G19 Concealability


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6', 195 lb. G19 in an OWB SnapSlide Crossbreed holster was my winter EDC for a couple of years. Not a t-shirt rig but a light jacket or loose sweater made printing a non-issue. Comfortable too.


New member
The coin flip is not 50/50 if you are working with Tony at Milt Sparks or Adam at Overland Gunleather.

More like 90/10.. As you learn more, you can pick them out easy. The main key is experienced pros like these 2 have better patterns that tuck the gun but the right amount, are tight enough to the belt, stiff where stiff is good and weak where the holster needs to conform.


Ive been doing it for my whole life, and it hasnt been a problem, and it isnt uncomfortable, and it aides in keeping the gun in place. Ive done it fat and skinny too, so its not just a certain body shape type thing.
What you keep missing is that for some reason, which we have not been able to determine, (but which likely has something to do with a peculiarity in terms of what you consider to be "normally fitting pants") this is pretty unique to YOU.

In other words, it means virtually NOTHING that you have this unique ability. It's interesting, but that's about it. It is not helpful for you to tell others that they will be able to duplicate your ability, especially since many people have told you that they have tried and can not do it.

The bottom line is that your statement is NOT correct in general. There IS a need for most people to go up a couple of pant sizes when carrying a full-size pistol IWB.

If you think people will find it interesting that you can do it with what you consider normally fitting pants then there's no harm in pointing that out. But it is the opposite of helpful to try to convince people asking for advice about concealability that they will be able to carry a full-sized pistol IWB without changing their pant size. Because even if it is true for you, it is not true in general.

I assume you're trying to be helpful, but you're losing track of that goal in your desire to be right. Also, because, in this respect, at least, and in spite of many people trying to explain it to you, you won't or can't seem to grasp that what works for you doesn't work for most people.
If it doesnt work for you, for what ever reason, fine, dont do it. In the same vein that you say its not helpful to suggest it, Im simply saying youre doing the same disfavor, insisting its cant be done, simply because you cant do it.
1. It's not just that it doesn't work for me. It doesn't work for most people.

2. I didn't say it can't be done, in fact, I even explained some ways to do it. It can be done if you can ignore discomfort, have a high tolerance for discomfort, or if you normally wear your clothes loose. Basically, it's no different from wearing pants two sizes too small--a feat which some people obviously manage--but which just as obviously most people avoid.
Its an option that can save you money...
Leading someone astray by convincing them that they can get by with their same size pants could prompt them to buy a full-size pistol and IWB holster only to find that it won't work for them unless they spend even more money for larger pants. That wouldn't save any money at all--quite the opposite.
All you have to do, is give it a reasonable try, and see if it works.
Now THAT is a helpful suggestion. It would be very helpful to mention that although most people go up a couple of sizes when carrying a full-sized pistol IWB, that at least some people seem to be able to manage it with their normally fitting pants. So it might be worth trying because if they share your unusual ability it could save them some money.

That's significantly different than just saying there's no need to buy larger pants when carrying a full-size pistol IWB as you did in post #27.


New member
Whatever your obsession with pants size, I myself began carrying IWB many years ago. I started using a Walther PP in a Bianchi pistol pocket #3. Besides the initial "OMG everyone must know I have a gun" feeling, there was no discomfort wearing my normal (then) tight Levi's.
Over the years, I have carried many different handguns IWB, all the way up to a GP100 revolver or a Beretta 92. And I just use my normal fitting pants.
Obsess all you want about works for you and project that on others. But it obviously doesn't apply to everyone.


New member
I assume you're trying to be helpful, but you're losing track of that goal in your desire to be right. Also, because, in this respect, at least, and in spite of many people trying to explain it to you, you don't can't seem to grasp that what works for you doesn't work for most people.
I am trying to be helpful, as Im sure you are, but it still comes down to we each seem to have a differing opinion on this. Im not trying to be anymore right or wrong, as you are. It works for me, and Im sure it works for others, just like it doesnt seem to work for you, and a few others here. How can you know, if you dont at least give it a decent try?

As far as "many" or "most", I dont remember seeing "most", or even close to it, saying thats the case. There are the usual same few I do see tell you you need to go up in size, Im simply saying you dont, or may not, but you need to give it a try to know.

Youre suggesting right off that people need to go out and change their wardrobe, Im saying you dont, or might not have to, depending on what you find. But you do have to give it a reasonable try, and not just take someones word on the internet for it. Ive done a number of things related here, that Ive been told by the "experts", I could not possibly do, and Ive done it daily, most of my life. Its kind of hard to not bring up a counter point, and of couse its not to popular with those who say it cant be done.

Ill leave it at that, as you seem so vehement in your beliefs that its not possible to do so, and Im tired of having to keep going over it in the minutest detail. Ill still offer it as an option if asked though, just like Im sure youll keep insisting a person must go up in size.


Ill leave it at that, as you seem so vehement in your beliefs that its not possible to do so...
1. This is a strawman. I have absolutely NOT said that it is not possible. In fact, I made that point in my last post. Said it pretty plainly too: "I didn't say it can't be done." You're so wrapped around the axle on this that you can't even allow yourself to read what's there in black & white.

2. I think I can say, with some confidence based on past experience, that you won't leave it at that. :D
Youre suggesting right off that people need to go out and change their wardrobe...
This is another strawman. But even if I had told someone that they should go buy a pair of pants two sizes too large to try and it turned out that they didn't need to go larger, it would be cheaper than telling someone to go buy a full-size pistol and holster only for them to find that it wouldn't work for them.

Obviously the solution is to do some experimentation and suggesting that someone do some testing is helpful. That's quite different than the pronouncement in post #27 which states without qualification that there's no need to change pant sizes. There may not be for some, but there is for most.
...we each seem to have a differing opinion on this.
We have differing EXPERIENCES. It doesn't work for me, it does for you. That's why when people ask for advice, it's not wise to make general pronouncements based exclusively on personal experience.
As far as "many" or "most", I dont remember seeing "most", or even close to it, saying thats the case. There are the usual same few I do see tell you you need to go up in size, Im simply saying you dont, or may not, but you need to give it a try to know.
I'm going not just from this short thread on this forum but from many threads on many forums, other sources on the internet, and articles and other published material. The point being, of course, that the world is larger than one's personal experiences. It's larger than this thread, and it's even larger than TFL. ;)
Whatever your obsession with pants size...
The "obsession" if it pleases you to call it that, isn't about pant sizes, it's about trying to make sure that someone who is asking for advice gets decent advice.
But it obviously doesn't apply to everyone.
Actually, that's pretty much the point I'm trying to make. Assuming that what works or doesn't work for you as an individual will work for everyone is not helpful.

That misconception is a BIG part of why people often get bent out of shape in discussions on internet forums.

When people ask for advice, you don't tell them about the outliers as if that's all the information they need. As I pointed out in my previous post, there's nothing wrong with letting someone know that you, as an individual, can do X, but it is not helpful to just state that "X will work" when you know that many people have said that X doesn't work for them.

Spats McGee

This isn't a debate over the 4 Rules of Safety. I've cleaned up some pretty senseless bickering and would appreciate it if it didn't return.
I like to use my carriage option to adjust my pan size. When I am the size I should be, gun IWB strong side, mag IWB weak side. Hot-head sends me some good coupons, the mag goes in my pocket. Wife goes through a baking phase, gun goes OWB. Mtn. Dew habit gets the best of me they all stay home. Every pair of paints has a 4" range. Very economical.


New member
I carry a G17 AIWB I am 65 years old 5'6" @250#




New member
I'm 5'9, 175lbs. I have 3 guns in my CCW rotation depending on where I'm going and dress requirements:
Smith Model 38
S&W Shield
Glock 19

All get carried IWB at 8:00 (I'm a lefty). I lean towards DeSantis holsters (I'm sure there are better ones out there) with the clip.

I will say the G19 is the most difficult and uncomfortable of the 3, but definitely do-able.