Flying Backwards

Don P

New member
The most powerfui effect of the 1911 is causing you to buy drapes. When I bought my SW 1911Sc - my wife said if you could afford that, you can afford new drapes for the living room.

Me other half prefers jewelry.:eek: Glad I was not drinking when reading the quote:p

Hey, on the Midway gun show on Wed., it was stated that a 45 ACP hit in the pinky will spin you around and knock you down.

Yep and this idiot works at the NRA museum in Virginia. have seen him many times on the American Rifleman show on Wed.

Eagle Eye

New member
When shot, the victim always falls forward, does a half somersault, and lands on a pile of mattresses below the roof top. Gee whiz....don't you guys pay attention? :p


New member
You only fly backwards if you are in a Beech Starship :cool:



New member
Flying backwards.

I have heard before, from some folks on this board even, that a .45 ACP will remove the limbs of adults and vaporize dogs or small children.

I have also heard that 9mm will simply cause an itchy rash near the point of impact.

Apparently though the .50 GI will actually reduce full size cattle to puddles of liquid and can knock over mobile homes.

Let's not even get to the .44 Magnum......:eek:

Chuck Dye

New member
There can be a psychological/physiological reaction that sends you backward at a pretty good clip.

A friend, LEO and formerly chief of a major city's PD, describes going straight back onto her butt when hit center-of-mass while wearing a vest. She says her clearest memory is of flying backward, shooting between her feet and thinking, more than anything else, "Don't! DO NOT shoot your own foot!"

For the record, good guys one, bad guy minus one.


New member
A vest will stop the bullet faster, meaning decreasing momentum faster.
Newton's second law:
dp/dt = F
Meaning you'll experience more force if the bullet is stopped in less time (less distance). Btw, consider being hit by a fist in the chest (for those that have experienced it). Your body automatically moves backwards, to decrease the impact. Most punches wouldn't be hard enough to send you backwards too, but your body protects itself. I think a bullet would have the same effect.


The only gun I have seen that will literally make something fly backwards is the mini gun on the A-10 - it will, literally, push the plane backwards when firing

Everything else is just not true


New member
I have seen people stumble backwards, but no flying yet.

Less you could the A Team with flying in the tank and using the main cannon to guide it :cool: :p

warrior poet

New member
Everyone talks about "tactical" rifles... I prefer strategic one: M777A2- 155mm cannon. I hate to give props to the 0811s, but it is the biggest "rifle" on the battlefield. :D

P.S. The A-10s main gun is the 30mm Avenger. It is a Gatling based design, a larger version of the "minigun," the M134- 7.62 mm. Some people call ALL Gatling based designs "miniguns."

Semper Fi


New member
iirc John Wayne was involved with creating the belt that makes it look like people are being blown away. It has an unfortunate name so searching for it leads to embarrassing results. But try your luck googling for the "jerk off belt".:eek:
You only fly bakcwards if you are hit with a .45acp fired out of a Glock
John Moses Browning frowns upon your shenanigans.

Most people, when shot, tend to pitch forward in response, but nothing out of a handheld weapon can generate the energy necessary to move a person's body. No matter what the guys at the gun shop say.


New member
9mm rounds just stun the target. .45 ACP, hit anywhere on the body, will instantly open up a space-time disturbance and send pieces of the target flying everywhere, some into the mini-black hole and never found again.





*orange soda traverses from mouth to nostrils*



New member
but nothing out of a handheld weapon can generate the energy necessary to move a person's body.

While I know what you mean, I have to correct this one. It should be:
Nothing out of a handheld weapon can generate the impulse necessary to move a person's body

A 9x19mm would have enough energy to send a 75kg person moving at 4 m/s for example, but not all energy is transformed into movement, so only the impulse matters. For example: even the mighty 50 BMG only has enough impulse to move a person back at 0.5448 m/s, given that it would transfer ALL impules (which would require a lot of steel in that person :p )


New member
I shot a small deer at 3' with a 12 guage slug. The shot was square between the eyes, the deer didnt even blink. No being thrown into the next county, but I would have thought it should have blinked.

Chuck Dye

New member

How about .0408 m/s? I get that based on a 124gr bullet at 1250fps, a stationary 75kg recipient:p, and complete conservation of momentum (no exit.)