Furthest you`ve ever tracked a deer with both lungs and heart shot out?

James R. Burke

New member
I am only hunting with a rilfe. The farthest was about 35yards. It is hard to believe they can go that far. I would not believe it unless I seen it, and I have on a few occasoions. Its just must be nerve thing or that kick it in high gear and run, before things stop working.


New member
It's not unusual, perhaps even more likely, that a deer will run 50 to 100 yards until whatever energy they have stored in their cells is gone.


Heart/lung shots with either BT's or SST no more than 20feet typicaly the deer will be in its tracts where shot. Bow ?? longest 120 yards. But mostly under 50 yards. BP and Slugs. Closer to 100yards or less with no real great short average.


New member
With the exception of one head shot 30 odd years ago all of my deer have had boiler room shots. All of these have been with a 3006 or a 338.

The furthest one got was a 2 point meat buck two or three years ago. Good clean double lung shot at about 50 yards with my 338.

He jumped straight up in the air and bounded off - for about 30 feet. He left an enormous blood trail and was pretty much bled out for me.


New member
good comment

You're on target w/ the "rarely hit all 3" comment. I sensed it, but could not get it into words. The heart sits so far forward and low, etc.....

The slug vs. broadhead discussion caught my eye also. Different wounding effect entirely. What few deer I've killed w/ slugs, have all been dispatching road cripples , back when we carried rather anemic .38 revolvers and the deer was still mobile to a degree that a handgun hit was problematic. Slug at under 20 yds was absolutely devastating. Actually expanded some too, and some did not exit and I recovered them, half dollar sized, on the off side.

Slug and broad head are both very lethal when applied correctly, but entirely different wounding effect.