From sheep to empowered


New member
Prdator, physically hard in what way? If it's fitness/cardio/etc, I'm fine. If it's sparring like activity, I probably can't manage much with full size males...though I'm now tougher than I look! :cool:

What is MUC?

In fact, the only acronym in your post that I know is ECQC. Not sure if it was SouthNarc I was talking to. Some Shivworks guy in AZ?

Where is Mike Brown?

Lost Sheep

New member
So, did you let him go?

ava8harrierusmc1 said:
I have people tell me that i'm crazy for being like i am about fire arms i also have had people walk into my house at night while i was in my living room on my computer but luckly for me i sit with my 40 next to me at all times I just turn around slowly and said if you are not out of my house by the time i get to one from counting down from ten then i will put a bullet in you the guy tried to explain as i was counting but he left my house by two. and the next week it happened again but i just said i will shoot you and then call the cops to bring a body bag. Well after that i moved i don't want to shoot someone but if i have to i will. I n this day and time we can not take chances i'd rather shoot them then for them to hurt me or my family. So i say to you young lady keep up the good work and protect yourself and your loved ones.
Semper FI
Always Faithful

Someone tried to breach your perimeter and you let him walk?

I was not there, so I will not second guess your generosity past posing the question, "Why did you not detain the intruder for the police?"

I recognize there might be valid reasons, but I am curious which ones carried weight with you in your circumstances

Lost Sheep.

N.H. Yankee

New member
Sounds like you've done everything right. Also sounds like you have determined to not become a victim and have done the smart thing receiving training and getting insight on your choice of weapons. The only thing I would like to add, getting a shotgun, great choice of weapons, but having a loaded shotgun can also arm an intruder while your asleep or during a struggle. I keep my shotgun where it isn't easily seen and rely on my handgun strategically placed but not in plain view. Dogs, I feel are the greatest asset to a well guarded home, they can be a first alert so one can get their wits about them before someones in their room, as well as intimidating. Congratulations, your a perps worst nightmare.


New member

MUC = Managing Unknown Contacts.

ECQC and CQT is hard Sparing, but dont let that scare you to much as both instructors ( SouthNarc and Mike Brown) will give you the tools you need to get though it.

More info here. ( Southnarc)
( Mike Brown)

A web site dedicated to this kind of training. ( Id sugest reading a lot and posting a little at first.)

Let us know if you go to one of these classes.
Oh check out and look at the Tactical Conference This is a steel for the $ and I would recommend that anyone that has an interest in this stuff go to this event.
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New member
Phoebe you impress me with your decision making to take your own well being and safety and place it into your own hands. From more firearms training to unarmed combat in Krav, you keep doing what you are doing.

Use your firearms training to do things like clear your own residence.

One more thought, if you can afford it someday, perhaps some high speed performance driving courses too. It becomes one more tool in your bag.


New member
prdator, I still don't get what MUC means or would teach me.

I expect to be up for hard sparring in another 2-3 months of Krav Maga. Definitely not ready yet, even if the teacher would give me what I need. I want to feel prepared to get the most out of a fof class.

I WANT hard sparring. I don't think there is any other way to learn fof scenarios. But I'm still a bit too wimpy! ;)


New member
Just looked at Mike's web site and the CQT video. Uh, yeah! That's what I want.

Will I be the only female in there?? :confused:

Oklahoma is probably not reasonable for me to get to. But that is the kind of class I'm looking for.

In about a year, I think anyone who thought I look like an easy target will get the surprise of his life. (They'd still be surprised even now, but not as much as they will be.)


New member

Well you just might be the only girl in the class, and that would be either in CQT or ECQC.

"MUC" is Managing Unknown Contacts. The overview of the class is to give you the "tools" to manage people you meet. Basicaly if you have someone come up to you on the street and ask you for the time, you'll be able to handle that and with the techniques thought determine if the person is a threat or not.
You will also get the pre-assault indicators that every violent criminal aggressor goes though just prior to the act.

Look for a MUC/ ECQC class near you.

Keep up the good work.


New member

Thanks for your post. I've been preaching Womans Self Defense for years.

Its differant coming from you side of the issue.

Mike in VA

New member
Mam'selle, your story is most uplifitng, and I applaude you for taking control of & responsibility for your own life. Though I hope you'll never have to employ your new skills, there is great comfort and peace in knowing you can take care of yourself.

Pax vobiscum.


New member
My Krav Maga studio is partnering with my shooting range for a full weapons with simmunitions, training, but I don't know if they will let me play. Waah!

Sounds like it will be for advanced students, only.

My fof without guns is coming along. I think I can finally punch someone and not have them laugh at me. ;)

prdator, I was never given posting privileges on totalprotectioninteractive. I'm not sure why. I sent an email, hoping to hear back. I don't have a ton to say there, but as a female, sometimes my issues/questions/concerns are different -- esp with fof.

Lee Lapin

New member
Phoebe, it's great to hear from you again, and to find out how well you're doing. Keep it up!

I'd definitely recommend getting whatever classes you can from Southnarc. I have trained with him in the past and highly recommend his material.

It's vital to know how to handle situations that develop at very close range or at contact distances- we don't always see them coming, no matter how good we think our awareness is. Sometimes there has to be a hand to hand fight before you can get to your gun, and keeping your assailant from grabbing your gun when he finds it on your person (as he almost certainly will when in contact) needs to be instinctive.

These are IMHO critical skills that everyone who carries should have. We don't always have the luxury of seeing a situation develop. The skills Southnarc teaches are vital for those times "when your awareness fails" as he puts it.

Best wishes, and Stay Safe,



New member
I'm Inspired!

Phoebe, I believe I remember some of your earlier posts - your progress is amazing. As is your story. Thank God your life-changing experience was just a close call, and not much worse. But the real change isn't so much the gun, is it? The change is in you - it comes through in your words. Your description of the "old you" is pretty clear, everyone knows women (and men) like that. The "new you" is clearly more confident, more self-sufficient, and more able.

The change in your mindset from victim without a plan and totally unaware, to self-reliant with plans, training and growing skill set, just pours off the page. And I'll bet you money the people in your life can see it too, even if they don't know just what they're seeing. Empowerment. What a great word - what a great experience!

Congratulations on having come this far. Best of luck on your journey forward.