, then that will be good for USA, if voted for.
Even after being ousted, UN goes to this world tax scheme, US won't pay a dime, because they would no longer be a member state.
So, it's something good to look at. UN is in a fragile state right now, and won't take much for it to start to crumble.


New member
Having a seat on the Security Council isn't a guarantee that our veto power will be used to vigorously defend US interests. Think back to the Carter Administration's UN ambassador - do you think Andrew Young was solidly Pro-US?

Justin Moore

New member
Keep in mind that we find over 25% of UN budget. As of now Congress has withheld nearly 1 billion dollars in payments to the UN over the past 2 years. This has put a crunch crisis at the UN.
Without $$$, you can't do much.
If UN and US tentions increase, then more $$$ will be withheld, and may bring UN to its knees.

That's why they want to pass the Tobin Tax, so they can have 1 trillion in funding per year, and be self sufficient ;) Tobin is a Value Added Tax on all goods sold worldwide. Punch it into a search engine....