Funny, Strange or unexplained Game Cam pics

Hog Buster

New member
I guess that this one falls under the heading of funny.

My cousin, who has property adjoining mine, had been baiting a chicken stealing fox for several nights. Leaving for a few days R & R he didn’t re-bait but left the camera on. This is the last in a sequence of about 6 or 8 pictures of the fox smelling or gnawing on the empty bait stake. Not having any sucess the fox decided to urinate on it. I think he was trying to make a point.


  • Fox.jpg
    179.9 KB · Views: 450


New member
If I can dig them up ill post them, but I got bored\creative one year. I hung old jack o lanterns and apples from ropes so they they had to stand on their hind leggs. I put a camera behind a piece of plexy glass that I had smeared with some apple butter lots of picks where it looks like a bear is licking the camera.

Hog Buster

New member
OK, here’s one from this morning. Only one picture and I have no idea what it is.......


  • ????.jpg
    218.4 KB · Views: 461


New member
One of the largest cargo trailers in the company I drive for used a game cam at the rear as a backing camera so the driver could directly see behind him as he backed the vehicle up. It is often left running parked too.

One of the company lots is in a seedy part of Cincinnati and the one night the cam happened to be facing down an alley where the trailer was docked.

A bum walks out of one of the doorway recesses, looking around suspiciously. Two more bums show up, all drunk obviously. Two more after that. You guessed it...Bum orgy...Nastiest thing I have seen in a while (puke)

Hog Buster

New member
The trap is possum sized, so the ??? is about the same size. While there’s a bunch of critters around here, there’s no nutria, not enough water close. No rabbits either, the coyotes ate them, along with several of my chickens. I get many, many pictures of possum, armadillos, coyotes, foxes, coons, bobcats, hogs, cats, dogs, deer and the occasional bear but those are readily identifiable. Got no idea what this was.


New member
Hog Buster, is there a creek (even a really small one) near there? The black color makes me think it is a river otter.


New member
My vote/guess would be a very short striped skunk.

Agreed, from the tail sure looks that way; the most valuable kind, at least back in the day, had the least amount of white, by the way...try to catch it if you can...


New member
OK, here’s one from this morning. Only one picture and I have no idea what it is.......
My two guesses were swamp rabbit and porcupine, my money would be going on the latter.



New member
The trap is possum sized, so the ??? is about the same size. While there’s a bunch of critters around here, there’s no nutria, not enough water close. No rabbits either, the coyotes ate them, along with several of my chickens. I get many, many pictures of possum, armadillos, coyotes, foxes, coons, bobcats, hogs, cats, dogs, deer and the occasional bear but those are readily identifiable. Got no idea what this was.

When I first looked at it, I thought it was a big wood rat. I've been rabbit hunting all my life, and it doesn't look like a rabbit to me.


New member
I've been rabbit hunting all my life, and it doesn't look like a rabbit to me.
Well same here, but those swamp rabbits can be pretty dang big, and don't look quite the same as cottontails. The reason I thought rabbit is because it kind of looks like the inside of an ear where I circled in white, below, and it appears to be fairly long if it is an ear. But I don't even know if they have swamp rabbits where he's at.

The shape and size looks like a young porcupine to me though.


Who knows.


big al hunter

New member
That "ear" you saw is what made me think rabbit. Also the general shape is consistant with a rabbit. Most of the porcupines I have seen were wider in the back end.


Staff In Memoriam
My first guess was nutria, don't need much water for them... Beaver less likely for sure...
