For all you Savage haters


New member
I never really had a desire to own a Savage I always thought of them has a "poor mans Rem 700" even though I always heard they were accurate. What lead me to getting one was wanting a 6.5 Creedmoor and not being able to find one anywhere. Remington doesn't even chamber one and they only heavy barrel factory one I could find was a Savage LRP problem with that was I couldn't find one in stock anywhere. Their are some custom 6.5 Creedmoor rifles out there that start for around $3000. Even with the new doner rifle and new barrel I will have less than $1000 into it.


New member
I don't hate savage... I hate how ugly they are...

I don't argue about the accuracy potential of Savage barrels.
It's the hideous looks, unfriendly safety, terrible bolt location, and recent cost-cutting measures that make me a "hater." :D

When I want a "Savage-style" rifle, I buy a Marlin X7. Modern Winchester Model 70-inspired receiver. Simple bolt. Better ergonomics. Nowhere near as ugly. Better safety. Better shooter protection (in regards to gas and debris shields and vents). Much better trigger. I can use Savage barrels. And they're $230-300, instead of $500-900+.... ;)


New member
When I want a "Savage-style" rifle, I buy a Marlin X7. Modern Winchester Model 70-inspired receiver. Simple bolt. Better ergonomics. Nowhere near as ugly. Better safety. Better shooter protection (in regards to gas and debris shields and vents). Much better trigger. I can use Savage barrels. And they're $230-300, instead of $500-900+....

Good points on the X7. I've been keeping my eyes open for an X7 stainless just for the action to build off of. I now know that Ruger American uses different threads than Savage, but what about the barrel nut setups of Mossberg, Winchester's XPR, and Remington's 783?

Tony Z

New member
In the five plus decades I've been a shooter, there have been a lot of guns that never entered my radar screen to purchase. I was ruined right out of the gate by perusing my father's full color Weatherby catalog, back in the mid 50's (no Vanguards in those days, just wild inlays, etc.).

Reading the gun mags in the 60's, I remember talk of the "stamped" parts populating the Remington line. My lusting were on the soon to be discontinued pre-64 Winchesters and imported rifles & shotguns. I have never fond Savage (110, IIRC) to be particularly handsome, with the odd look of the bolt and the butt end of the barrel.

But as I've also found, you grow on some guns that you acquire, and pretty soon you forget about the warts and concentrate on the accuracy or that tactile feel as moving parts mate. Looking over the current offerings of rifles, I find little on the shelf of the LGS that I really like, until I get near and/or past the $1,000 tag. BUT at that level, you're less inclined to monkey around to improve the gun.


New member
I've owned and shot enough Savage rifles to conclude they are somewhat over rated. To their credit Savage developed a manufacturing method that does not require the precision machining that other manufacturers need to be accurate.

I've not found a Savage to be a bit more accurate than any other rifle that was put together right, in fact I don't think their barrels are all that great. The difference is that it is less critical that a Savage be assembled with the same care as other brands. The net result is fewer inaccurate rifles. As a rule they are no more or less accurate than anything else.

At one time they developed a reputation for building a much less expensive rifle that was as accurate as guns costing much more. But that is no longer the case. Newer manufacturing methods have resulted in several other brands that not only look much better, but are more accurate and cost less to boot.


New member
After having sold all my other rifles ( traded in I should say). I have to wonder jmr40. I also sight rifles in every year. Dollar for dollar I believe you will not find another rifle that will out shoot savage. One for example is the Remmy 700.
Now,bed it, trigger job and misc It might shoot as good but never better. Of course I am very Bias:D. Now for looks lets take a Savage Axis and a Ruger all american. As ugly as Savage is it is a Cadillac compared to the Ruger for looks.
So you add it up. Cheap, Accurate, easy barrel change, hands down Savage all the way. Course that's just me. . In Fact I after buying my first Savage Edge, Traded everything I owned in on all Savages. I have 9 of them now. I also have a Savage 6MMBR. Out shoots many,many top custom made rifles every weekend. Now I am not comparing them to Cooper by any means. Man I want one of those baby's.
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New member
A Savage definitely isn't built for beauty. But, they just shoot and shoot very, very well. I have a cheapo Axis in the 308 and a 110 in 243. They both shoots lights out and do so with about everything you put down the barrel. From factory to handloads. They both just shoot. The light weight hunter my brother owns is easy enough to look or, at least easier to look at. And it flat out shoot's too.

I don't like the way they look but, I like the way they shoot. God Bless


New member
Good points on the X7. I've been keeping my eyes open for an X7 stainless just for the action to build off of. I now know that Ruger American uses different threads than Savage, but what about the barrel nut setups of Mossberg, Winchester's XPR, and Remington's 783?
The Remington 783 was Remington's answer to the Marlin X7 out-selling Remington's other "budget rifles" at a lower price point. They stole the trigger, bolt face, receiver geometry, barrel geometry, and barrel nut geometry from the X7. ...Basically everything important. And with that, they created the 783.
Then they forced Marlin to discontinue the X7, so that there would only be the more profitable (and uglier) option. :rolleyes:
So... the 783's barrel nut looks a bit different, but is identical to the X7's in critical dimensions.
I don't know about the Mossberg or XPR.

Right now, there's a Remington-built XL7 in my safe that's waiting on a Savage .35 Whelen barrel.


New member
I can't stand the way my $275 axis looks. And it REALLY bothers me that it shoots like this
Darn it! drat! Not pretty at all!;)


"Anybody know why? It's because of the floating bolt head."

Actually NO, not that at all. Although the separate bolt head is handy when switching case head size, the barrel nut is the key to easy home barrel swapping.


New member
Dollar for dollar I believe you will not find another rifle that will out shoot savage
That's what all the "fanboys" say about all their favorites

Reality is they are no different than any other brand when it comes to accuracy

Their popularity is based mainly on the price


New member
Snyper, the Savages actually are different from the other brands. They have a floating bolt head. In a non-blue printed action, that makes a huge difference. Production actions are not blue printed.

I am not a "fan boy" of Savage. I have a lot of them, but Winchester and WBY Mark V are what I am "fanboys" of.


New member
Snyper, the Savages actually are different from the other brands. They have a floating bolt head. In a non-blue printed action, that makes a huge difference. Production actions are not blue printed.
They are no different in performance.
Many other brands will shoot just as well


New member
Snyper--you need to own a couple of Savage rifles. Then YOU might be a fan boy too!
I've owned Savages, which is how I know they are nothing special.

Their selling price makes them popular, and the owners claim they outperform all others when it's simply not so.


New member
Snyper, the statement was "dollar for dollar." Across the lineup, I know of no other brand that will shoot as good as the Savage at each price point.


New member
Snyper-Their owner claim they outperform- That is coming from owners 1 st hand. Owners that have had other brand names, owners that have shot other brand names, Owners that can confirm that they shoot better. Your opinion is valid for you and no one disagrees with your opinion. Fact is-Your in a minority.
9 out of 10 say they shoot better- You say they don't- Ummmm I will go with the 90% group. I base my opinion on having had remmy's, Win, and Tikas.
You base yours on ?. I would like to hear what your expirence is. I see people in F-Class shooting the Axis at 600 and 1000 yards. I see very nice shooting with them. I am not saying they are the best- they have cheap stocks, horrible triggers, But when the targets come back to the table and sit side by side- Low and behold that ugly savage has done it AGAIN, just like it did the time before and the time before.---- Now back to this Cooper I want:D


New member
Let's see 22-250,.223,270,308,30-06,338wm,6.5 creedmoor guess there's a reason I own these in savage and I have never had a animal laugh at me because of the looks and I myself don't care what they look like, they are all accurate shooters. I started with a 06 Tikka Hunter then bought a axis 22-250 and it amazed me at 200 yards to the point I added these other ones and never looked back. I like my bolt collection.

wild willy

New member
I've had a lot of them over the years.Sooner or later just like any gun you will get one that doesn't shoot that great.It is amazing how well they shoot as rough as some of the barrels are.My Tikkas shoot just as good and my Ruger American shoots better than my old short action 110 .243 did.Nothing wrong with them except that they are ugly.To a lot of people cheap is the most important thing