Found a micro chip in gun?


Active member
I don't like electronic do-dads hidden in guns with no way for me to access whatever information it may have on it - no HK's for me!


New member
RFID, no doubt.
Probably benign and innocent.
But, the implications are scary.
Can we say paranoia is justified boys and girls???? :eek:


New member
I just though it was part of a new age aiming system that talked to the bullets in flight to redirect them to the corrected aim point. And D@@N if all my bullets aren't defective!:eek:


New member
It's not the micro chip that bothers me...

But I really resent that probe thing!

I wonder if this only happens when the pistol sleeps?


New member
Your OK, unless you see Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith parked out in front of your house in a POS Ford!:D

cougar gt-e

New member

Nope! It's a liberal conversion chip. Every time you grip the gun, it activates and the conversion process begins! :eek:

Errr, well, that might be a stretch. Maybe. :D

I would expect that RFID chips will be placed in guns pretty soon as they can easily been inserted into the plastic before it hardens and then you can't easily remove it without destroying the gun. Used to determine if a gun is present as you pass toll booths, traffic lights, parking structures, etc.

It would be funny if under the chip in the picture was the "penalty for removing this chip" tag where you couldn't see it until after it was removed. I do something similar with my game cameras in the woods by adding a note with the message:

"Congratulations, you have stolen camera #16. To steal this camera, you had to pass at least 4 other cameras, potentially more. The theft of this camera is not just petty theft, but is also destruction of evidence of a crime. A FEDERAL offense. You can return the camera with $100 inside or be prosecuted"


New member
I wouldn't want a chip in my gun that I carry, but I wouldn't mind having a safe queen with the chip in a larger collection simply because of its rarity.


New member
"Congratulations, you have stolen camera #16. To steal this camera, you had to pass at least 4 other cameras, potentially more. The theft of this camera is not just petty theft, but is also destruction of evidence of a crime. A FEDERAL offense. You can return the camera with $100 inside or be prosecuted"

This can only be described as win! :D


New member
I wouldn't want a chip in any of my weapons..... BUT a few years ago someone where I worked that fit the questionable/unsavory type seemed to take more interest than I like in the fact I have quite a few firearms. So I started a little rumor that at least half of them have a GPS tracking chip embedded somewhere inside that, in the event of theft, I can pull up their exact location, route, time and travel data to within 2 meters. Said unsavory character never brought up another conversation with me. I occasionally let that rumor resurface just to discourage any festering curiosities before they develop around people I neither like or trust who happen to notice I'm a firearm enthusiast.


New member
For Sale!

IWB RFI Shielded Holsters, Fine Leather outter shell with patented "Copper Screen" for negating any radio frequency transmission.

Also in a pinch, works well as an emergency gasoline filter!


What about the S&W M&P series. Do they have some kind of chip in them?

Yep...and Bill and Hillary have access too besides ATF, DOJ, The Nation of Islam, ZOG and Big Sister.

You guys worry too much. I have had a chip inside me since the aliens working for Nixon took me back in '72 and other than the occasional pain in the lower colon, I have had no one from the gov't visiting me.

WildididgetaletterfromthemsayingtheywerereadingmythoughtsbutthosethoughtsmadenosenseandotherthanthatimcoolwithitgmoneyAlaska ™©2002-2010


New member
You know that would be an interesting company actually. Make a Lo-jack for guns in case of theft... or you get lost in the woods :D

You'd have to make sure it was a private company with lots of security to protect privacy, but it would interesting.