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A person who is only interested in firearms as tools for hunting and is willing to support bans of mean-looking guns because they do not have an obvious hunting purpose / the bans will not impact his guns.

A Fudd may also be called a "Zumbo" (if you missed that incident of Fuddism, you must live under a log in the forest).


New member
I did catch the "Zumbo" thing when it happened, thanks for clearing that up for me.

BTW, it's a very large log in a hardwood forest with many mean-looking guns :)


New member
FUDD = STUPID gun owners

Unfortunately I know way too many of these...... Why should I join the NRA? What does that have to do with me? They want to ban assault rifles, not my bolt guns....... They are just too freaking stupid to wake up and realize the anti-gun agenda and what their overall goals are.



New member
FWIW, in nerd parlance there's also "FUD" in teh form of "fear, uncertainty and doubt."

Context? "The Brady Campaign likes to spread constant FUD about sport utility rifles in civilian hands. The Fudds like Jim Zumbo seem to have bought it lock, stock, and smoking barrel."


New member
If he walks up to you at the range, and says, "What do you need THAT for?"... he's a FUDD.

Can't we all just get along???



FUDDs come in many forms, as well. The original idea was indeed from the character of Elmer Fudd, with his cartoon hunting guns.

There's FUDDs who will declare that anything beyond their chosen year is okay to be banned. This varies from the 19th century to the 1960's...that anything beyond blackpowder isn't needed up to anything beyond their 1960's Marlin isn't needed. Whatever they think won't affect them.

There's FUDDs who think all semiauto rifles are killing machines and ought to be banned. They tend to shut up when you ask them if that includes the Garand, which is indeed semiauto and far more "lethal" than 5.56 AR! Surviving a COM hit with a 5.56x45 is possible. Surviving a COM hit with a 30-06 would be incredibly lucky.

There's FUDDS who want anything scary-looking banned...forgetting that their scoped hunting rifle is a SNIPER RIFLE on the nooz.

There are FUDDs who want all military calibers banned, even. As long as it doesn't affect their old thuty-thuty.

And, of course, there's FUDDS who even look down on other guns of their chosen sort. You see, you're supposed to show up at the clay range with a $25,000 engraved shotgun signed by Pietro Beretta himself. If you arrive with your plastic-stocked 870 with a rail on it, well, you must be up to No Good, and that sort ought to be banned, too.

The one constant is that they're all more damaging to gun rights than the antis are. Because they're willing to pretend to be gun-rights sorts, and then they throw everyone under the bus.


New member
FUDDs come in many forms, as well. The original idea was indeed from the character of Elmer Fudd, with his cartoon hunting guns.

There's FUDDs who will declare that anything beyond their chosen year is okay to be banned. This varies from the 19th century to the 1960's...that anything beyond blackpowder isn't needed up to anything beyond their 1960's Marlin isn't needed. Whatever they think won't affect them.

There's FUDDs who think all semiauto rifles are killing machines and ought to be banned. They tend to shut up when you ask them if that includes the Garand, which is indeed semiauto and far more "lethal" than 5.56 AR! Surviving a COM hit with a 5.56x45 is possible. Surviving a COM hit with a 30-06 would be incredibly lucky.

There's FUDDS who want anything scary-looking banned...forgetting that their scoped hunting rifle is a SNIPER RIFLE on the nooz.

There are FUDDs who want all military calibers banned, even. As long as it doesn't affect their old thuty-thuty.

And, of course, there's FUDDS who even look down on other guns of their chosen sort. You see, you're supposed to show up at the clay range with a $25,000 engraved shotgun signed by Pietro Beretta himself. If you arrive with your plastic-stocked 870 with a rail on it, well, you must be up to No Good, and that sort ought to be banned, too.

The one constant is that they're all more damaging to gun rights than the antis are. Because they're willing to pretend to be gun-rights sorts, and then they throw everyone under the bus.

This is so informative and well said it needs to be a sticky! Absolutely dead on target, well done Manedwolf


New member
MW put it better than i could have .

I would have said that " FUDD " was a label invented by the " uber tactical mall ninja " crowd to describe anyone who is low class enough to actually kill real animals with a rifle . I am a FUDD by that definition, however i am a FUDD with both a FAL and an AR . IMHO the lable FUDD was and is more harmfull than zumbos screwup , at least zumbo learned with a lesson or two from uncle ted . Many of the " Tactical Twostep " game players still have not .


New member
The difference between a Fudd and "Tactical Twostep" game player is the later will not wish to have the former's guns banned to save his own.

If you aren't a proponent of having other's guns banned, then you aren't a Fudd.


New member
I like Manedwolf's definition.

With his permission, it will go on my blog as the first Truism of the new year.

I'd add that the folks who get downright hostile over a muzzleloading rifle which has an ignition source other than a flintlock or caplock fall into the Fudd category, too. :eek:


New member
My experience with FUDDs is that they are snobbish, conceited, stuck up and bad mannered. And also that most can't shoot worth two cents, can't hit the
broad side of a barn from the inside to use an old family phrase.


New member
Urban Dictionary has a good definition. No I did not submit this definition.:p


Slang term for a "casual" gun owner; eg; a person who typically only owns guns for hunting or shotgun sports and does not truly believe in the true premise of the second amendment. These people also generally treat owners/users of so called "non sporting" firearms like handguns or semiautomatic rifles with unwarranted scorn or contempt.
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