FOBUS vs my guns finish????


walther, the question begs to be answered...
do i care if my shovel has dirt on it? no, its a shovel.
the glock is a pistol that was and is sold on the merit that it is pretty much indestructable. that doesnt mean its gonna be pretty and shinny.
heck, its plasic and black metal.
if you wanted a good looking pistol why not buy a blued steel gun.
alot of people who buy glocks do so becuse they are 99% maint. free. then the same folks pamper them and broode over them like engraved S&W wheel guns.
i dont get it.

Andrew LB

New member
[well the XD is known for having a terrible finish.

I've had mine for three weeks now and i've already noticed a few spots where the finish isnt the greatest.

But in the end, it shoots far better than my friends glocks as well as every other polymer gun like an HK 9mm semi-auto. I was way more accurate at 25 yards than he was.

He is also a noob though. Once i changed his stance and breathing... he improved greatly

I keep mine locked up in a metal case so they don't bang around during trips to the range or desert.

Pllus... the amount money i saved as well as accuracy, feel, balance, etc, the XD was far superior. Yesterday we shot my XD-9, and my friends Glock 19 and his 9mm HK polygun which has a slightly longer barrel than my XD and i was in the black at 25 meters with mine..... and not so accurate as his guns when we took turns trading off. Plus i think the HK is ugly as sin.

IWhen the wear on my XD-9 starts to have issues one day, but so far its ben great (600+ rounds in the past two weeks)

There are two very slight corner marks in the metal.... so eventually i'll probably get tho metal re-finished.