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many years ago when i lived in Ohio, during hunting season (Rabbits & Pheasant) i came home with a full bag limit, used a side by side double 12 Ga. that was given to me, the right side barrel had a 4" split about the middle, i inserted a mandrel, hammered it back in shape and brazed it shut.., my hunting buddies nick named me "Elmer Fudd", did that shotgun make me a "Fudd" or was it my bag limit ??

i might add also that i was so poor i could barely afford my license and ammo


New member
From reading the thread it looks like I'm a Fudd.
Except I don't have any fear of nasty looking guns.
I was shocked when I found out hunters were a minority in the gun owning community. It might have something to do with the fact that several of the places I used to hunt are now suburban developments.

Its not that I think hunting is more morally pure or that I think tacticool weapons are just expensive plinkers.
My problem is with the owners claiming to be the last bastion against over bearing government while at the same time being in the demographic that whole heartedly supports the Bush administration which is the poster child for abusive over bearing government.
I know that makes me politically incorrect. But I can't stand the irony over load.


New member
FUDD is a corruption of the old term Fuddy-Duddy.

Fuddy-Duddy: one that is old-fashioned, unimaginative, or conservative.

In the vein of gun-owners, as stated above, it's the guy for whom anything "new" is likely to be looked down upon, unless it's a top-of-the-line skeet/trap shotgun or sporting rifle of some kind. He thinks an AR is a refugee from a beer-can recycling center and protruding magazines equate to an operator who uses "spray & pray" techniques.

I'm something of a "Fudd" in that I can't really get too excited about plastic wondernines (or 40's), pistols with tactical rails or lasers. I prefer blued steel and wood. But I don't begrudge those who enjoy shooting their overpriced accessorized tupperware. :D ;) :p

The opposite of a Fudd is a Tacticool-Warrior - for him anything more than 4 years old is passe, his guns have rails for lights, lasers, scopes, flare launchers and wind & barometer settings. This is the guy who turns a lightweight small-caliber rifle into a weapons system that weighs as much as a 1918A2 BAR with so many protruding objects that he doesn't dare get close to any vegetation.

Further out on the scale is the Mall-Ninja - Like the Tacticool-Warrior, new is better. The primary difference here is that the Mall-Ninja originally starts out accessorizing his AirSoft guns but doesn't limit himself to just gun accessories. BDU's with knee & elbow pads (Freudian, methinks), jump boots, thigh holsters and tactical vests are big topics of discussions. When old enough to purchae firearms they become Ninja-Tacticool-Warriors, dressing up in their BDU's & "combat" gear to impress people -- such as the 19 year old I met at the range one day who told me how tough his MOS was in Desert Storm (when he was about 9 years old). The one basic truth about Mall-Ninjas is that they are truely legends in their own minds.


New member
Manedwolf was right on. I have run into a couple Fudds at the trap range and they bother me far more than an open anti.

The real damage they do is with those people in the undecided middle of the issue. take some moron who will speak on air about his 40 years experience in the shooting sports and then have him go on about how handguns are meant just for killing people and should be banned and his words carry further than anything a person from the Brady Bunch could say. People who know nothing of the subject see an "expert" out there justifying the position that bans make sense. That is the ultimate betrayal which Mr. Zumbo carried out and for which he will never be able to fully reverse the damage he did. He may realize his error and apologize but he can never remove the damage.
My problem is with the owners claiming to be the last bastion against over bearing government while at the same time being in the demographic that whole heartedly supports the Bush administration which is the poster child for abusive over bearing government.
I know that makes me politically incorrect. But I can't stand the irony over load

If that makes you a Fudd, count me in as well.


New member
when i went to get my first handgun i ran into a "Fudd"....

the gun store owner was going on about he supported the hi-cap mag ban(among other restrictions just implemented)!:barf:

gave him a big :rolleyes:...and without a word i walked out of his shop never to return(kept many others away as well).

My problem is with the owners claiming to be the last bastion against over bearing government while at the same time being in the demographic that whole heartedly supports the Bush administration which is the poster child for abusive over bearing government.

i dont see how that would apply at all to being a "Fudd"..


New member
I remember shooting an AR-15 when they first became available. Late 60's maybe. It was fun.

The concern I have is that I don't want the picture that enters a non gun owner's mind to automatically be an AK or AR type weapon.I would rather them see some Norman Rockwell type with a side by side.

Gun rights will continue to be assaulted. You can make fun of the FUDD types all you want. But, don't blame them for not wanting to get caught up in some over-reacting legislation that we would never have had if not for relatively new assault style weapon popularity.


New member
Gun rights will continue to be assaulted. You can make fun of the FUDD types all you want. But, don't blame them for not wanting to get caught up in some over-reacting legislation that we would never have had if not for relatively new assault style weapon popularity.

so we should forgive their cowering to others ignorance?

i think that all hunting rifles should be banned,because their only purpose is to kill cute little animals.

unlike my guns which have true 2A protection(as envisioned).


im being sarcastic obviously.

but if they wont stand behind the 2A unless its related to their personal hobby,than i have no use for them.

hypocrisy and opportunism at its foulest.


New member
Buzzcook and OBTC, I assume that you are making reference to the "Patriot Act" when talking about the Bush Admin. I agree that we are losing "Individual Freedoms" under such actions taken by our government and I would much prefer that they hadn't happened. However, I think that some federal agent listening to my phone conversation and someone telling me what guns I can/cannot buy, how many I can own, and whether or not I'm allowed to protect myself are two different stories. I don't think that if I were in Bush's position that I would have went through with some of the actions that his admin has done but I also don't know what its like to be responsible for 300 million American lives in the face of religious fanatics that are very capable of killing in spectacular fashion(I use the word "Spectacular" losely.).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that although we(American's) do need to be concerned with how our government carries itself with respect to minding our business and spying on us, I believe the greater of two evils is the fact that some are trying to disarm us as a whole. Without our "Arms" we have absolutely no recourse and when the Government really gets out of control well all be S.O.L.

I do understand your concern though and you made a good point that should not go unnoticed.

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