Ft. Hood officers weapons?


New member
Did it ever come out what kind of firearms the 2 police officers were using who took down the shooter at Ft. Hood? Maybe I just missed it, but I never saw anything about it. It just happened and was a big topic for a week, but not many details were given, and suddenly you just heard no more about it.. The cops were apparently using semi-auto pistols, but what kind? And did it come out which cop actually shot the dude, and how many times, and what was the scoop on how it actually all came down? Isthe shooter actually paralyized as he was claiming at the time?

I saw (on TV) both of the officers who took the shooter down in the audience at the State of the Union address (I think it was). They both appeared to be perfectly ok, which I was glad to see. I don't know if I just missed it, because I didn't see the whole address, but while I was watching, I didn't see Obama so as much as acknowledge them in the audience. Did he?


New member
Actually they were not connected to the military at all. Like many Army bases Ft. Hood now relies on the local city PD to provide normal law enforcement duties.

I hope that will now come under review. As much as these courageous officers did all that they could do, and stopped the gunman as soon as they arrived, I would think that if Military Police had been on LE duty and armed, they MAY have been able to arrive faster.

At any rate, the DOD policy of not allowing our military members to be armed on their own base is totally ludicrous and that policy should be abolished in this day of war on terror and the possibility of terrorist attacks on US soil.

As I recall, the female officer sustained serious enough injury that her career on patrol may be over. All our thoughts and prayers should be with her as she decides how her career develops from here.



New member

i dont know about all military personnel sporting weapons but i will absolutely support the fact that our bases should be patrolled by military police showing a strong and visible presence - geez i've seen more security at some airports than i have seen on some of our bases - granted they may not always be visible to the average civilian but they should be


New member
I have been stationed at Ft Hood for 4 years. The only sidearm I have seen on the civy cops have been some kind of glock. The MP's all carry the standard M9. As I understand it, the person who took down the terrorist was a female DOD cop(civilian).


New member
I have been stationed at Ft Hood for 4 years. The only sidearm I have seen on the civy cops have been some kind of glock. The MP's all carry the standard M9. As I understand it, the person who took down the terrorist was a female DOD cop(civilian).


I'm pretty sure the only authorized sidearms for MPs are M9s (Beretta 92Fs) and M11s (Sig Sauer P226s), but I never see the M11s. The DHS post police carry Glocks, I don't know if they can only carry what is issued or if they can choose their carry weapons. I think I'll ask.


New member
I'm pretty sure the only authorized sidearms for MPs are M9s

I agree. I know for a fact that the gate guards carry glocks. idk what model they carry but, I can clearly see the sights and grip when I drive on post.

As for the DOD police, I think they carry the same and the MP's carry M9's. I am only 100% on the gate guards and MP's tho.


New member
Now the latest news ! - The Army just announced that the Ft.Hood incident was indeed "terrorism". Well better late than never !:rolleyes:


New member
The response of the teacher in Littleton CO is decidedly different from the Ft. Hood soldiers. The soldiers were at the peak of physical fitness, but cowered under fire. They should have rushed the gunman from all sides. Don't be a passive victim.


New member
The response of the teacher in Littleton CO is decidedly different from the Ft. Hood soldiers. The soldiers were at the peak of physical fitness, but cowered under fire. They should have rushed the gunman from all sides. Don't be a passive victim.

It is easy to say that sitting behind a computer. You weren't there, and until you are in a situation like that, you really can't say much about it.

Also, the rate of fire from a bolt action hunting rifle is extremely low compared to two semi automatic pistols. I'm sure that was a factor.

Jack Bauer

New member
Actually they were not connected to the military at all. Like many Army bases Ft. Hood now relies on the local city PD to provide normal law enforcement duties.

As I understand it, they are DOD civilian police; if Ft. Hood operates like Great Lakes Naval Training Center (where I worked about 20 years ago) the police there are civilians, although operate under the mantle of the military; at GL, we had a "Director of Security," a Naval Lieutenant, to whom our civilian Chief of Police reported. I expect something similar at Ft. Hood...in which case, they would carry the M9 9mm w/ball ammo...

And just as an aside, when I worked for the DoD, our issue weapons were Ruger Service-Six .38 Specials with 130-gr. ball ammo...


Has Ayoob done a blow by blow on this incident? It would be interesting. The FN round used by the muslim bad guy is essentially the equalivent of a .22 mag rimfire from a rifle. He took a couple hits from the two officers and last I heard was paralyzed but unfortunately alive.


New member
>>>> essentially the equalivent of a .22 mag rimfire from a rifle.

Not even close.

I own one, 9-10 inches of penetration with a wound channel of 2-4 inches in ballistic jell is not a .22mag. And this is from the low power over the counter loads.

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New member
If she would have been sporting a .45 - of any make - it would have saved all of us taxpayers millions in medical and legal costs. Glock 21, Sig P220, Colt Commander would have got it done.


New member
If she would have been sporting a .45 - of any make - it would have saved all of us taxpayers millions in medical and legal costs. Glock 21, Sig P220, Colt Commander would have got it done.

She got it done.....stayed in the fight after being shot.....She is a hero.

I carry 45s but it is still a handgun round.


New member
If she would have been sporting a .45 - of any make - it would have saved all of us taxpayers millions in medical and legal costs. Glock 21, Sig P220, Colt Commander would have got it done.

Highly unlikely,even given equal shot placement,too many unknown variables.

Most importantly,she stopped the threat.
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