Food, Water, Fuel, Ammo - Who's gearing up....


New member
Libertarian, the Iraqi's and their apologists, along with foes of the USA, will use any argrument to make their point against taking military action against Iraq. I think Bush's point is that he made his case to the UN for both domestic and foreign consumption.

If the UN fails to act on Bush's insistence, then that is their affair. They cannot stop the USA from taking action.

I am not defending the UN or Israel. But the situation with Iraq is different. Iraq has made war on two neighbors resulting in 800,000 deaths. Saddam used mustard gas on the Iranians, and poison gas on Iraqi Kurds, killing thousands.

These weapons are outlawed under international treaties.

Numerous UN member states, including Arab states, were involved in the Gulf War with UN approval and resolution. The war ended in a cease fire, not a peace treaty.

Technically it might be argued that Iraq is in a state of war with the UN.
I can tell you when a 3 or 6 month supply of food has been a lifesaver for many. You get hurt, sick or get laid off from your job. If you have put away a supply of food and were smart enough to have put away things that the family likes to eat, you will be able to use money that you would have spent on food for thing like mortgage, utilities, car payment etc.
You also save money if you shop wisely and buy bulk foods that you eat on a regular basis. Just don't make the mistake of buying more than you will use before it goes bad.
Having extra food also gives you the comfort in knowing that your family will never go hungry.
One well placed dirty nuke or Bio couild cause major disruptions in the economy and distribution of food.
If you rotate your food and use what you buy you will be ahead of the game.
About the only thing I can really see causing a serious problem is a nationwide epidemic.

A good example is the Spanish Flu of 1917-1918. Entire towns sealed themselves off from the outside and there was rampant panic, but even so there are really few reports of services being completely and totally disrupted.


New member
How many first time gun owners who bought there guns because of Y2K or the 9-11 attacks take the time to learn to be safe and effective with the weapons they purchase?

Here's one.

I bought my first gun for two reasons: 1) I had wanted one for some time; and 2) it sounded like it might be a good idea right before Y2K (just in case). Since getting into guns as a hobby I've taken the basic saftey courses, a self-defense/concealed-carry course and spent a week at Thunder Ranch (Urban Rifle). I've certainly done my part for the economy since buying my first one, because I've spent a lot of money on other guns and support equipment. I know how to use all of them and would consider myself to be fairly proficient. I'm now known to be the 'go-to' person for friends and co-workers when it comes to anything firearms related.

I know I'm not the norm when it comes to first time buyers, but people like 'me' do exist. :)
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New member
The wife & I took the entire year to prepare for Y2K disruptions. The guns, we already had. We bought hurricane lanterns, food, and toiletries. These came in handy as we moved that summer and the budget was tight. All that canned food, toothpaste, soap & such was a lifesaver. To me, when food prices are as low as now, stored goods can be like money in the bank. Even if you're only eating beans & rice, at least you're EATING.