Food, Water, Fuel, Ammo - Who's gearing up....


New member
for the coming "festivities"?

After 9-11, it dawned on me that I was completely unprepared. Essentially, I was a "sitting duck". I had no extra supplies of food, water, and fuel. So, with the anniversay approaching, I decided to do something about it. I've been stocking up on food, water, and fuel. I have enough to last about 2 weeks without resupply in the event of a disruption in services.

I'm curious as to how many other TFLr's have decided to do something similar.


Christopher II

New member
What festivities?

I'm planning on stocking up on beer and other potable liquors, for the planned "9/11 Anniversary Party," but aside from that... :D

- Chris


New member
No more so than I ever do. I try to always have at least two weeks worth of food in the house in case of something unexpected. I may get some extra kerosene and few more bottles of water if a hurricane is coming my way though.


New member
Gearing up? For what?

Only those in Arlen, Tejas are gearing up for the space alien invasion? His name is Dale and he drives a van with a bug on it. He is also a part-time bail recovery agent.:D

To memorialize 9/11 I'm going to do something that will really upset the Barbary pirates. I'm going into the office and then to the gym to ogle the young & nubile. Take that, Akhmed!


New member
I'm going into the office and then to the gym to ogle the young & nubile. Take that, Akhmed!

Achmed's probably ogling the yount and nubile too, if their penchant for strip clubs was any indication.


New member
I aLWAYS keep a stock of ammo, water, and food on hand... so, nope!

I too have Glenlivet and Glenfiddich on hand... (in case outside supply lines are down)


New member
Nope. Been there, done that..... In fact I a had a garage sale a month ago selling many never used Y2K supplies, including a 5,000 watt generator. I still have plenty of food and water though.... lol


New member
I think it's just common sense to keep three or four days worth of stable and portable food, water, and other supplies on hand, just in case. Of course, given those parameters, I have a lot of common sense.;)
If the poop hits the propeller, and I really need anything, I'll just take one of my horrible killer death machines and visit one of my liberal whining puke Democrat namby-pamby shirking pansy neighbors.

Anti-gunners -- The new shopping source for supplies in an emergency. :D
I have a 27 gallon tank for storage of fuel, but anytime I drive my '73 Cadillac converible out on a nice sunny day, it doesn't take long for my reserves to run dry.

No, I don't stock up on anything except ammo.


New member
I think I`ll go to the mall and buy some books and a video game.

5000 watt generator? Piker. 25kw in the back yard. :D I could pull the 4 cyl. engine and build a car with it. That is, as long as it runs on propane.:cool:


New member
Thanks for all of the comments.
I'm not fearful, but I am careful. Living in the DFW area, if there is ever the slightest disruption in any of the basic services, this place will go nuts............ The majority of the residents are lifelong city dwellers and would panic if they couldn't go to Tom Thumb for their bagels. If the SHTF, I want to be able to kick back, light a good cigar, pour a good Scotch and watch the festivities from a distance. I retired my tinfoil hat when Ronald Reagan became president...............



New member
Cases of beer...check
Pork chops...check
2 Smuggled Cohibas...check

Hmm...looks like I'm all geared up for 9/11/02! Osama, if you're reading this: kiss my a$$!


New member
"I'll just take one of my horrible killer death machines and visit one of my liberal whining puke Democrat namby-pamby shirking pansy neighbors"

I love nature.


New member
Mike has a GREAT idea...I got a neighbor who ABHORS guns, but has a garage full of supplies, a generator, and all the good stuff...

I dunno WHY I am stocked upon anything besides guns and ammo... as with my guns, what's his is mine! (he'll also get an edumacation on the use and usefulness of firearms, won't he?