Friend attacked by 9 with batons had only 5-shot revolver

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Trigger Finger

New member
I think it was in Gotham City. Carrying a baton is a felony in California. Rubber Bullets! You don't want to mention the city. Warning shots!! ***.:rolleyes:


New member
Shots fired and no police response?? Don't sound like any police department I know of or the one I worked for. Police reports are public record, could you post a copy for us. I want to know where there is that kind of bad guys and that lack of police response so I can avoid it like the plague.



Nine junkies carrying batons?

A whole squad heroin addicted baton twirlers?

Baton Twirlers..... that's so...... 80's.

Oh, OK. Like the mall ninja batons? All nine of them had these batons? You'd think they'd have pawned them for a fix, being junkies and all.......

....well, stranger things have happened, ...... maybe. Be prepared: Carry at least 18 rounds (two for each possible baton wielding junkie)....... (smirk).

C Philip

New member
Wasting 40% of your ammo on warning shots is a terrible idea. Carrying rubber bullets is also a terrible idea. Your friend needs some serious advice if this really happened.


New member
I keep visualizing Death Wish 3 or the Warriors.
9 "junkies" with batons. I figure at least one would have a knife.
Where would one get rubber bullets? Why?

If true, it sounds weird.


It could be wierder..... they could be midget baton twirling junkies....... top that!

I know! I Know! ME! Me! (franticly waving hand) Albino Midget Baton Twirling Junkies!

Top That.
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