Get the U.S. out of the U.N.


New member
Why? Do you not understand "Hold your friends close and your enemies closer?"

Leaving the U.N. isolates us from many potential friends. Those who are undecided are now pushed to the other side.
Further, those Americans who sympathize with the U.N.'s goals will not be deterred by such a move. Enemies now have an easier target.
If you are concerned with the unlikely possibility of U.N. troops on U.S. soil, being out of the U.N. does not save you. U.N. troops have been sent to non-member nations. The U.N. has never had the military resolve to use force without the U.S.

Now dissolving the U.N. is a worthwhile idea.


New member
Alas, Never hoppen G I

We have waited far too long.................
The U.N. is far too strong now to ever go away.........
They grow stronger, and garner more power as each day rolls by.......
More and more nations are falling into leauge with their views, and WE are usually the ONLY nation not kowtowing to their every whim..........
No, THE sleeping giant of ALL time is about to be unleashed for real...........
The real kicker will be, WHEN, not IF, they get a U.N. worldwide tax in place.......on currency trading, on individuals in member nation countries.....( either, or both).

This will give them unprecedented political and monetary power........

No one will stand against them, no one...not even us.
The ONLY reason We have any major stroke with them now, is because of funding...when they no longer have to rely soley on U.S dollars for the funds to operate...........look out.

It's the same scenario as when your children need their parents, for sustenance and nurturing, and protection....then they grow older, and detach from the umbilical cord.

Wait and see.......:(


New member
Hold your friends close and your enemies closer

Well stated. So long as we are IN the United Nations they cannot do anything that we do not ALLOW them to do.

Sure, they can run their suck a lot, but when it comes to DOING anything substantive it would have to be backed by force of arms.

And guess who has a permament seat on the Security Council?

We do.

Unless, of course, we opt out and we are replaced by, say, Lower Slobbobia.

US out? Hale no. US in!



New member
OK, I understand the theory, but, just how is Lower Slobbovia to project their power? Rubber band powered aircraft? Or the same way that Sodam Insane launched his SCUDs into Israel? As long as we elect a president from the congo or wherever they get them from there is absolutely no threat to the US from the "UN". I remember the soviet "threat" -- a laughingstock, and yet, much more potent that the "UN".

Don Quixote tilted at windmills, let's don't also. :)


New member
Think about this for a moment.

You're absolutely right. Lower Slobobia (or anyone else, actually) lacks the ability to project conventional force to the North American continent. But you mention apples in a topic that is discussing oranges.

We're not talking about individual nations taking on the USA, are we? We're talking about a UN security force/standing army/black-helicopter-blue-helmet-JBT force, right?

With the USA on the security council they can't even consider such a thing. Without us there they can at least CONSIDER it.

Threat has two components. Capability and intent. Capability now is lacking, but in the future who can say? I'm talking 10-50 years down the road. In 1920 who would have thought in 20 years everyone in France would be wearing T-shirts saying 'Don't Shoot, I'm a Collaborator' in German? ;) So capability is not completely within our ability to control.

But under its current setup, we can absolutely forestall any effort to use force anywhere, anytime under the UN aegis. We can control intent. No intent, no threat. EOS.

It makes no sense to me that we should leave the UN. Right now we pretty much can run the whole damn dog and pony show if we wish. We can sink accords and doom treaties by simply digging in our heels. Anything they try to do that offends our eyes we can stop, if we have the will. It is an utterly toothless organization, so long as we maintain our hand very tightly around its throat. Release our grip, however, and there is no telling what it may grow or evolve into.

So we should let go...why?



New member
To put it another way

Being in the UN isn't tilting at windmills.

Being in the UN (and on the Security Council) is owning the damn windmill, and the lance, and the donkey, and being able to tell Don Quixote that he can go get bent.

I find UN conspiracy theories amusing- for this very reason. We run the show. They can only do what we allow them to do. Its like worrying if I'm gonna wake up and rob myself tomorrow.



New member
Yup. Stay in the UN.

Use our veto power frequently.

Withhold funding judiciously, at least stop paying the lion's share of the bill for our own destruction.

Long term goal: make the anti-American International-Socialists leave the UN or force it to dissolve.

What if the UN spread freedom instead of socialism?



New member
Without the US, the UN loses a great deal of financial capacity,
cannot project much significant military power, and cannot exert any
real authority.

Keep the US out of the UN.


New member
OK, if we can destroy the UN by pulling out I'll accept it.

But what if we stopped paying their bills - i.e. gave them no money - but did not give up our membership. We impoverish them AND retain veto power in the Security Counsel. A lot like having our cake and eating it too.



What a great idea!!!!

That's a great idea...make the US stop paying to get screwed!!!! But, knowing how the US is just a big slob, I think we'll be getting the whazoo from all those third rate dirt nations for some time.


New member
I recall this being an issue a few years ago- we supposedly owed the UN money. Do we still?

Believe me, I'm not pro-UN. Either the US is a soveriegn nation or it is not. Being sovereign-but-subordinate to the UN is like being a little bit pregnant.

But right now and for the foreseeable future the UN is toothless bunch of blowhards. Oh, Kyoto failed. Boo-hoo. Small arms accord was watered down. Goody. Run your suck some more, see if we care.

However, if we pull out and the UN doesn't founder, who knows what it will turn into without our guidance? If the EU gets all their **** in one sock they would be in a position to dominate an americanless UN. That is not necessarily a Good Thing.


Justin Moore

New member
OUT! And right damn now :)

Is it time to leave the U.N.?


By Henry Lamb

© 1999
Congressman Ron Paul, R-Texas, says yes, and has introduced legislation (HR1146) to get the job done.

The majority of Congress, the administration, and many, if not most of the American people, still believe the United Nations is the world's best hope for permanent peace. At the very least, it is time to examine this belief to see if that hope is valid, or a baseless fantasy.

The United Nations was created to provide a forum for sovereign nations to meet and discuss differences in hopes of finding peaceful solutions to those differences. No one can find fault with this purpose or this function. The United Nations itself, was never intended to possess governmental power, but only to be a meeting place to facilitate the cooperative exercise of the governmental power of sovereign nations. The purpose and function of the United Nations is changing, however, and the direction and objectives of those changes must be re-examined, and a new decision must be made as to the appropriateness of U.S. involvement. Ron Paul has made his decision; the rest of America has not.

The United Nations no longer sees itself as the facilitator for cooperative action by sovereign nations. It sees itself as the administrator of what is called "global governance." Great care is taken to distinguish "global governance" from "world government." The difference between the terms is much like the difference between the terms "king," and "dictator." Whatever it is called, the new mission of the United Nations is to consolidate the power to make, implement, and enforce international law.

Conservative organizations such as the John Birch Society, have long borne the brunt of ridicule for their warnings of U.N. ambitions. Still, the proponents of global governance try to dismiss their opposition with the label "conspiracy theorists" or "hate mongers." These labels no longer apply. The United Nations itself has published many documents which reveal both the intent and the plan to achieve global governance. The plan is quite comprehensive, and it is currently being implemented.

The plan seeks to control environmental and social policy, education, economic activity, and military action. The United Nations no longer sees its responsibilities as limited to serving its sovereign nation members. It has now assumed responsibility for providing security to all the people of the world, without regard for the sovereign authority of the nations in which those people live. The United Nations takes the position that international law supercedes national law, and when there is a conflict, international law prevails, and must be enforced.

So far, the United Nations has been able to create only two enforcement mechanisms: the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the International Criminal Court (ICC). The WTO is only the first step toward controlling economic activity; the next step, consolidation of international currency flows, is well under way. The second step is necessary before the U.N. can impose the "Tobin Tax" which will give the U.N. an independent revenue source making it truly independent of its member nations. The ICC is still getting organized, but it will have the power to enforce virtually all international law. The public was told that the ICC was a vehicle to prosecute only war criminals and international terrorists, but it is clear from the preparatory literature that its creators fully intend to amend the charter to broaden its jurisdiction to environmental and social law as well.

Efforts to control education have been less successful for the U.N. Dr. Robert Mueller's World Core Curriculum has not been widely accepted publicly, but is making headway under such names as "Goals 2000," and "School to Work," and "Outcome Based Education." As social treaties such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child become more enforceable, the education agenda will advance more rapidly.

Control of military activity is the big prize for the U.N. All the other control mechanisms are only partial steps to ultimate U.N. control. Control of military activity is the final step. And we are moving in that direction very rapidly.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, the need for NATO diminished greatly. Logically, NATO should have been disassembled. Instead, it was expanded, raising a caution flag to all U.N. watchers. NATO's intervention into Yugoslavia's civil strife, without U.N. sanction and in direct violation of the NATO charter was quite confusing, until the action is analyzed in the context of the U.N.'s ultimate objective. NATO's action is consistent with the U.N.'s objective of ignoring national sovereignty when the security of people is at stake. The U.N. could not act because of Russia's veto power in the Security Council. So NATO, not subject to such a veto, conveniently performed the objective of the U.N. by bypassing the Security Council, possible only through the complicity of the Clinton-Gore administration.

The G-8 peace plan now under discussion is designed to put the entire operation which NATO started, safely under the command and control of the U.N. NATO's action, operation, and soon, its control, are within the plan to give the U.N. control of all military action. NATO could well be the beginning of the "standing army" called for in the U.N.-funded report of the Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood.

The published plan for global governance intends to have all military power, including the manufacture, sale, and distribution of munitions (including handguns) under the auspices of the United Nations. The plan calls for the elimination of permanent members of the Security Council and elimination of all veto power. The published plan for global governance is being implemented, particularly in the United States, despite the fact that Congress has not ratified many of the key treaties, nor has it authorized the use of U.S. military forces by the U.N.

Congressman Ron Paul obviously knows more about the United Nations than many of those who still hope that it will do what it was created to do. The U.N. has no intention of doing what it was created to do. The U.N. fully intends to create a peaceful world, in which people are forced to conform to its vision of environmental, social, and economic equity. Unless Americans are willing to surrender their military might, their right to self-governance, and their national sovereignty, they should carefully consider Ron Paul's legislation, and seriously discuss it with their own elected officials.

Being in the UN isn't tilting at windmills.

Being in the UN (and on the Security Council) is owning the damn windmill, and the lance, and the donkey, and being able to tell Don Quixote that he can go get bent.

I find UN conspiracy theories amusing- for this very reason. We run the show. They can only do what we allow them to do. Its like worrying if I'm gonna wake up and rob myself tomorrow

Maybe you should worry about that in light of the fact that the plan under the Commision on Global Governance basically says:

The G-8 peace plan now under discussion is designed to put the entire operation which NATO started, safely under the command and control of the U.N. NATO's action, operation, and soon, its control, are within the plan to give the U.N. control of all military action. NATO could well be the beginning of the "standing army" called for in the U.N.-funded report of the Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood.

The published plan for global governance intends to have all military power, including the manufacture, sale, and distribution of munitions (including handguns) under the auspices of the United Nations. The plan calls for the elimination of permanent members of the Security Council and elimination of all veto power. The published plan for global governance is being implemented, particularly in the United States, despite the fact that Congress has not ratified many of the key treaties, nor has it authorized the use of U.S. military forces by the U.N.

No more Security Council and no more veto power ;)

The plan will play out as follows:

1. The structure of Government under the UN Charter. You should really read it some time, side by side with the US Constitution. Its VERY similar except for ELECTED respresentation, that is responsible to the people it governs.
2. A standing army to enforce the Global "Governance". The UN
Army under the guise of NATO was deployed to Yugoslavia, because of the Russian objections to using actual UN Troops. So we used NATO to accomplish the same goal.
3. The Tobin Tax to FUND the UN Government Structure.
4. The Innternational Criminal Court to enforce the 'law'. By the
way, without a jury trial. The American Bar Associations is supporting the ICC, just so you know ;)

Regarding the Tobin Tax, you might say 'well big deal' its just
a tax on international currency exchanges. Well, unless you buy entirely US made products, and have absolutely NO investments in the stock market, YOU will wind up paying this tax in the form of stock transactions, and increased costs of products that are produced ALL over the world. The cost will be passed on to you, the consumer, and YOU will be funding the UN to the tune of at least a TRILLION dollars per year, without even knowing it. So much for the UN needing our funding, and being at our mercy. And so much for the 'control' we extert over the Security Council.

Jamie Young

New member
I was told two days ago that the next Secretary General is suppose to be picked from North America after Koffi Annan's term is up this year. If this is true I can seriously see Clinton going after the Job.


New member
I just had a brain flash re-reading this thread:

My prophecy: There will be another era of colonialism, soon, exploiting most likely Africa, as it is the last frontier. Possibly South America also. The UN, whatever it is, will be up to its ears in alligators blowing hard protesting against this new imperialism.

The EU will never be viable unless a strong man like Adolf Hitler arises to make everybody tow the mark.


New member
Seems I hearda month or so ago, Kofi reup'd for another term.

Clintoon would not stoop so low as to take a mere Secty Gen'l job. He's angling for "World President."

Jamie Young

New member
I think he might take it. Its a High Profile Job and he could "Build His Legacy" even more.:rolleyes: I agree with you BigG. I think People are Puppets more so now than ever before.