General question on terminology


New member
Abuse of the language is protected under "freedom of speech" it seems.

Control the language ,you control the arguement. Activists with agendas will attempt shift arguements via nuance in terminology.

There are those who make a "fencing sport" out of the nuance,among them lawyers ,politicians,and con artists.

How many words are in the Constitution? How many volumes have been written
to "nuance" those words into a meaning or intent never considered by the authors?

Analyze "Assault" Wouldn't "Assault " by definition be an act of aggression?
In the context of war, often very appropriate aggression.

In the context of "Life in America today" aggression with a firearm is nearly always inappropriate and unlawful.

However! The context of self defense changes the meaning!! If I intend my AR-15 to be used for self defense, It is a Counter Assault Weapon!!
So might be a golf club or can of Mace. (I have as much right to create terminology as the New York Times)

I've always enjoyed military surplus stores. I like the smell of those places.

IMO,we bought good value. Original Jungle Boots? "Boots of war!!" Original jungle fatigues?" " Dress of War" Surplus long johns" "Woolies of War!!"
And MRE's ? "Food of WAR!"

Drama and hyperbole. Yawn!

Should't we consider all the Jeep dealerships to be selling "Vehicles of War"?

OK,back to the original question from the "Gamer". A Gamer looks at a video screen and derives a fantasy world.
OK. Escape recreation.
But some people (often aided by marijuana) become too immersed in the fantasy world inside their head. The lines become blurred.
The Game Creator may assign values to the equiptment in the "Arms Room"

The Game Creator may have a motive to make the game balanced and REASONABLY realistic. So there may be "Fantasy game definitions" of a sawed off 10 guage lever action shotgun. Or whatever.

And our Gamer,with his blurred reality, brings his game out of his head and applies game rules to REALITY.

Some try that with "Grand Theft Auto"

You can't argue with mental illness.