Ft. Hood officers weapons?

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
If she would have been sporting a .45 - of any make - it would have saved all of us taxpayers millions in medical and legal costs. Glock 21, Sig P220, Colt Commander would have got it done.
You don't know how big she was or how handy she was with a handgun. She ran to the scene. was shot and returned fire, she did just fine.

I had a partner who was always bragging about his kung fooey this and chop sooey that and how he would handle any situation we got in but every time we had a situation it was up to me to handle it while he called for back up or went to the bathroom. The good thing was he stayed out of my way. I barely know how to spell some of the things he said he was expert at, fortunately there was never a test on it.

Point is she ran to the fire and did what she needed to do when others would have gotten behind some cover first and hoped that somebody else would fix it for them. I will not question her bravery or her reactions, just showing up with her partner saved a lot of peoples lives.

Most in that room were not combat troops, one of the men killed was a corpsman and didn't live that far from me. Patching holes was his thing not hand to hand combat.


New member
My brother-in-law was a civilian cop at TACOM here in Warren, MI for a number of years. He was issued a Beretta. I think it was an M9, but it could have easily been a 92.

Super Trucker

New member
You don't know how big she was or how handy she was with a handgun. She ran to the scene. was shot and returned fire, she did just fine.

I do not think the guy you quoted said "she" did bad. I believe he was saying that if she had a different caliber she could/would have killed him, thus saving the cost of medical and trial.


New member
I think the guy is just expressing typical fanboy exhuberance for the magical .45

The 9mm stopped the BG when they hit the CNS, then they stopped shooting as trained. The BG is alive because of immediate medical attention and not the choice of handgun.

People are even hit with the mighty .50 BMG and live, if they receive immediate medical care.


New member
She got it done.....stayed in the fight after being shot.....She is a hero.

Don't ignore her partner, it was a team effort; Munley may have still been in the fight, but Sgt. Todd ended it.

Sergeant Todd said he then saw Sergeant Munley on the ground, wounded. He shouted again at the gunman to drop his weapon.

“Once I came around the front of the building, I caught his attention again, started shouting commands, and then he opened up a second time,” Sergeant Todd said. “And that’s when I returned fire, neutralized him and secured him.”

From: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/13/us/13hood.html


I read an account from an eyewitness active duty and he said it was the male officer that put down the piece O'Krap. But our P.C. media likes to play up the woman who stood her ground but got shot and was down.


New member
The BG is alive because of immediate medical attention and not the choice of handgun.

That is the one thing that I think is absolutely crazy about our country, and it drives me nuts. The BG, from what I read, was in critical condition. Do you realize how many surgeries he received? How much tax payer money was spent keeping a murderer alive to stand trial? It's insane.

Everybody is entitled to the due process of law, innocent until proven guilty, but in this case there is no doubt who the shooter was. And in the end, he may receive the death penalty.

So, the BG probably received over one million dollars in medical care so he can go to trial, and possibly be executed. Years ago my uncle was in a very bad car accident, and was in critical condition. After all of the medical treatment he received, his bill was over a million dollars. I assume the same is true in this case based on the condition and amount of care received by the BG.

Sorry for the rant, but I just think it is a terrible waste of taxpayer dollars.


New member
pple think saving this guys life is bad, what about the team that found sadaam? i would make certain if that was my team, he wouldn't have been walking out of that cave! and the same thing wouldve happened to the guy in ft hood. thats y most ccw classes state that if you must use your weapon, use it till the threat is eliminated (sounds like dead to me).


New member
It seems like "the partner" shot the guy. Every media outlet I heard said she did it. Why didn't they retract their stories.

I'm not down playing what she did. But she either stopped the guy or she didn't.

Anyway, what they did was impressive. They waded into a dangerous situation and took action, just like the cop in the nursing home. If I'm ever in a tight situation, I hope I could have the bravery and sound judgement they had.


New member
You're exactly right. They all acted bravely and got the job done. If "the partner" did indeed do it - that's no big story. Who cares what some 48 year old fat white guy did? Not sexy enough for the media. Besides, isn't that what 48 year old fat white guys are supposed to do?

My whole point was - he was shot 4 times and should have been dead. Deader than dead. Lawyers and accountants are now deciding what's best for our brave defenders to carry.

And if they spent as much time and money on weaponry for these folks as they do on radar detectors and hi-tech parking meters, we'd all be safer.