Friend attacked by 9 with batons had only 5-shot revolver

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Para Bellum

New member
Hi Folks,

want to share this with you: A friend of mine, his wife and two little kids were attacked by 9 Junkies with batons as they wanted to get to their car and drive home from a visit.

My friend only had a 5-shot ultralite snubby revolver, loaded with two rubber bullets and three Gold Dots.

He fired two warning shots into the ground but the junkies weren't impressed at all (speed, or some other drug).
He said, if he had actually shot at three of the junkies with the remaining three live rounds, the rest would have killed him for sure.

With lots of luck and heavy bruises on his arms (blocking the batons) and a demolished car (they threw cobblestones at his car) made it with his family in the car and could finally speed away. Fortunately none of the family members were hurt.

Police btw didn't care much. They didn't show up despite three distress calls from my friends wife and a relative who witnessed the scene. He had to drive to them (!)

I carry a .44 Mag Revolver as a sidearm for hunting (wild boar, main gun .30-06) and a 11-Shot 9mm Glock 26 with a 15 shot spare magazine for defense. This experience of my friend verified this "tactics" of mine.


New member
An attack involving multiple attackers, a woman, kids, and shots fired...

... and the police didn't come in force?

Where exactly does your friend live? This scenario seems way past unusual, at least as far as theoretical lack of police response.


New member

Where did this happen?

What sort of neighborhood was in he that 9 "junkies" are roaming around?

How did he get to a vehicle with 9 "junkies" threatening him with batons?

How did he manage to count how many "junkies" there were?

Seems like a story that would take place in Harlem/Compton/Liberty City, circa 1970. You sure he wasn't exaggerating just a little?

Para Bellum

New member
No exxageration, rather the opposite. I have seen the police report. I won't give the city away. But that was in a very "peaceful" place. Peaceful because politicians, media and police spread a cover over the reality of street violence and brutality. I have good contacts with police and some of them say that if they are called to a fight, they wait 5 minutes and then start their engine ("I'm neither paid well nor willing to fight a bunch of young bullies...").

Also from my own experience: I do not expect any help from police during an actual attack. They come and clean the place and hunt the thugs. But - even if they actually tried hard - they will hardly be there to actually fight for you.


New member
Where did he get rubber bullets? Warning shots don't come out of my CCW when my family is involved. Seems hard to believe that the police didn't show after multiple calls and shots fired.


Shoot to kill in self defense of yourself and family; a five shot would have been more than enough to stop the attack. Unless of course the remaining had a Death wish.


New member
if he had had 5 rounds and a reload, he might have faired better, no on the rubber bullets yes on a reload if he's carrying a 5 shot.


New member
This story has more holes in it than a machine gun shoot backstop.Someone has a wild imagination me thinks?Rubber bullets?Nine junkies carrying batons?


New member
If the attack was already over the police may have had higher priority calls. Dispatch by the way decides the priority of the calls where I live and not the police.

Hog Hunter

New member
WOOO, Five of the suckers woulda been layin on the dirt if it was me specially with the family right there.

Why in the world is he carrying rubber bullets?? To pi$$ people off when he shoots em. And second where did he get these rubber bullets?? WOW!! A rubber bullet!! That dont even make no sence at all. I could understand in a 12ga riot gun but a CW, I dont think so!!


New member
Hmmm... the only people I can think of who regularly carry batons are police officers and baton twirlers... assuming it wasn't the police, maybe a drug-crazed team of baton twirlers?

PB -

Glad your friend wasn't more seriously hurt, but this story does offer a host of humorous images for the imagination. No offense intended. :eek:


New member
Not to wish ill on anyone, but I'm glad so many folks around the country have hogged the quota of Speed-Junkies so I don't have to deal with them.

To come into contact in my area with NINE armed junkies engaging in a coordinated attack I'd pretty much have to go looking for them in an area I'd never go to in the first place. And it would probably have to be at night. IF I did such a foolish thing, then you better believe I'd carry a little more capacity than a 5 shot. However, unless some one is either unlucky and/or a bonehead, a 5 shot with a reload seems reasonable for SD....forget the rubber bullets.

There are meth labs blowing up left and right around here. I have worked with some meth heads (until they got fired for not showing up) from time to time. I once tried to chase a thieving tweaker down on foot several years ago when I worked at a big box store. I was an athletic sprinter and STILL never got within 15 feet of the guy. It's a helluva drug.
My point being that I live in an area where meth and drugs like it are very, very common. The abusers of it tend to crash their cars, neglect their children, run from cops, lose their teeth, and generally age 10 years in one year's time. They may SOMETIMES be violent and probably tougher to stop, but I think it's a little disingenuous to say they are roving in packs like vampires:rolleyes:


New member
"If the attack was already over the police may have had higher priority calls"

Really? They don't care about possible victims, the after math. The "9 junkies" trying to kill or rob people in a nice neighborhood. I would move out of that nice county, quick like.


New member
baton twirlers... assuming it wasn't the police, maybe a drug-crazed team of baton twirlers.

That's some funny stuff. I heard they were tuff.


New member
If 9 attacking junkies want to rob a guy they are going to do it. The wife and children are a non issue unless they get a beating also. Batons or not, nine can simply grab a guy and hold him to do whatever they want. You simply can't effectively fight off nine attackers who dog pile you all at once. Real life is not a Jet Li movie. Did these nine attackers line up like a Shawnee gauntlet and have the friend and family run through or something? This one is not passing the smell test.

Tell us the country if you are not going to name the city then. Austria I presume?
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