Forced entry into a residence and intruder shot


New member
A person who is breaking into my house is, by definition, not an innocent person.

You can live your life by your rules. Your rules do not apply to anyone other than you. I don't tell you how to think; don't tell me how to think.

Well no -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-. By definition when you speed youre a criminal too. We put a bit of common sense into laws.

I ask to provide evidence of your reaearch of homeowners dying from hesitating as you stated. You provided none.
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Posted by Moomooboo:
Andy. Do you live in a bad neighborhood? I cant imagine having a team of robbers show up jn my kitchen.
Well, I live in an excellent neighborhood, and I have in fact had to defend myself against violent home invaders on more than one occasion.

Think about it: (1) violent criminals are mobile, since they can easily steal automobiles; and if they intend to rob, they surely know that there is more to be taken from houses in "good" neighborhoods--that's were the money is.

One can expect street crime to be a problem in "bad" neighborhoods, but burglars are able to target better homes from which there is more in the way of valuables to be taken.

Crime maps and police reports show the difference.


New member
Oldman. Multiple occasions?

I can understand crime happening in good neighborhoods. But the rate and chances less.
Moomooboo said:
Well no -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-. By definition when you speed youre a criminal too. We put a bit of common sense into laws.
By definition, speeding is a civil infraction, not a crime. And I drive at or below the speed limit anyway.

I ask to provide evidence of your reaearch of homeowners dying from hesitating as you stated. You provided none.
And I do not intend to dignify such a ridiculous request with an answer.

44 AMP

I am reminded of some (paraphrased) words from the sage Foxworthy..
"a criminal sees a nice house, well kept yard, flowers along the walk, he thinks, hmm might be something in there worth taking...

When he sees a yard with weeds four feet high, cars up on blocks, an engine block hanging by a chain from a tree in the back, he thinks "that's a house where a gun lives!

And buddy, you want to find out what kind? just come through that window some night!...;)


New member
By definition, speeding is a civil infraction, not a crime. And I drive at or below the speed limit anyway.

And I do not intend to dignify such a ridiculous request with an answer.

Certain Speeding is a misdemeanor. And im sure weve done it.

If youre not going to back up your ridiculous statements, theb you shouldnt make unresearched claims then.
Moomooboo said:
If police have a no knock warrant, they still yell police right?
Sometimes. But they always claim they did ...

I could see a nightmare scenario where people break in and start yelling police to confuse the person.
It happens almost every day, somewhere in the U.S. Don't you read the news?

Evan Thomas

New member
Moomooboo said:
Maybe .001% of all home invasions.
Speaking of unresearched claims, Moomooboo, if you're going to cite statistics such as this, you need to provide a source for them. Where did you find this number?